Mike Brown hired as Head Coach

Good thing?

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Well, Mike Brown certainly would not have been my first choice. But he's got a winning pedigree, and that counts for something. And he's not Mark Jackson, and that counts for a lot, too. I would have liked a different approach for the Kings' head coaching search, a wider net cast that scooped up a few more worthy candidates to consider, especially since the less experienced candidates that they did interview seemed like they represented little more than feigning due diligence. They appear to have had their sights set on a steady, unsexy veteran hire, and I can appreciate that. It's less of a roll of the dice to hire Mike Brown, and who knows? Perhaps it works out. The road to respectability isn't leading straight to a championship. If Brown does nothing more than make the Kings a proper playoff-caliber team, then it will be a job well done.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I'm down with it.. if he's so well regarded around the league then maybe it'll help McNair sign a good FA or two who want to play for Brown. Probably won't happen but one can hope!
We really only have the MLE this year but if he's conservative this year we'll have some cap space next season. It might behoove us not to use it unless we make a trade that eats up that future space. Draft and determining what to do with Holmes are key items. Fortunately it appears Holmes' custody issues may be behind him.
This is a smart hire.

From the three candidates that were left, its clear that the Kings were putting focus on the defensive side of the ball.

Monte isn't blind, he must be very aware that the Kings have been absolute **** on defense for the last 16 years.

Plus a lot of the pickups he has made are players that are either tough or defensive minded or both (Davion, DDV, TD, Sabonis).

So it makes sense to get a dude who is currently running one the league's best defenses.

People always talk about Steph, or Klay/splash bros but something I've always noticed is that not only are the Warriors phenomenal on offense, they are an OUTSTANDING defensive team.

It's the reason I think they are so great, their defense is just so on point.

So it really fits I think with the identity Monte is trying to build. I think Monte is trying to make this team into a better defensive team, which IMO is priority #1.

Moreover, I think it's clear to everyone that Vivek is desperate to win, for better or for worse.

Monte couldn't afford to miss this hire. If he did/does, he's out, and most certainly Sabonis would be out as well.

Hiring someone like Darvin Ham, although I was pulling for one of these young guys, could be a very risky move.

And I don't think Monte is in a position to make such risks considering the Kings/his position.

It could be considered a "safe" move, but I think it might be the best move all things considered.

There's no saying that the Kings couldn't hire someone else in 3-4 years if they're not quite where they want to be.

But you get over this temporary hump of just being a somewhat respectable NBA franchise which would probably keep Monte's job safe.

And then whatever happens happens in the future.


Hall of Famer
Not sure if this was posted here, but I saw this:

A breakdown of the Warriors amazing defense that Mike Brown supposedly implemented when he took over. Granted, we don't have a Green to quarterback our defense, but it shows that Brown is a forward thinker.

If he can make Curry into a decent defender, then Fox should be able to as well. Plus, we have a trio of dogs on defense in Holiday, DDV, and Mitchell. I think Brown has some stuff to work with.
That is the absolute key. Everything else falls like dominoes if Brown's key can unlock Fox's defense.
This is exactly like when the Kings sign past prime guys because they think the fit is good and in less than 15 games you see it was a mistake and that they needed the exact opposite. Only this time they did it with a coach. I can't wait to hear the new set of excuses this upcoming season, "they need time to gel guys".......but our defensive rating is better (meanwhile they are well below 500.)
This is the most competent version of the franchise we’ve seen under Vivek’s tenure. He clearly trusts Monte and is giving him power to do what he thinks is best.

• Allowed him to trade fan favorite, young star in Hali
• Let Dumars go, even though he’s always loved having an advisor, because he tried usurping McNair in the power structure and Vivek wouldnt go for it
• Allowed him to hire Brown over Jackson even though he loved Jackson

I’m ecstatic at being a normal franchise this last few months or so.
This is exactly like when the Kings sign past prime guys because they think the fit is good and in less than 15 games you see it was a mistake and that they needed the exact opposite. Only this time they did it with a coach. I can't wait to hear the new set of excuses this upcoming season, "they need time to gel guys".......but our defensive rating is better (meanwhile they are well below 500.)
We saw the list, nobody on it nor almost any coach available right now is going to turn around a team on their own. Maybe D'Antoni if he can gimmick up some regular season wins. Outside of that, it was mostly what if's. Brown is a Monte guy so that sets a tone that things might be heading in a real direction so whether that's down or up you can finally at least take it at face value.
what is this he stepped in and went 11-0 for Kerr stop that shot look at Waltons record coaching that team. The splash brothers and Green ain’t walking through that door with Brown
Yeah, that's all BS. What isn't is that Brown isn't Luke Walton. A guy who had one good run as a fill in and then failed up a storm in LA while destroying almost all the young assets the Lakers had at the time. Now that's something that shouldn't have taken the Kings that extra year and a half to dig out from. Better late than never I guess. Monte got his coach so now things can progress in whatever way they are going to. If it's in the garbage can then at least they can all do it in tandem just like how when Vlade got fired Luke should have followed right after.
Such and underrated point! People say “its easyto win, he had LeBron”……errr LBJ left because he had a terrible soter around him. I mean amo Williams was the #2 option on that team.

Best caoches neede talent to win. Pop would not be the greatest of all time if he didn’t have the Admiral, Tim Duncan, Manu and Parker.

Players do matter for every coach, even the greatest ones.
We really only have the MLE this year but if he's conservative this year we'll have some cap space next season. It might behoove us not to use it unless we make a trade that eats up that future space. Draft and determining what to do with Holmes are key items. Fortunately it appears Holmes' custody issues may be behind him.
That’s going to be a real challenge for Monte. He has very little assets to play with.

I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest if our first target this off season is a trade for J. Grant from Detroit. Finding a good fit next to Sabonis will be tricky. Unless we hit gold in the lottery of course.


Hall of Famer
Pretty funny when considering that West and Williams have better advanced stats than Fox and Ilgauskas and Domas are essentially a push:




Edit: Domas vs Varejao ain't that far off either. https://stathead.com/basketball/pcm...abondo01&player_id1=varejan01&sum=0&request=1

Edit #2: Either yhall overrating the Kings current talent or underrating the team around Lebron.
LOL……always good for a chuckle.
Or LeBron played in the early 2000s eastern conference as one of, if not the best player ever at his position. He had nice role players around him, and they overachieved.
What everyone is forgetting is that the East was crap for the longest time until recently. Everyone saying brown had lebron and a bunch of role players like that’s a argument for how great of a coach he is. He had the best player in the league in the worst conference. Well coaches can’t do that with lebron now? The league is better now and lebron is 37, of course that’s not the same as prime lebron. Look now that we hired him, I want brown to succeed cuz that means the kings are succeeding. But it’s not that easy to turn this team into a 66 win team or the next gs warriors. We gotta be realistic. We still might not make the playoffs next year but if he can get this team into a top 15 defensive team and finish the year .500 or even 40-42, I’d consider that a success. 10 game improvement and chance at the playins. Yes that’s another low draft and half the town will be complaining but it’s almost impossible to expect a coach to turn a 30 win team into a 50+ win team in 1 year.
The expectations are simple for Mike brown. Turn this team into a top 15 defense, provide structure and adapt his offense to the players we have. That’s it.

We will still complain about his rotations (too tight too loose, it’s our right dag nammit!)

Steph Curry has been terrific defensively and as Green said he has the highest rating on Mike Browns board over this stretch. Fox has more defensive potential than Curry, now let’s see it! If Fox becomes a plus defender we are talking about a totally different player and our trajectory shifts.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
I don't know what anyone has against Mike Brown. He's a former Coach of the Year winner who has orchestrated this season's #1 defense. He doesn't have a big personality but that's probably a good thing for us. He just needs to earn the respect of the players and get them to play defense for more than 5-10 minutes per game. We know Davion Mitchell is a plus defender. Damian Jones and Neemias Queta are shotblockers who should thrive with a coach who appreciates their skillset. Harrison Barnes left Golden State the season before Mike Brown got there but he seems like he will love everything our new coach stands for. Fox has the ability to play defense and now he has a coach who will demand more from him on that end. Brian Scalabrine asked Mike Brown how he holds Lebron accountable on defense here, and everything he says here could be applied to Fox.

Of course there's a chance this won't work out like basically everything else the Kings have done since Rick Adelman was forced out. But I expect a lot of the critics will be fully on board with our new coach a year from now. He represents a return to respectability, accountability, and consistency.
I don't know what anyone has against Mike Brown. He's a former Coach of the Year winner who has orchestrated this season's #1 defense. He doesn't have a big personality but that's probably a good thing for us. He just needs to earn the respect of the players and get them to play defense for more than 5-10 minutes per game. We know Davion Mitchell is a plus defender. Damian Jones and Neemias Queta are shotblockers who should thrive with a coach who appreciates their skillset. Harrison Barnes left Golden State the season before Mike Brown got there but he seems like he will love everything our new coach stands for. Fox has the ability to play defense and now he has a coach who will demand more from him on that end. Brian Scalabrine asked Mike Brown how he holds Lebron accountable on defense here, and everything he says here could be applied to Fox.

Of course there's a chance this won't work out like basically everything else the Kings have done since Rick Adelman was forced out. But I expect a lot of the critics will be fully on board with our new coach a year from now. He represents a return to respectability, accountability, and consistency.
The fan base here will be hypercritical of every step Brown makes because they are so desperate for a winner. That's understandable.

Hopefully Brown will be able to fight through the outside noise and implement his plan as he and Monte envision it.

It should be clear that whatever offensive system that Brown implements, McNair is already on board, or the hire shouldn't have happened. At this point Brown is who he is. So now we get to see if McNair has made the right choice for this team.
I don't know what anyone has against Mike Brown. He's a former Coach of the Year winner who has orchestrated this season's #1 defense. He doesn't have a big personality but that's probably a good thing for us. He just needs to earn the respect of the players and get them to play defense for more than 5-10 minutes per game. We know Davion Mitchell is a plus defender. Damian Jones and Neemias Queta are shotblockers who should thrive with a coach who appreciates their skillset. Harrison Barnes left Golden State the season before Mike Brown got there but he seems like he will love everything our new coach stands for. Fox has the ability to play defense and now he has a coach who will demand more from him on that end. Brian Scalabrine asked Mike Brown how he holds Lebron accountable on defense here, and everything he says here could be applied to Fox.

Of course there's a chance this won't work out like basically everything else the Kings have done since Rick Adelman was forced out. But I expect a lot of the critics will be fully on board with our new coach a year from now. He represents a return to respectability, accountability, and consistency.
in that video, was the most natural and longest sentences I’ve ever heard McNair speak lol


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
That’s going to be a real challenge for Monte. He has very little assets to play with.

I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest if our first target this off season is a trade for J. Grant from Detroit. Finding a good fit next to Sabonis will be tricky. Unless we hit gold in the lottery of course.
Depends on what he and Brown agreed to to start. They definitely could pursue Grant although Washington in Charlotte might be the move depending on how Charlotte's draft plays out. I don't agree that he has little assets since there are draft picks and expiring contracts, but I would definitely think trading a future draft pick would be a mistake and expiring contracts would have more value mid season. So any kickstart beyond a Holmes move and our pick is going to take some heavy lifting.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
What everyone is forgetting is that the East was crap for the longest time until recently. Everyone saying brown had lebron and a bunch of role players like that’s a argument for how great of a coach he is. He had the best player in the league in the worst conference. Well coaches can’t do that with lebron now? The league is better now and lebron is 37, of course that’s not the same as prime lebron. Look now that we hired him, I want brown to succeed cuz that means the kings are succeeding. But it’s not that easy to turn this team into a 66 win team or the next gs warriors. We gotta be realistic. We still might not make the playoffs next year but if he can get this team into a top 15 defensive team and finish the year .500 or even 40-42, I’d consider that a success. 10 game improvement and chance at the playins. Yes that’s another low draft and half the town will be complaining but it’s almost impossible to expect a coach to turn a 30 win team into a 50+ win team in 1 year.
I'm not sure that's what anyone who is in favor of this hire isn't expecting, although I do think with the right pick and trade for Holmes we should be able to secure a 6 seed if our defense moves into a top 15 defense.


Hall of Famer
Changed my vote from "meh" to "yes"... I think this was a good hire.

He's safe in that he's a known commodity on the defensive end, but I think he's also a good compromise for everyone who wanted to gamble on those unproven guys, as we're now rolling the dice to see if Brown picked up any tricks from Kerr after 6 years on the bench of a team with a historically great offense.

Obviously our roster has completely different strengths and weaknesses on that side of the court, but I still think the Fox and Ox duo can make things easy for any competent HC (on offense - definitely not on defense), assuming McNair brings in more shooters this summer.

And I do think the floor with Brown is competent, which has been a rare thing for a Kings HC these past decades.
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