I'm tired of all this tank talk. I want the team to play hard and win every game they can. If this negatively impacts the draft position, so be it.
I understand that the question is more of "should we trade away the vets for future assets, and play the kids more?" To that, the answer is yes. However, that's easier said than done. While we don't have any BAD contracts, we don't have any stars/enticing vets who can get us a bounty either. Some of our vets playing on a minimum may get us a second rounder (and yes, we should get that, if we can). Barnes and Buddy won't get us much. Their salaries are too big to get just some prospects back, and their play not great enough to get enders along with prospects/picks. Holmes could be a useful chip, and we should look to trade him if we think his next contract will be too rich for us, but teams trading for him also know that they will need to pay up, or risk losing him for nothing. So, we aren't getting a huge haul for him either.
The bigger question for me is the debate between draft position and culture. Of course a worse record gets a better shot at getting a star, and we desperately need one. However, we have consistently been doing it wrong, and even with a new GM, we won't fix the issue, till we, as an organization, prioritize winning.
We have constantly been picking in the lottery for well over a decade now, but barring very few exceptions, haven't had virtually anyone who had a stellar career with us. IIRC, DMC and IT are the only all stars we drafted since the Adelman era. Worse, we have not even had many players who had reasonably successful career. I doubt any other team has such a horrible record as ours in this aspect.
During our glory years, we hit a home run (or at least a single) with virtually every draft pick. We got all stars like Hedo and GW from low low picks (I understand that they became all stars elsewhere, but we were competing for a championship then, and couldn't play them. At least we got Brad for Hedo, though losing GW for nothing will always be bitter. I still believe though that Geoff did that as a favor to him). Even later, we picked Kevin Martin and Cisco with high 20s picks, who went on to have decent (particularly Martin) careers in the league.
Even the vets we got, be it Jim Jackson, or Brad Miller, or even Keon Clark (issues aside), were great to solid contributors. I think all this happened due to the system and culture that was in place.
Contrast that with recent years. Recently, Bleacher Report did a report on top 10 teams with young prospects. We didn't feature in that. Perhaps some of our youngsters will make a case for it in near future, but it's hard to argue for it at this time. This is despite consistently picking in the lottery for so many years. Many other teams have found stars or at least good rotation players with value around the league with lower picks. Meanwhile, we haven't had an all star since we traded DMC, and are unlikely to have one this year (or perhaps in near future) either. Even Fox, our franchise player, who just signed a max, hasn't made the cut yet, and might not make it soon. Two players from his draft class picked behind him have already earned that distinction.
Same goes for the vets we have signed. Other than Holmes, and to some extent Barnes, most players we have signed have played well below their potential. George Hill didn't play too well for us, and we ended up getting two second rounders for him (one directly, and one via Shumpert). By contrast, he is playing much better for a rebuilding OKC at half the salary he got from us, and I wouldn't be surprised if they turned him into a first round pick.
Bottom line, getting a high draft pick would be great. Modern championship level teams are built around 2-3 stars and bunch of vets who know their roles. We don't even have one star yet (I'm not giving Fox that title till he makes the all-star at least), and yes, draft is the best bet for us. That said, no amount of draft and lottery luck will fix us till we get a culture and system in place, and I don't think that happens if we don't make an effort to win (including from the organization).
I also don't think that happens under Walton. Know too little of BB to judge him as a coach, but he hasn't shown anything yet, and given that he was a hire of the previous regime, chances are that he gets canned when Monte gets a chance. I think players realize it too, and might find it tough to follow him, knowing he might not be around long enough.