It’s less about pointing the finger at Fox and more about us having both Fox and Monk healthy and giving the majority of our guard minutes to both of them.
Since Christie took over, these are Keon’s mpg when one of Fox, Monk, or Murray are not playing vs. when all of them are playing…
Fox, Monk, or Murray Not Playing =
33.0 mpg
All of Fox, Monk, & Murray Playing =
17.8 mpg
You want to be better defensively? Find a way to play your best defender more than 18 mpg. This has been my one gripe with Christie thus far. He needs to be giving Ellis more minutes while all of these guys are healthy. Since Christie took over, he’s been playing Fox 37.4 mpg and Monk 35.2 mpg. He can easily shave 5-8 minutes off right there and reallocate that to Ellis. I’m sure moving Huerter will also help, but Ellis should not be playing any less than 26 min each game.
This Ellis situation is why I’ve proposed some trades sending out Monk. We’re best with Ellis at SG and either Fox or Monk at PG. The options to maximize our roster are as follows…
- Ellis becomes the starter and finisher each game at SG next to Fox. Monk is moved back to a 6th man role (and does not close out games). We’d use Carter as a trade asset to help us upgrade the frontcourt at some point.
- Ellis becomes the starter and finisher each game at SG next to Fox. Carter is our main guard option off the bench, and we’d use Monk as a trade asset to help us upgrade the frontcourt at some point.
- Ellis becomes the starter and finisher each game at SG next to Monk. Carter is our main guard option off the bench, and we’d use Fox as a trade asset to help us upgrade the frontcourt at some point.
Again, this team will be best when we can start and close out games with Keon Ellis on the floor (that is if Carter doesn’t develop into a monster). We either need to trade Fox, Monk, or Carter for frontcourt help.
If you choose to trade Carter, you also have the complication of convincing Monk to come off the bench again
AND that he will also no longer be closing out games (something he would do even when he was coming off the bench). I have a really hard time seeing how Monk would be happy with that so realistically we’re likely looking at trading either Fox (which allows Monk to continue to start and close out games) or Monk (which avoids the risk of damaging his ego/morale by asking him to come off the bench and not close out games).