I assume the same. What we don't know is how he will plead to these charges, whether he will fight either/both of the charges in court, or seek a plea deal (pleading guilty to an even lesser charge). PR-wise, it may be better for him to cop to the misdemeanor charges, apologize, and move on. That should net him a relatively small fine and suspension, and automatic participation in the NBA's drug treatment/testing program.
The NBA’s marijuana policy reads: “If a player tests positive for marijuana, or if he is convicted of, or pleads guilty to, the use or possession of marijuana, he will be required to submit to treatment, counseling, and aftercare testing in the program. A second violation will result in a $25,000 fine, and any subsequent violations will result in a suspension that is 5 games longer than the player’s immediately-preceding marijuana suspension.’’
Note: This policy is a few years old, so it's possible that it has been updated.