At the same time revisiting the infamous Michael Wilbon article about Kevin Garnett, and why he should go to college from decades past.. I always thought it was horrible, n wrong...
But honestly some doubt has crept into my mind, Wilbon, in the specific case of Garnett, mightve been onto something.
What really changed my mind is if you see this story of how Tim Duncan got grifted for 7mil and Garnett was sitting there at the hearing to defend the accountant doing the grift! ---- Garnett completely unaware at the time that he was being grifted for 60-70mil by the very same guy hes shown up at court to emotionally support... The story just reeks of 'this is a manchild', n that the adults around him in the formative years didn't prepare him at all for what was to come... N now Garnett does like commercials for online casinos or something rediculous to make $$$. Yikes.
But honestly some doubt has crept into my mind, Wilbon, in the specific case of Garnett, mightve been onto something.
What really changed my mind is if you see this story of how Tim Duncan got grifted for 7mil and Garnett was sitting there at the hearing to defend the accountant doing the grift! ---- Garnett completely unaware at the time that he was being grifted for 60-70mil by the very same guy hes shown up at court to emotionally support... The story just reeks of 'this is a manchild', n that the adults around him in the formative years didn't prepare him at all for what was to come... N now Garnett does like commercials for online casinos or something rediculous to make $$$. Yikes.
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