The whole Fox situation is quite complicated. I am part of the "minority" (in the forum at least) and I don't hate his guts, will also be watching how he does in every chance I get as long as Kings don't play at the same time and I have free time. "FOX" is my youngest daughter first word to know how to write, they do the "W" he used to do in the DPOG celebration and they ask me to clap my fingers that he did at that video where he is watching the buzzer beater at Orlando. Also unlike most of you guys I haven't "lived" these whole things in a daily basis, from radio infos, podcasts and stuff.
The issue in my case that "the narrative" when it comes to the media is "Kings sold Fox for bread crumps", "another blunder from Kings F.O", "they finally gave away both Haliburton and Fox" and ok in some major accounts/sites I get it cause they tend to favor the popular markets from US sites/pages I mean. But reading Greek media is even worse, they were titles like "I thought I would spend my whole career in Sacramento" used as headlines because Fox had them mentioned in his farewell message and of course in social media the majority of the (Greek) people mock the Kings organization since they are already biased after the whole Sasha situation last year (moreover Olympiakos fans).
So it's like quite the opposite, here in Kingsfans everybody is against Fox, and in all NBA-related Greek pages/sites/accounts everybody is mocking Kings as an organization. I try to explain them how the real situation is (with Klutch factor etc) but nobody really gets it.
I wonder how things are in Australia and other countries that there are other members here from, how do media "present" the whole thing.