Welcome Devin Carter

I was super stoked to see Kim English, Devin's coach at Providence College, in the stands tonight next to Wes. Kim played at Mizzou, and he is to Mizzou what Doug Christie is to Sacramento...a beloved True Son who represents the best of who your program is. He played under Mike Anderson and Frank Haith, did a stint with the Pistons, and a couple of years in the Euro League.

Knowing who Devin's mentor is makes me even more excited about his potential. If he blows up, I wonder if English might get an assistant coaching opportunity with the Kings? My Mizzou heart can see him taking over when Christie retires after multiple championships, but I suppose it's possible that I'm getting ahead of myself...
Crazy - Mike Brown might still be coaching the Kings if this rookie would have been healthy from Day 1.
Or this rookie would never have seen the floor. And if he did, and made any sort of mistake, would have been denigrated, while sitting on the bench DNP-CD for the next several games. Count on it. Carter is fortunate his confidence and psyche were not damaged by playing for Brown.

This team is alive under Christie rather than "death by a thousand cuts" under Brown.
I love how DLo and KC are writing off Carter after a handful of games. You can totally tell what he can be in 3 minutes of action
Morons. The fact that his per minute stats maintain is a GREAT sign. If he didn't D up be concerned. The Kings have put him in the ultimate tough spot and even the per minute stats jive with STAR. Let them doubt.
He needs to be playing in the G league. Completely pointless to have him play 2 games for Stockton and then have him ride the bench and wander around the court completely lost for 10mpg.
we should have let Carter play in Stockton for 10 games. He still looks gassed when he plays. He could have been playing 30 min instead of 4. but here we are, gotta give him 15 plus and see what he can do
And his wrist has been bothering him. We can only hope they were waiting for this to happen. Carter was getting some rhythm going but then got pushed back and it's been up and down. Was that the wrist? Was that this impending trade? Was it Christie? I guess we'll find out. I will say, the interesting thing is that like in that clip in the game against Boston they were allowing him a lot more pick and roll earlier. The last 5 games or so he's really been more of a cutter and a spotter. Hopefully the Minny game is one where he gets the green light and gets the chance to work through any jankyness.

Carter with 24 points in the first half. He dominates the G League every time he’s down there, a sign of a clear NBA player. Anyone writing him off already is foolish imo. He hasn’t had any sort of consistent playing time since returning from injury and has not been able to develop a rhythm since then. I think he’ll be big for us next year.

Carter with 24 points in the first half. He dominates the G League every time he’s down there, a sign of a clear NBA player. Anyone writing him off already is foolish imo. He hasn’t had any sort of consistent playing time since returning from injury and has not been able to develop a rhythm since then. I think he’ll be big for us next year.
This guy has unlimited potential on both ends. Keep the development going! High defensive floor, higher ceiling.