Michael Porter Jr

Bagely scares me. He can only shoot from one hand effectively and the majority of his made shots were near the rim. Sure, he rebounds at a high clip. I am curious to see how his workout goes on Monday

So I listened to Ham's facebook live, and I'm not getting too many FO vibes from him. He's personally high on MPJ. He thinks he has superstar potential, but there's a lot of risk in him. He said if it were up to him, he's not drafting MPJ unless he knows he's 100% and that the back injury isn't reoccurring. He says that if the Kings really love MPJ at #2, then he thinks they should demand that the team to do their own medical on him. He thinks this pick is about ceiling. To potentially change the face of your franchise, not just a 10yr good player. He said he'd be perfectly happy if the pick was Doncic, but he sees MPJ as the best pure scorer in this draft.

Here's the only FO tidbit we got..which is something most of us already know, it's down to Doncic, Bagley, and Porter Jr. He also likes JJJ, but he's apparently not in the conversation.

So I listened to Ham's facebook live, and I'm not getting too many FO vibes from him. He's personally high on MPJ. He thinks he has superstar potential, but there's a lot of risk in him. He said if it were up to him, he's not drafting MPJ unless he knows he's 100% and that the back injury isn't reoccurring. He says that if the Kings really love MPJ at #2, then he thinks they should demand that the team to do their own medical on him. He thinks this pick is about ceiling. To potentially change the face of your franchise, not just a 10yr good player. He said he'd be perfectly happy if the pick was Doncic, but he sees MPJ as the best pure scorer in this draft.

Here's the only FO tidbit we got..which is something most of us already know, it's down to Doncic, Bagley, and Porter Jr. He also likes JJJ, but he's apparently not in the conversation.
FO tidbit? As in Ham having first hand knowledge of the Kings position?
I believe Vlade talks to the locals, just never the nationals. In fact, both Lowe and Woj seem to have personal problems with Vlade, but anyway.

I am also stating the opposite regarding Ham and Grant. They do not do any serious homework on the draft, and rely on their contacts. It’s fairly easy to triangulate the FO position when all local conduits converge on a single prospect...especially when said prospect is currently mocked well outside our draft slot and has major question marks.

I don’t think they are jeopardizing anything from their standpoint. They want MPJ, would probably like to move down to do it, and need to find a buyer for Doncic. The word is going to get out anyway once you start talking to other front offices. We’ll start to hear those rumors after the “top 10” MPJ workout next week.

From my standpoint, they are jeopardizing the team’s future on a stretch 4, but they haven’t called for my scouting report, unfortunately. I just think the fanbase should be reading the fairly apparent tea leaves on this.
But at least we saw all of those guys against a higher level of competition. Without that the idea of Porter Jr at #2 just seems way too risky. He was a very good HS player (#1 recruit before Bagley reclassified) but he wasn't a can't miss, generational talent like LeBron. Porter had things to prove at the NCAA level and we didn't get to see him prove them.
The funny thing is that before the NBA changed the rules a few years ago and required the players to go to at least 1 year of college, we were selecting these players solely off of high school tape. Granted, there were a lot of busts from high school evaluations, but KG, Dwight Howard, Kobe were all picked high from their high school film.

BTW, the NBA is thinking about repealing the one and done rule and allowing players to come straight out of high school to the NBA, starting in 2020.

Granted, I'm with you, the more tape the better. But I wouldn't disregard a player because we don't have college tape on a kid. Sometimes the talent is so obvious, you can project a player doing well in the NBA from high school evaluations.

That being said, I'm not sure MPJ will be a superstar, but I think he has one of the highest chances to becoming an alpha scorer of the players in the consensus top 5 or 6.
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I believe Vlade talks to the locals, just never the nationals. In fact, both Lowe and Woj seem to have personal problems with Vlade, but anyway.

I am also stating the opposite regarding Ham and Grant. They do not do any serious homework on the draft, and rely on their contacts. It’s fairly easy to triangulate the FO position when all local conduits converge on a single prospect...especially when said prospect is currently mocked well outside our draft slot and has major question marks.

I don’t think they are jeopardizing anything from their standpoint. They want MPJ, would probably like to move down to do it, and need to find a buyer for Doncic. The word is going to get out anyway once you start talking to other front offices. We’ll start to hear those rumors after the “top 10” MPJ workout next week.

From my standpoint, they are jeopardizing the team’s future on a stretch 4, but they haven’t called for my scouting report, unfortunately. I just think the fanbase should be reading the fairly apparent tea leaves on this.
I believe Vlade talks to the locals, just never the nationals. In fact, both Lowe and Woj seem to have personal problems with Vlade, but anyway.

I am also stating the opposite regarding Ham and Grant. They do not do any serious homework on the draft, and rely on their contacts. It’s fairly easy to triangulate the FO position when all local conduits converge on a single prospect...especially when said prospect is currently mocked well outside our draft slot and has major question marks.

I don’t think they are jeopardizing anything from their standpoint. They want MPJ, would probably like to move down to do it, and need to find a buyer for Doncic. The word is going to get out anyway once you start talking to other front offices. We’ll start to hear those rumors after the “top 10” MPJ workout next week.

From my standpoint, they are jeopardizing the team’s future on a stretch 4, but they haven’t called for my scouting report, unfortunately. I just think the fanbase should be reading the fairly apparent tea leaves on this.
Maybe I just have to accept that some of the interest in MPJ is true to a certain degree, though I’d still take Ham having the fast track with some salt, and for me, as someone who is not a fan of him as a prospect, the FO is again not acting in my interests personally

Im a skeptic of his game already, and with injury history I’d have him in the middle of the first round, though I know others disagree. The 2 presents a lot of possibilities. At least two of the possibilities, Luka and Bagley I support. But still, not liking our interest in MPJ.
From my standpoint, they are jeopardizing the team’s future on a stretch 4, but they haven’t called for my scouting report, unfortunately. I just think the fanbase should be reading the fairly apparent tea leaves on this.
You're surmising, nothing more. How do you know for sure the Kings FO isn't purposely misleading to ensure their guy is there at #2? PHX has made it known that #1 could be had for the right price. If the Kings really want Doncic and feel strongly that PHX will take Ayton if they don't move down --- they could be simply trying to take away incentive of other teams to trade up to #1 if they also want Doncic.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I don't see anybody talking about Mikael Bridges. I watched some videos and was impressed with his offense and defense. Looks like more athletic Peja to me. I admit that's small amount of information, but based on litle I know I would rather draft him.
Maybe because this is the Michael Porter Jr thread?


Super Moderator Emeritus
I believe Vlade talks to the locals, just never the nationals. In fact, both Lowe and Woj seem to have personal problems with Vlade, but anyway.

I am also stating the opposite regarding Ham and Grant. They do not do any serious homework on the draft, and rely on their contacts. It’s fairly easy to triangulate the FO position when all local conduits converge on a single prospect...especially when said prospect is currently mocked well outside our draft slot and has major question marks.

I don’t think they are jeopardizing anything from their standpoint. They want MPJ, would probably like to move down to do it, and need to find a buyer for Doncic. The word is going to get out anyway once you start talking to other front offices. We’ll start to hear those rumors after the “top 10” MPJ workout next week.

From my standpoint, they are jeopardizing the team’s future on a stretch 4, but they haven’t called for my scouting report, unfortunately. I just think the fanbase should be reading the fairly apparent tea leaves on this.

You're certainly entitled to your opinion. And I, for a wide variety of reasons, am certainly entitled to disagree. Guess we'll see what happens.


Hall of Famer
I don't see anybody talking about Mikael Bridges. I watched some videos and was impressed with his offense and defense. Looks like more athletic Peja to me. I admit that's small amount of information, but based on litle I know I would rather draft him.
I would like to get Bridges with a 7-10 pick. Bagley and bridges draft would be nice. Just gotta figure a way to get that other pick. I’d prefer porter but he will not be around past 6


Super Moderator
Staff member
If Ham is citing Luka/Bagley/Porter is who we are looking at, I could say he is deducing by who we have talked to or are planning to talk to as of yet
That could be the case, or it could just be that Ham talks to Christie who likely is biased regarding Porter Jr given that he still has strong connections to Seattle/Washington.

There is a LOT of smoke around MPJ so I do believe there's also legit interest in him by the FO. How strong, I have no idea.
@Schultz_Report: #Missouri forward Michael Porter, Jr. really helped himself with a sensational private workout, sources say. Displa… https://t.co/eY4FbIgX4n
lol displayed a bevy of offensive move

That chair couldnt stop porter huh looks like those drills he’s been working on for months have worked.

How can you not look elite in drills your agent set up for you in advance
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Hall of Famer

So I listened to Ham's facebook live, and I'm not getting too many FO vibes from him. He's personally high on MPJ. He thinks he has superstar potential, but there's a lot of risk in him. He said if it were up to him, he's not drafting MPJ unless he knows he's 100% and that the back injury isn't reoccurring. He says that if the Kings really love MPJ at #2, then he thinks they should demand that the team to do their own medical on him. He thinks this pick is about ceiling. To potentially change the face of your franchise, not just a 10yr good player. He said he'd be perfectly happy if the pick was Doncic, but he sees MPJ as the best pure scorer in this draft.

Here's the only FO tidbit we got..which is something most of us already know, it's down to Doncic, Bagley, and Porter Jr. He also likes JJJ, but he's apparently not in the conversation.
Didn't disagree with much that he said. Agree that I certainly wouldn't take Young at number 2, but I think he was a little too harsh on Young as being a chucker. While he did take a lot of shots, he also had a lot of assists, and you don't get that many assists by being nothing but a chucker. If his teammates were upset with him, then maybe they should have started making some shots. I agree that if Porter gets a clean bill of health, then he'll be the pick. He's too talented not to be.


Hall of Famer
That could be the case, or it could just be that Ham talks to Christie who likely is biased regarding Porter Jr given that he still has strong connections to Seattle/Washington.

There is a LOT of smoke around MPJ so I do believe there's also legit interest in him by the FO. How strong, I have no idea.
Well with Christie and Ham, it's sort of a chicken and egg thing. I believe that Ham was on the Porter Jr. bandwagon before Christie. But both of them have connections with the Kings, so one could just be confirming the other.

Reports on Porters workout today are good enough where i'm ready to move him significantly up my board / wishlist, over Doncic.

Porter's J is picture perfect and so are the results. Reports from the doncic supporters that his 3pt shot is good not great dissuade me, I'm certain Porter can shoot it well.

Bamba, Ayton, Porter Jr, JJJ, Bagley, Doncic is the order of my new top6. He could win ROY in Sacramento, even at 6'11 u can give him minutes at SF.
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Might as well just add this. I was always really high on Jayson Tatum, he finished 2nd on my board last year. I have long suspected Porter is better. (their about the same age iirc)
I've long suspected he's gonna win ROY too. He's just kinda got the game that translates quickly as tatums did.

Reports on Porters workout today are good enough where i'm ready to move him significantly up my board / wishlist, over Doncic.

Porter's J is picture perfect and so are the results. Reports from the doncic supporters that his 3pt shot is good not great dissuade me, I'm certain Porter can shoot it well.
If you're on board with mpj, this is good news but I would prefer good reports from our own team work out and a clear medical report before I move him up significantly.

Reports on Porters workout today are good enough where i'm ready to move him significantly up my board / wishlist, over Doncic.

Porter's J is picture perfect and so are the results. Reports from the doncic supporters that his 3pt shot is good not great dissuade me, I'm certain Porter can shoot it well.

Bamba, Ayton, Porter Jr, JJJ, Bagley, Doncic is the order of my new top6. He could win ROY in Sacramento, even at 6'11 u can give him minutes at SF.
Glad to see more kings fans warming up to Porter. Unless there are lengering issues with his back, Porter should be the pick at 2. I wouldnt trade back either because the next few teams are all looking at the same things we see with him. Kings fans are looking at the Mock drafts that have him lower and think he is sliding past 5. No way is that happening. The Mocks make the assumption Porters back is questionable so he slides. Well, what if his back is NOT a question? There are so many crazy medical advancements in recent years Porters back very well be a non issue. And i see nothing wrong with the kings medical staff making that call.

And remember, his last 2 years of highschool and all the mcdonalds play and internation stuff where we have him on the court with guys like Bagley, porter is PLAYING through a back injury!!! This dude has to be tough as nails. Those nit picking his athleticism are looking at film where he has the back onjury still...not going to have so much wiggle etc with his back hurt. So if Porter at 75 % is arguably the best in the nation with the likes of Ayton Bagley and Bamba, then where does that put a healthy Porter?
Glad to see more kings fans warming up to Porter. Unless there are lengering issues with his back, Porter should be the pick at 2. I wouldnt trade back either because the next few teams are all looking at the same things we see with him. Kings fans are looking at the Mock drafts that have him lower and think he is sliding past 5. No way is that happening. The Mocks make the assumption Porters back is questionable so he slides. Well, what if his back is NOT a question? There are so many crazy medical advancements in recent years Porters back very well be a non issue. And i see nothing wrong with the kings medical staff making that call.
If you're on board with mpj, this is good news but I would prefer good reports from our own team work out and a clear medical report before I move him up significantly.

I only had him outside of the top 5 as a precaution. I figured he'd show well in these workouts, its not that ik buy the reports hook line and sinker it just tat given his talent level size and polish a simple 'everything is in order' nod is all i was looking for to greenlight him.