That wasn't the intent. I was talking during the Lakers/Bulls dynasty period and relating that type of dominance to the prospects of a team like Denver now. You're including aspects of your conversation
@pdxKingsFan was discussing, when all I tagged was his bit about Detroit. And the Lakers from that period got all types of different teams that won the East. It wasn't the same team every year. From 99 to when Shaq went East, which was basically the reason for most of that turn around you speak of, the West was won.
Winning one, losing one, winning one, isn't dominance in terms of title wins to the degree of the Bulls/Lakers IMO which is what we're discussing here. It's a back and forth. And if we're factoring in the regular season, look back at Denvers record this year and prior, is that dominance? I'm saying I can potentially see back and forth with a team like Denver but locking down 3 years in a row type of stuff? I'm not so sure about. Again, I think it depends on the other teams just like their run this year might have in part. Look at their run in hindsight. The Twolves? Disaster of a franchise scraping by. Suns? Two stars that had like 10 games together. Lakers? Another new team and a bad matchup since they don't really run a system that can target a Jokic. The Heat? Could have gone either way but in the end, looked like an 8th seed against a 1 seed talent wise. The talent gobbled them up. Not to discredit the Nuggets win at all, just saying it's worth discussing and might factor into next year. Next year we see if this is a dominant team or somewhere in the middle of where they've been. 47-55 win type stuff.