[Game] Kings @ Rockets, 11/6/2023 5pm Pacific 8pm Eastern

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Is this the most embarassing loss of the last 10 years or what? Losing this big to a team you just got blown out by a few nights ago. I remember losing to the Celtics by about 50 but at least the Celtics is a champion contender.
It's the most embarrassing with this current core, for sure
This team is a little bit shook right now and when the answer is someone that can put the ball in the hole on a consistent basis this team was in trouble already. Keegan is supposed to be the next guy up, but so far even he's more of a defender this year. Not a ton of O is getting loaded up on his plate, just the toughest matchup on D. That might be his future and it might work for the best, but if it is, then in the interim Fox goes down, they go down. True contenders don't fall this far when their number 1 goes out. Fall yes, but not flat.
I mean this goes back to the entire offseason discussion about how we clearly had no 3rd star against the Warriors, so we should pursue someone in FA or trades. Neither option happened, and we're banking on Keegan taking a big scoring leap instead.

This is that result. With Fox out, there's nobody who can consistently create their own shot.

Fans here kept clowning on the Suns for being the "non-healthy team" but I didn't see a single Suns lost that was anywhere near this bad. Want the context? The Suns have lost 4 games by a total of 29pts. The Kings are likely to lose tonight's game by 30pts.
One of the most concerning things about Davion this season is that it looks like he's regressed on defense as well. The lateral quickness isn't there right now for some reason.
Probably just too focused on trying to prove what he is and can be, rather than just being himself. Our team is young, so, they likely read all of the drivel and social media hot takes. You can see Keegan trying to prove certain things as well, but, as i've said and will continue to say, i'm not hitting a panic button in super early November. We lost our best player right after defeating a team that was just in the conference finals and we know this team plays down to the perceived level of competition with and without Fox.
The thing is that the rest of the west keeps losing just like us so the Kings are pretty much not falling into any sort of a hole
Yup. Pretty much similar to the start of last season, though it was much more doom and gloom around here back then. The energy on this forum still feels overall good to me. We know we're better than this, and we will be.
Seeing how badly we look without Fox, we desperately need a real competent back up point guard.
But we played 9 games without Fox last year and it wasn't close to this bad. Obviously not near the same offense, but we were competitive in most of those games. Finished the year 4-5.

That's where I expect this core to be sans Fox. Somewhere around a 37-38 win team. Not an absolute bottom-feeder that gets embarassed by the Rockets. So what gives?

I'll keep harping on this, but this core looked incredible vs GS. Where the **** did that team go? What happened behind the scenes? Because there's more to these 2 games than Fox just not being out there. We've fought and won without Fox before. Or at least kept the same kind of intensity.
But we played 9 games without Fox last year and it wasn't close to this bad. Obviously not near the same offense, but we were competitive in most of those games. Finished the year 4-5.

That's where I expect this core to be sans Fox. Somewhere around a 37-38 win team. Not an absolute bottom-feeder that gets embarassed by the Rockets.
To be fair, this is not last years rockets team.


Hall of Famer

This is what this team has been missing the last 2 games. Seemed like no matter how bad things got during a game, they still fought, they still kept trying, they still made the game watchable. And it's sad that they've reverted back to the old Kings ways of just quitting on a game at half and seemingly not caring.
Brown mentioned it in his presser after the first Houston loss where shots weren't falling, morale was deflated and players were hanging their heads. Mental toughness is built with adversity and experience, Kings need to go through it and deal with the ups and downs. Maybe those two Warriors losses really did something to them mentally.
Been a fan for years and this is the first game I could not watch all the way through. Quit watching beginning if the 4th. I( felt like there was no life in this team

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
I listen to all the opposing telecasts. Kayte is one of the worst, just my opinion.
Brian Scalabrine
Alaa Abdelnaby
Stacey King
Austin Carr
Greg Kelser
Quinn Buckner
John Crotty
Jeff Turner
Drew Gooden
Jim Peterson
Michael Cage
Kelenna Azubuike
Jim Jackson
Eddie Johnson
Derek Harper
Ryan Hollins
Brevin Knight
Sean Elliott

She's not even in the bottom half. One of the worst? She's not even the worst color commentator calling this game.

This is what this team has been missing the last 2 games. Seemed like no matter how bad things got during a game, they still fought, they still kept trying, they still made the game watchable. And it's sad that they've reverted back to the old Kings ways of just quitting on a game at half and seemingly not caring.
It's the lack of effort and heart that's bothering me. I know it's a long season, but how do you straight up quit like this? Such an embarrassing effort
Brown mentioned it in his presser after the first Houston loss where shots weren't falling, morale was deflated and players were hanging their heads. Mental toughness is built with adversity and experience, Kings need to go through it and deal with the ups and downs. Maybe those two Warriors losses really did something to them mentally.
Possibly. But this isn't a "new" squad like it was last year. They came together almost instantly in an "us against the world" mentality that fueled most of their season. And it's not like it's a new core or anything, we brought back our 8 most important players! Fox and Monk after the Clippers presser talking their game saying "we coming, we don't give a **** who's over there"

That fire has been missing here in Hou. It's very much like the 49ers have played the last 3 weeks; just a complete 180 shift from what they've previously been. This just isn't the Beam Team, this is the same old 15 year, no playoff, Kings we had to sit through year after year. And frankly that sucks... terrifying as a fan. That the switch can turn back so quickly
Brian Scalabrine
Alaa Abdelnaby
Stacey King
Austin Carr
Greg Kelser
Quinn Buckner
John Crotty
Jeff Turner
Drew Gooden
Jim Peterson
Michael Cage
Kelenna Azubuike
Jim Jackson
Eddie Johnson
Derek Harper
Ryan Hollins
Brevin Knight
Sean Elliott

She's not even in the bottom half. One of the worst? She's not even the worst color commentator calling this game.
she's easily one of the worst. She talks more than any other color commentator on that list. She talks so much she's essentially freezing out draper who's suppose to be calling the game. If she had been calling Barry Bonds record breaking home run game she would have talked over the call.
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