Slim, this wasn't a shot at you or anyone else.
My personal love for the Kings is deeply tied to my personal connection to my hometown. I didn't choose to be a Kings fan.
Even though I spent ~8 years in New England, I chose to be a Pats, Sox, Bruins fan. I chose to be a Portland Timbers fan - because I wanted a sport to follow with my son and basketball was off limits to me. The Kings are just a part of who I am.
That's a personal thing and mine and mine alone.
Times have changed! When I was a kid growing up in St. Louis, I was a St. Louis Cardinal fan, and a St. Louis Hawks fan. I rooted for them because they represented my neighborhood, my city, my state! It wasn't really a choice I had to make. It was made for me by birthright. Because I was a Cardinal fan, I automatically hated the Dodgers, the Giants, and every other national league team. Stan Musial and Bob Pettit were my hero's. Then my world came crashing down when my Hawks pulled up stakes and moved to Atlanta. My Cardinal football team moved to Arizona. Reality came home to roost. My first realization that while I was a loyal fan, my teams weren't loyal to me.
So when I moved to Sacramento, I became a Warrior fan. They were the closest team geographically, and I got rewarded with a championship, thanks to Rick Barry and company. When the Kings moved to Sacramento, I made a conscious decision to move my loyalty to the Kings. It was a difficult decision because I was totally into the Warriors at that time, but Sacramento was my new hometown, and I felt the team needed as much support as it could get. I've been a Kings fan ever since, despite the fact that I no longer live there. In today's world, it's easy to root for which ever team you want. You can watch them where ever you are on your smart phone, or with a satellite dish in the heart of Mexico. It makes switching teams easy by comparison to when I was a kid. You can sit in Berlin, and bring the Kings into your living room.
There is no right or wrong to this. What ever makes you happy should guide your decision. Trust me, there are times when I look up I 80 with a tad of regret. But it doesn't linger long. If the road was easy, it would be crowded. Nope, I'm a Kings fan till the end. I just hope the end isn't near. That's an either/or I don't want to entertain.