Michael Porter Jr

I'm certain Porter can shoot it well.
Why so certain? Because of high school?
De’Aaron Fox and Justin Jackson both shot it very well in HS too. But suddenly it’s something they still need to work on.

We didn’t get to see Porrter’s shooting translate to college against better competition so we really don’t have any idea how it will go in the NBA especially after back surgery.
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Why so certain? Because of high school?
De’Aaron Fox and Justin Jackson both shot it very well in HS too. But suddenly it’s something they still need to work on.

We didn’t get to see Porrter’s shooting translate to college against better competition so we really don’t have any idea how it will go in the NBA especially after back surgery.
Because of his flawless form.... I double dog dare ya to put on the shot doctor glasses and spot anything less than picture perfect with his shooting mechanics.
im not impressed with him at all. I think he’s a classic tweener (which Durant doesn’t excuse), defensively between the 3/4. Not impressed with his offensive arsenal or court awareness, outside of shooting and straight line driving. I think it may be beneficial to go over some of his tape so that us non believers can be schooled as to what we are supposed to see.

For me, without injury, he’s not in the first bunch, and with injury, which cannot be completely cleared by any exams given the nature of it, I’d have him further.

Which is why, even as I doubt Vlade’s ability for the job, I couldn’t seriously believe he’s being debated at 2. So in my mind I’m trying to analyze the alternatives

My first thought, and I’m sorry to offend, and this may have been disproven a bit with Marvin coming in, is that we still might be having trouble bringing in or talking to any prospects which the consensus have as higher. I’m a bit of a worry wart, but it is what it is.

My second thought is we are trying to get back in the first round by trade or taking on salary

My third thought is we have a good trade down lined up that I just can’t see at this point given who or what is there picks 7-13 or so

My fourth thought is a misdirection of some sort. But why would he be targeted as opposed to other consensus guys?

I just can’t believe we are taking him two, but I’ll signature part of this post of it happens. I will support him if he’s chosen too, but man I won’t be happy with who is running things, and I already wasn’t
Well, what else can we do? I certainly hope FO will make a good decision based on much more information available to them. So, of course I will root for that pick to pan out, whoever they select.
The other option is crying "shouldve, couldve, wouldve" for years , which has been going on for a long time on many basketball forums.
If the Kings pick a guy with big health concerns, whose most impressive tape is him rising and shooting over teenagers who are 5'11, who has questionable ball handling, passing, feel for game over a guy who you see dissecting defenses in the Euroleague with a clear level of special level basketball IQ, than this franchise deserves to be this crappy.
whose most impressive tape is him rising and shooting over teenagers who are 5'11
I guess this is tounge in cheek, it makes you sound like you haven't seen any tape though...... actually it makes you sound like you have a simple understanding of things. Michael porter was playing against the best amateurs on the planet -- the best Canadian HS's for basketball travel to the US for competition. Team USA sends far from optimal lineups to these FIBA youth tournaments and they win games by 70 pt margins vs teams that have players on junior contracts. The talent pool in the US is still by far the best in the world and will remain as such indefinitely.
If the Kings pick a guy with big health concerns, whose most impressive tape is him rising and shooting over teenagers who are 5'11, who has questionable ball handling, passing, feel for game over a guy who you see dissecting defenses in the Euroleague with a clear level of special level basketball IQ, than this franchise deserves to be this crappy.
Did you watch the game against Bagley’s team? I saw a number of drives and kick outs to shooters on the weak side.
Contrary to the head scratching opinion that Vlade should put his head in a hole and automatically take Luka/Ayton, im very happy he and the kings appear to be doing everything they can to fully give each of the top prospects full consideration with the most up to date info and scouting information that they can gather.

Thats good enough for me no matter who they pick, even if it is Bagley.


Hall of Famer
Ben Mclemore has a perfect formed shot and was the next Ray Allen
Ben McLemore was a player that lacked confidence. He would disappear in games at Kansas, which is what worried me about him. And unfortunately, that came with him to the Kings. Frankly I'm sick and tired of this cherry picking that has little to do with a totally different player. You don't like him, fine! I could care less. All that tells me that you haven't done your homework. Anyone that's taken the time to watch all the film available on Porter, and I'm not talking about highlight reels, but actually game film, would never say some of the crazy things being said on this thread.

Apparently Porter blew everyone away in Chicago, with a couple of GM's saying he should be the 1st pick in the draft. Some of the teams are now putting out feelers to see if they can move up to get him. Brandon Roy said that Porter is a far better player than he was at the same point in time, and that he has the talent to change the face of the NBA. I could go on and on with the praise that's being thrown out about Porter, and you people can go on with your nonsense. But if he has a clean bill of health, then I think he's going to be a King, and rightly so.


Hall of Famer
If the Kings pick a guy with big health concerns, whose most impressive tape is him rising and shooting over teenagers who are 5'11, who has questionable ball handling, passing, feel for game over a guy who you see dissecting defenses in the Euroleague with a clear level of special level basketball IQ, than this franchise deserves to be this crappy.
Everything you just said about Porter is a big freaking lie. Your just making up crap out of thin air and obviously you've never seen him play. Shooting over 5'11" players huh? Really, is Bagley 5'11"? You like Doncic, well so do I, but that doesn't stop me from considering Porter. What, are you related to Doncic? Why do you have to tear down someone to promote the player you like? I'm so sick of this nonsense.


Hall of Famer
That will still happen no matter who they pick at #2.
Well, not if the player they pick turns out to be a superstar. You know what, scratch that. I'm living in a fantasy world. Your right, there are people on this forum that would hate our pick if he was the best player in the history of the NBA. What am I thinking? I can't stand him, he has skinny legs! I don't like him, he's arrogant! All he did was beat up on a bunch of undersized highschoolers! Yeah, that's all Durant did in highschool. That's all Lebron did in highschool. You know why? Because that's who they're playing against. People their own age. How dare he be better than everyone his own age. I hate him for that! Pure lunacy!
Porter is the guy who could be the best player out of this draft. He's the one guy who I can say has more talent than Luka. The guy is going to be a really really good scorer and I wouldn't disappointed if we picked him at 2, health concerns being checked of course.
Ben McLemore was a player that lacked confidence. He would disappear in games at Kansas, which is what worried me about him. And unfortunately, that came with him to the Kings. Frankly I'm sick and tired of this cherry picking that has little to do with a totally different player. You don't like him, fine! I could care less. All that tells me that you haven't done your homework. Anyone that's taken the time to watch all the film available on Porter, and I'm not talking about highlight reels, but actually game film, would never say some of the crazy things being said on this thread.

Apparently Porter blew everyone away in Chicago, with a couple of GM's saying he should be the 1st pick in the draft. Some of the teams are now putting out feelers to see if they can move up to get him. Brandon Roy said that Porter is a far better player than he was at the same point in time, and that he has the talent to change the face of the NBA. I could go on and on with the praise that's being thrown out about Porter, and you people can go on with your nonsense. But if he has a clean bill of health, then I think he's going to be a King, and rightly so.
I don’t care how hat other gyms say that want players to fall to them so they say nonsense like he should be the first pick. Ya sure that little pre determined workout outlays playing 5 on 5, that workout puts him over a 20-10 Ayton and Bagley. Those gms are talking out the ass.

Seriously I wanna see a video what did he do at this workout
I don’t care how hat other gyms say that want players to fall to them so they say nonsense like he should be the first pick. Ya sure that little pre determined workout outlays playing 5 on 5, that workout puts him over a 20-10 Ayton and Bagley. Those gms are talking out the ass.

Seriously I wanna see a video what did he do at this workout
He didn't get a chance to play 5 on 5... He got hurt dude. Were you one of the guys that had Carmelo over LeBron because Carmelo won the NCAA title and LeBron never played a game in college? Get the best player, use all of the info you have available to try an figure out who that is for sure but at the end of the day nothing that has happened before the NBA matters. Gotta get it right
I'm not comparing the two. Just that having a picture perfect shot may or may not mean anything come the next level.
I dont buy that. I think thats an intellectually bankrupt way of looking at things tbh.

The substanceless hater pattern here on kingsfans is a simple 1 2 combo, isolate than marginalize. I see it repeated ad nausem here.... Most of the unfounded draftee's critiques follow this precise pattern
He didn't get a chance to play 5 on 5... He got hurt dude. Were you one of the guys that had Carmelo over LeBron because Carmelo won the NCAA title and LeBron never played a game in college? Get the best player, use all of the info you have available to try an figure out who that is for sure but at the end of the day nothing that has happened before the NBA matters. Gotta get it right
Well, in that draft Joe Dumars selected Darko Milicic over Wade, Carmelo, Bosh etc. thanks to great workout.
I don’t care how hat other gyms say that want players to fall to them so they say nonsense like he should be the first pick. Ya sure that little pre determined workout outlays playing 5 on 5, that workout puts him over a 20-10 Ayton and Bagley. Those gms are talking out the ass.

Seriously I wanna see a video what did he do at this workout
Lol why do you need to see the video? You’ve clearly made up your mind
The MPJ fans sure are sore winners. You guys won. We are drafting Porter. Vlade is going to make the rest of us root for MPJ for the next 10 years (baring re-injury) just like you wanted. Why do you care if we still wish we were getting Luka? The jokes on us.

Ironically, we’re going to get the inverse moment of Peja over Wallace. Vlade is going to come out and promise us that we’ll eventually love the high school American shooter he just drafted and forget about the highly tauted European wonder boy.

Having said that, please stop pretending you are going off anything other than he looks great in an open gym. Just stop. High school doesn’t mean much. Team USA juniors is fine. The McDonald’s game is a big nothing. Nobody cares what this kid averaged in high school. Just stop. He looks like a video game create-a-player in an open gym...fine. Please just own it and stop insulting Doncic fans with talk of HS All-Star games and other nonsense. The theory of MPJ is too scintillating to pass up. Fine. I vehemently disagree, but please stop pretending that this prospect has produced anywhere of import.

Last thing, people comparing MPJ to Lebron are not old enough to remember Lebron as a prospect.
The MPJ fans sure are sore winners. You guys won. We are drafting Porter. Vlade is going to make the rest of us root for MPJ for the next 10 years (baring re-injury) just like you wanted. Why do you care if we still wish we were getting Luka? The jokes on us.

Ironically, we’re going to get the inverse moment of Peja over Wallace. Vlade is going to come out and promise us that we’ll eventually love the high school American shooter he just drafted and forget about the highly tauted European wonder boy.

Having said that, please stop pretending you are going off anything other than he looks great in an open gym. Just stop. High school doesn’t mean much. Team USA juniors is fine. The McDonald’s game is a big nothing. Nobody cares what this kid averaged in high school. Just stop. He looks like a video game create-a-player in an open gym...fine. Please just own it and stop insulting Doncic fans with talk of HS All-Star games and other nonsense. The theory of MPJ is too scintillating to pass up. Fine. I vehemently disagree, but please stop pretending that this prospect has produced anywhere of import.

Last thing, people comparing MPJ to Lebron are not old enough to remember Lebron as a prospect.
Wait why are drawing the conclusion that Vlade has chosen Porter? Because James Hamm said so??