Purdy's decision making has taken a significant dip over the years...Early on in his career, Brock never made so many bad decisions on the fly (at least based on what I can remember). But, as his career has evolved, so has his, at times, subpar decision-making skills. Especially during crucial parts of the games, when he needs to virtually be flawless with the football, and his mind.
I understand that most of what happened today can be attributed to the fact that the Chiefs are just stuck in the Niners' heads, and they can't seem to be able to get that out of their system, but my god...Much better decisions with the ball could, and most likely would, go a very long way.
As a fan who, honestly, didn't really have much of a horse in the race, and watched it with an extremely unbiased pair of eyes, that was NOT a good game for the Niners. Few bright spots? Yes. But overall? No bueno.