Kings trade Richaun Holmes and 24th overall pick to Mavericks for ????


The Game Thread Dude
Those are pretty specific numbers and he has a track record of reliable info now.

Domas would need a 5 mil dollar raise to get to those extension numbers. 20 mil for Barnes. If we did we would have the mid level, the biannual and the Sactown Dogs favorite TPE correct?

-locked up Domas
-Barnes on a team friendly tradable contract
-two 12 million dollar contracts to hand out.
He’s got an in with Klutch/Recee. Not with the Kings front office.
Every single national guy is like “woah! What are the kings doing? I’m hearing about them talking to stars!” But sure go with whatever halfcocked statement James “Keegan Murray isn’t a rotation level player and picking him would be a disaster” Ham cooked up.
I don’t believe anything James Ham says until James Ham confirms James Ham’s tweet with his insider sources
Brown’s offense needs spacers and a 3 point shooting threat at the PF spot, to open up the lanes for Fox and Sabonis.

Draymond is not a good 3 point shooter and would cause the spacing to collapse. I don’t think Draymond would be a good fit in Brown’s system.
He wouldn't be brought in for scoring


Hall of Famer
sadly listening to the Kings talking heads this could well be about selling the pick so we can resign Barnes and extend Domas without going over the cap.

Vivek extends his trend of selling draft assets for nothing.
Im going to hope and pray this isn’t it. Running it back exactly the same will lead to being low-seed playoff fodder.
Yea extended Domas and Barnes would be the worst timeline. You do this sort of deal because you're trying to add another core rotation piece or 2 before we're out of cap space and have to spend for Domas and Monk. Would reek of being ultra conservative if they did that.

I'm just not worried at all about Domas hitting UFA. Give him his money, he's going to resign. Kings are good, he had a career season, all his family is in California, we can give him the most money. I'd be stunned if he went anywhere else.
Domas is not leaving.Skipping national team play (his dad used to play for Lithuania on one leg and Domas never skipped before) is a good indication how much he is invested in this team and the momentum they have created.
The tweet so nice Tetsu posted it twice. . .

I have some quibbles with the player rankings themselves, but the biggest issue with this list is that it's not taking into account the cost to acquire someone.

Sure, Anunoby would be an upgrade from Barnes. But is Anunoby an upgrade from Barnes, Huerter, Mitchell and a FRP? I'd say no.

I'm not as high on Naz Reid for the Kings than others but I'd still have him higher on this list.

And I'm definitely not on the Jerami Grant train.
tend to agree. But what if they could land OG, under the above premise, then get a bargain signing of Brooks? They’d immediately shore up a lot of their perimeter D issues


Hall of Famer
Im going to hope and pray this isn’t it. Running it back exactly the same will lead to being low-seed playoff fodder.
I dunno... maybe I'm fully embracing my inner Homer after a decade and a half of embarrassing futility...

BUT.... A healthy Fox and Ox plus 2nd year Keegan is a scary matchup. It took an all time game from Steph "I hate him so much" Curry to get past us. I think we could have beaten LA too. Domas always seems to play pretty well against Joker.

I'm not excited about bringing Barnes back, I think he's our weak link on the court (love his locker room presence though), but I wouldn't be mad if the deal is sane and he settles into a bench role where his disappearing acts won't hurt us as much.

Run it back!!


Hall of Famer
you either believe in Fox/Domas/Keegan or you don’t. If that trio isnt good enough no Kuzma, Grant, Washington, Green etc is going to fix that.
I don’t think it’s a championship core. But with right pieces I think we could win some series. That’s honestly good enough for me. Win a series. Get hot. Give yourself a chance.

As is, I can’t see the arrow any higher than last season. Everything went so right. Keegan is going to improve. But will everyone else maintain their career level seasons they had? That’s where I’m less sure.
I don’t think it’s a championship core. But with right pieces I think we could win some series. That’s honestly good enough for me. Win a series. Get hot. Give yourself a chance.

As is, I can’t see the arrow any higher than last season. Everything went so right. Keegan is going to improve. But will everyone else maintain their career level seasons they had? That’s where I’m less sure.
not to mention the Warriors gave a roadmap how to defend us.
I think it's quite reasonable to assume that a piece like Grant would have been enough to beat Warriors and maybe even Lakers last playoffs.
better shooting beats them with the players we already have.

we as a fan base went from being happy to make the playoffs for the first time in 16 years to deciding our core is tapped out after one season and we can’t make internal improvements even though 4 of our 5 starts are mid twenties or younger. Everyone can get better, be more consistent etc. Experience matters and we have some under our belt going into next season.


Super Moderator
Staff member
better shooting beats them with the players we already have.

we as a fan base went from being happy to make the playoffs for the first time in 16 years to deciding our core is tapped out after one season and we can’t make internal improvements even though 4 of our 5 starts are mid twenties or younger. Everyone can get better, be more consistent etc. Experience matters and we have some under our belt going into next season.
We all want to see the team do well and it's a natural progression to want more and more as a fan, but I definitely agree with you here. Maybe it's carry over PTSD to think that last season was all a mirage and the Kings will fall back to earth hard if they don't make major changes, but while I'd be happy with some tweaks I woudn't mind if they just ran it back either.

Last season was absolutely the most fun I think I've ever had as a Kings fan. The team obviously wasn't as good as the best of the Webber era and it wasn't as as flashy as those first three seasons with JWIll, but with a team full of guys easy to root for, Mike Brown and his staff finally bringing competency to the bench, the beam, the DPOG chain etc it made me happy.

I'll gladly take a few more years of that even if the Kings aren't real threats to win a championship.

I was nearly ready to give up on this franchise completely before last season. Just because the thing that was supposed to be a fun distraction for me was failing at that modest task.

So let's hope McNair & co can find a way to continue the team's ascent. But even if they aren't quite as good in the standings next year (and given how healthy the Kings were and how injured the rest of the West was it's likely) I'm good with the status quo for now.


Hall of Famer
Man, when you sell your pick to open nearly 40 million in cap and settle with the status quo … that will sting.

I’m guessing there’s a method to the madness. I’m not going to freak out until free agency. I’m going to be depressed sports fan if they just run it back though.
I need someone of more CBA intelligence than me tell me if what i think may happen COULD work because, even if we bring in a major FA or absorb a major contract, i dont think HB will be leaving without a fight from this FO (they haven't skipped trading him the past 2 years for craps and giggles).

That said:

Scenario #1: I think we would spend up to $30M to bring in Grant type (who as a 3rd or 4th option on a team of this speed, would be causing havoc). Remember, he made his name on defense in Denver but had to rely on being an offensive minded player in Detroit (number 1 option) and Portland (#2). Here he would be behind Fox and Ox and maybe murray.

Scenario #2: Bring in an up and coming guy we believe has great promise for ~$20M-25M/yr (Cam Johnson or PJW or Kuzma) .

Scenario #3: Move our 2026 and Davion (and possibly other picks) to absorb an All Star/All Star potential player like Siakam or OG (OR AS @Tetsujin posited, take back our 2024 to absorb Collins-which i dont really like).

With any of these scenarios, we still have our MLE, AND hold bird rights to HB (and i think we have early bird rights on Lyles).

So in the most expensive scenario (taking on $30M player (Grant), we can still offer MLE to Lyles or Sasha and up to a max (not that we would give him one) to HB to keep him, provided we do things in the right order, ie get our trade/FA on the books first. Am I correct in this understanding? @Capt. Factorial or @Tetsujin or anyone else who understands the CBA?

So we could presumably bring in Grant at $30M, the resign HB and Lyles to $15 and $10M per year x3 years each...and still be $10M under the luxury tax. Still have the BAE to bring in another player and could offer vet minimum to someone like Dwight Howard to back up Sabonis.


Thats a scary ass team...

Regarding the trades, im just not sure we have enough assets or draft optionsto pry big assets like OG/Siakam/jaylen brown
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Not a minor thing but by making the Mavs eat Richaun’s salary, we essentially took them right back out of the fee agent (Grant Williams) market. We also somehow have more cap space than the Pacers
Monte be Monte'ing.

Pretty incredible when you think about it - given he's just coming off the EOY award, remade our roster, have fast improving players, AND maneuvered to get a premium amount of capspace to potentially make a huge splash.

I had previously stated I didn't think the Kings were going to make a Big Signing.... but my nona does make an excellent Crow Lasagna.


Hall of Famer
Maybe Monte feels good enough about our roster (which I think most definitely DOES have room to grow organically, especially with Brown as HC) that rather than potentially overpay a FA, he sits tight with all that cap to take advantage of another team trying to free up cap space.

We can also step in to facilitate multi team trades now if there's somebody Monte has his eye on and other capped out teams get desperate.

Maybe our big offseason move happens in-season! Cap space is never a bad thing, especially when you get it by ditching somebody who wasn't contributing at all to our success.
Maybe Monte feels good enough about our roster (which I think most definitely DOES have room to grow organically, especially with Brown as HC) that rather than potentially overpay a FA, he sits tight with all that cap to take advantage of another team trying to free up cap space.

We can also step in to facilitate multi team trades now if there's somebody Monte has his eye on and other capped out teams get desperate.

Maybe our big offseason move happens in-season! Cap space is never a bad thing, especially when you get it by ditching somebody who wasn't contributing at all to our success.
If Monte can't land his initial target I hope he learns from Vlade in that sense. The one year Vlade didn't try and recover with the cap space he had, he got Barnes for basically free in season. Hold onto the flexibility if need be.
I'm cool with the following and feel like most of you would be cool with the following.

Sign Bruce Brown and bring back Harrison Barnes on a lesser deal.

I don't think we need to make a splash, the pieces are already there.

We just need to progress as a unit and I think that would be an awesome squad to work with.

Huerter (I want to see a more improved Huerter)
Bruce Brown or Colby Jones whenever he's ready
Keegan Murray
Domantas Sabonis

Kessler Edwards Bruce Brown Colby Jones
Barnes Sasha Vezenkov
Whoever you want could be Lyles Queta if he's ready

This looks like a good squad to me.

Good vibes, they can grow, and probably will be very good.

Who wouldn't be happy with this?


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Meh. neither guy is really all that plugged in with the inner circle imo. Ham spent the last year complaining about it.

Monte has a pretty clear means of operating. He stays quiet, he sticks with the status quo... until he doesn't. Whenever he's aggressive, like this move is, it's for a big move or to set up a big move. Extending Sabonis early and bringing back HB would be incredibly conversative and go against pretty much everything he's put on paper so far with his process.
people were still whining on twitter this week that they had workouts where Kings media wasn't invited. I'm sorry, I do support bloggers and indy media but ffs, not for draft and personnel war room stuff. also if you don't get a special catering or a room to do your livestream after the draft at G1C just cope.
I'm cool with the following and feel like most of you would be cool with the following.

Sign Bruce Brown and bring back Harrison Barnes on a lesser deal.

I don't think we need to make a splash, the pieces are already there.

We just need to progress as a unit and I think that would be an awesome squad to work with.

Huerter (I want to see a more improved Huerter)
Bruce Brown or Colby Jones whenever he's ready
Keegan Murray
Domantas Sabonis

Kessler Edwards Bruce Brown Colby Jones
Barnes Sasha Vezenkov
Whoever you want could be Lyles Queta if he's ready

This looks like a good squad to me.

Good vibes, they can grow, and probably will be very good.

Who wouldn't be happy with this?
If I would have any critique about this it would just be one more situational bench piece in the frontcourt particular a big/dawg type of big that will just be enforcer and be really tough and hopefully be able to keep up with the big guys

Besides that don't really see an issue

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
I need someone of more CBA intelligence than me tell me if what i think may happen COULD work because, even if we bring in a major FA or absorb a major contract, i dont think HB will be leaving without a fight from this FO (they haven't skipped trading him the past 2 years for craps and giggles).

That said:

Scenario #1: I think we would spend up to $30M to bring in Grant type (who as a 3rd or 4th option on a team of this speed, would be causing havoc). Remember, he made his name on defense in Denver but had to rely on being an offensive minded player in Detroit (number 1 option) and Portland (#2). Here he would be behind Fox and Ox and maybe murray.

Scenario #2: Bring in an up and coming guy we believe has great promise for ~$20M-25M/yr (Cam Johnson or PJW or Kuzma) .

Scenario #3: Move our 2026 and Davion (and possibly other picks) to absorb an All Star/All Star potential player like Siakam or OG (OR AS @Tetsujin posited, take back our 2024 to absorb Collins-which i dont really like).

With any of these scenarios, we still have our MLE, AND hold bird rights to HB (and i think we have early bird rights on Lyles).
That is not correct.

In order to get that level of cap space we will need to renounce the rights to all of our players - Barnes and Lyles included - and renounce the full MLE. We might have enough cap space left to make a plausible offer to either Lyles or Vezenkov, and then we would get the smaller "Room MLE" which could potentially be used on the other. But the bottom line is that we can do Barnes + Lyles + MLE (Vezenkov or ??), or we can do Scenarios 1/2/3 with a room MLE (Lyles/Vezenkov) and maybe enough cap space for the other but basically no chance at Barnes.