With the exception of Fox and Holmes, it was a tooth-pulling experience. The Fox Factor inched out Stupidity to win this one. The Dumb & Dumber play has just got to go for this team to to be good, or there has to be trades to increase this team's collective IQ. Too much dribble dribble hero ball from guys who are mediocre to poor dribbling the ball. Too much taking 3 point shots early in the clock while being closely defended. Too much dribbling laterally, going nowhere. With Bogs going down possibly for an extended period I'm hoping that Justin James gets a LOT more playing time. I can see him working nicely with Giles: Unlike others on this team, James can actually can cut to the basket with alacrity and get some easy finishes from Giles passes. Also, he can play defense, which, by the way, was horrid in the first quarter.