Man, I am getting my entire life to watching this Timberwolves team be trash. Mostly because I can't stand Big Sawfty. I've said it before, that dude is actually all the things on the basketball court (mentally soft, empty stats, not a winner, can't make his teammates better, etc.) that Cousins' detractors claim him to be, but Sawfty gets a pass, because he's not "volatile," or some ****. And I remember when Kendrick Perkins was on The Jump before the start of the season, and he said he didn't see the Timberwolves being any good this season. Man, after those first eight games, Timberwolves fans had all the hot takes for Perk... Boy, they were talking cash noise! And now, look at them! All of a sudden, the Timberwolves fandom is real, real, real, real, real quiet!.
I love it... I LOVE IT! Inject that **** directly into my ****ing veins!