Buddy has an elite in-demand skill, but is not a well-rounded player and seems to do little that "doesn't show up in the stat sheet".
Haliburton doesn't have an obvious elite skill (perhaps passing) but is very well-rounded, does a ton of stuff that doesn't show up in the stat sheet, seems to know how to be in the right place at the right time, does a good job taking care of the ball and making smart plays, and just generally sparkplugs the team.
So, Haliburton is already more effective at quite a few important aspects of basketball, but he's not the floor-spreading shooter that Buddy is, and I don't think he ever will be. Neither of them is a post player, a post defender, a rebounder, or a shot blocker. There are a lot of roles in the NBA, and you have five players on the court to fill them. In the end, I think a successful modern NBA team needs to have both players - a Haliburton and a Buddy - as well as players to fill several other roles.
I think the problem that people have with Buddy is his contract. Sure, he's in a shooting slump, but I think most of us here expect him to shake out of it eventually. If Buddy was being paid 2/3 of what he's actually getting, people would probably see him in a different light. Rather than look at Buddy in terms of what he brings to the team, he is being seen in the light of how he restricts team flexibility on the salary end of things. But, hey, now we've got Haliburton on the cheap for the duration of Buddy's contract, so it might not be such a big deal to have paid the "Sacramento Tax" to keep our elite shooter.
This conversation may take an interesting twist in a few years when Buddy is making under $20M and Fox is making over $30M.