Unfortunately we judge players (and teams) by facts and not by unproven potential.
I wouldn’t facts as far as I’m concerned, but looks on first glance. I think I can look at a player, through SL/summer league and get somewhat a feel for their games/direction. If others don’t they don’t. And unless I’m mistaken I think this might be the singular thread on this forum to comment on the play by play so to speak.
But for some, who for whatever reason may question management, this pick is very crucial. It’s the biggest decision the organization has made maybe in 5-10 years, and you can see why, to some, not grabbing a player that may have been the consensus choice and going in a different direction that will carry scrutiny that other less important decisions would.
I can see why some want to wait for the regular season but the players have been going up against NBA or post collegian competition for a few weeks, or months, now, to get an opening view. But the bullets start to fly tonight