Sacramento, Indiana Closing in on Deal?

Listening to Grant and Mike and it seems like it may be a done deal. Nothing official just no denial and talking like it's just a formality.

*** Side note Grant said that he had talked to a player today that told him there will be a major multi team trade tomorrow possibly involving AI.
Listening to Grant and Mike and it seems like it may be a done deal. Nothing official just no denial and talking like it's just a formality.

*** Side note Grant said that he had talked to a player today that told him there will be a major multi team trade tomorrow possibly involving AI.

Just as long as he doesn't come to the Kings I'm fine! ;)


Hall of Famer
Im just really against Saras taking away time from Douby at the backup PG spot.

I mean, they are both shooters...But...

Douby is longer...Douby is more athletic...Douby has the higher ceiling.

Then you add the fact that you would have the atrocious defensive tandem of both Bibby and Saras coming at you...And the fact we still have incompetent interior defenders.

I just don't like it one bit.

I don't want to bring in a piece that will not significantly upgrade us at the expense of stopping the early development of a youngster.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Sounds like Bozi's agent is going to make an announcement tomorrow. Jason Ross (?) on KHTK at 4:30 pm said that he made that statement earlier today.

C'mon, why wait? Inquiring minds want to know!
so we get a 1st year 30 year-old PG making 4 mil a season! Jesus...another crappy contract. Instead of getting younger/better or releasing some of our junk to Indiana...they do it to us at the expense of Bonzi.
so we get a 1st year 30 year-old PG making 4 mil a season! Jesus...another crappy contract. Instead of getting younger/better or releasing some of our junk to Indiana...they do it to us at the expense of Bonzi.
He's only getting 4 Million for each of the next two years....that's not a bad contract. Foster is going to get about an average of 5.5 Million for the next 3 years. That's not too bad either...
I was predicting that he would walk for nothing since Petrie dosn't do many sign and trades.

Bringing in Foster would help at the C position. Not sure about the other guy. A couple years ago I would have worried about bringing a guy like Foster here (because Adelman wouldn't have played him), but now I feel it's the right move to make. Maybe the guy will light a fire under Brad.
I am not really a fan of this proposed trade...but one legitimate question I am sure Kings brass is asking themselves is the idea of building around two power post players who happen play the 2 guard and 3 spot in Artest and sorta inverts your play sets...and when u have SAR on the roster have to wonder is this a mix that u really want?

It makes for awkward spacing on the court at times when your players are all fighting for a spot on the block.

I don't know ....I trust Petrie.

Foster -- YES, a guy we need.

Saras --- NOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:
I'm surprised that this was even brought up again, it died for some days, and now it's back to create stuff. Since they got Daniels... and now have at the wings:

Daniels/Granger/Williams/White/possibly Jackson and Sarunas.

I figured Daniels starts with Granger.

Would rather be right than wrong, would at least like getting Foster.
I'm still crossing my fingers that Marquis Daniels is included. Right now this trade doesn't quite square with me. Pacers would have too many wing players, Kings would have five :)eek: ) point guards. Daniels/Foster for Bonzi makes more sense to me, although I'm sure Pacers fans would like it even less.

PG: Bibby/Douby/Hart
SG: Martin/Daniels/Garcia
SF: Artest/Garcia/Daniels
PF: SAR/Foster/KT
C: Miller/Foster
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I don't like this trade at all unless it is a precursor to bigger moves. I'm all for K-Mart getting more minutes and developing but 1 or 2 more years as a back-up probably would be best for him, also now we are stuck with Douby and Cisco backing up SG, while they both have potential I'm not sure either are ready for many minutes (Cisco maybe but he tends to be very inconsisten). What happens if Cisco gets on a bad stretch and Douby shows he isn't ready yet? Then what are we going to do? Also bigger guards will be able to push our 3 SG's around at will.
Daniels would not be included for Bonzi.

Outside of his lack of long range shooting, Daniels fits nearly every need the Pacers had at the guard spots, and the Pacers got him in a steal for fan favorite Croshere. Turning around and shipping him for Bonzi doesn't make sense. Bonzi doesn't fit as well, has character issues, and is older.
Daniels would not be included for Bonzi.

Outside of his lack of long range shooting, Daniels fits nearly every need the Pacers had at the guard spots, and the Pacers got him in a steal for fan favorite Croshere. Turning around and shipping him for Bonzi doesn't make sense. Bonzi doesn't fit as well, has character issues, and is older.
I agree with you, but there's quite a bit of smoke out there, you gotta wonder if there's a fire.
imo i don't think the pacers do this deal... they will have NO centers on the team, with pollard a FA and if foster is traded... jermaine o'neal has already said he prefers the power forward position, not center....

does not make sense at all for the pacers... they will be almost an all 6'7 and under team, except for J.O.
You watch more Pacers games, so I won't disagree with you, but what you said about Jeff guarding the best offensive player doesn't prove nothing. JO is a big part of the offense and having Foster guard the other team’s best offensive player can be strategy to protect JO. Not having to baby-sit good offensive players frees up JO to help out on penetrators and takes advantage of his blocking ability.

How does that prove nothing? You're right that it doesn't mean that JF is a better defender than JO, but let's be realistic, the Pacers aren't going to put a defensive liability on the other team's best player to save JO some energy, especially when most of league's stars do both. JF is at least a solid to very good post defender.
Saras is not a bad player. I happen to think he opens things up down low because of his long range shooting. Lets not forget that this may be just a piece of the trade. If six teams are involved then we could be doing more.
jeff foster "Good low-post defender... Great lateral quickness for his size... Plays with high intensity and runs the floor well... Excellent leaping skills... Very good offensive rebounder... Lacks offensive talent." Did anybody see the layup drill the Spurs did against us in the playoffs? Namely Parker and Ginboli penetrating at will because slow as molasses Miller couldn't rotate, contest, or even intimidate guys who are close to a foot shorter than him. Foster doesn't block shots that is confirmed, but he clogs the paint, and is a guy who can help contain Duncan, Amare, Garnett, Odom(he dominates us) etc. He wont shut them down, but he hustles and plays hard, and that is worth bringing him over.
Jeff Foster is NOT the answer to our frontcourt problems, especially not at the price of our best rebounder.

BTW this crap about Bonzi gettin old is tiresome. Foster/Sarunas are the same age as Bonzi, but less talented.

I don't like this trend of trading one good piece for several mediocre pieces. That is the exact opposite of what teams do to try to contend.

Webber turned into Thomas, Williamson, and Skinner. Bleh. Clear dropoff in talent, Thomas' contract actually runs longer than Webber's, and the beginning of our severe frontcourt anemia (need I remind you of the Seattle series?)

Skinner, while of marginal utility, traded for two even more useless pieces in Monia and Potapenko. Bleh.

On the other hand, Ostertag and B-Jax, non-starters, became Bonzi, our best player during the season and playoff leader. That's a good trade... consolidating talent rather than diluting it.

Odom, Grant, and Butler for O'Neal... who got the better end of that deal, the team acquiring flexible pieces or the team who went "all in" for the greatest impact in a single player?

Now we are talking about trading our best two guard for a backup center and 3rd string PG. I would think Petrie is smarter than that at this point in his career.

We need to bring back Bonzi if he can be had for anything resembling reasonable terms. And if we absolutely have to sign-and-trade, I'm sure we can do better than Jeff Foster.
Word out of Orlando (where the Pacers are playing in the summer league) is Bird is denying this rumor, saying there is no truth to it.

Source: Mark Montieth former Pacers beat writer is hosting a radio show here in Indy tonight and Pacers current beat Mike Wells spoke with Bird today and evidently Bird said there is no truth to the rumor of Bonzi for Foster and Saras.

I'll report more on this later

Or maybe you can listen at
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
jeff foster "Good low-post defender... Great lateral quickness for his size... Plays with high intensity and runs the floor well... Excellent leaping skills... Very good offensive rebounder... Lacks offensive talent." Did anybody see the layup drill the Spurs did against us in the playoffs? Namely Parker and Ginboli penetrating at will because slow as molasses Miller couldn't rotate, contest, or even intimidate guys who are close to a foot shorter than him. Foster doesn't block shots that is confirmed, but he clogs the paint, and is a guy who can help contain Duncan, Amare, Garnett, Odom(he dominates us) etc. He wont shut them down, but he hustles and plays hard, and that is worth bringing him over.

You have to be careful wiht those hoopshype scouting reports. Everybody's an all-star, and I do mean EVERYBODY. ;)

In any case, teh thing with Foster is that he does NOT clog the lane. Where he would be useful is maybe as a guy we could put on Duncan, not as somebody to stop Parker or Manu from penetrating.
I don't think this is a home run, by any means. All things being equal, I'd rather see the Kings keep Bonzi. But there are a couple of considerations other than talent that may be at play here.

1) Rick Adelman's no longer the coach. Maybe in his job interview Muss said something to the effect of, "I like your roster, but ..." Rick had a lot of success over the years with alleged problem guys. Maybe, with Musselman's reputation as a hard-a**, management decided that a locker room with Artest and Wells could be too volatile and that to give Muss a fighting chance, one (Wells) had to go.

2) Remember Gerald Wallace? Good athlete, lots of potential, couldn't get a minute of run with the Kings, never developed, went to the Bobcats, got some PT and had a pretty nice season last year? Perhaps Petrie thought of that scenario -- substituting KMart and/or Garcia for Wallace -- in thinking about the ramifications of committing to Wells for 4-5 years.

Could the Kings do better than this trade? Maybe. Could they lose Wells to the Pacers if all Indy offers is the MLE? Possible, but unlikely. Wells' agent is trying to convince the Kings to bid against themselves, since no one else with cap space has made a bigger offer, but Petrie is too smart for that. I don't think the Kings are being FORCED into this trade; I think they have hesitations about Bonzi and WANT to make a trade.
I wouldn't let Bonzi go unless it was a deal that we simply could not pass up. Foster and sarunas---pass (if granger was included then maybe, but Bird is not going to let him go)