I have refrained from responding all day, trying to let myself calm down in order to make an objective (as objective as possible anyway) read of the trade.
1) This trade will go down as one of the worst trades in Sacramento history (and we have made some dumb ones, so that says a lot)
2) I loved Cousin's game. I liked watching him improve year after year and become a superstar. I enjoyed the nice things he said and did off the court. He's the best center in the game and we no longer have him, which sucks royally. I definitely did not like any of the extra stuff (punching teammates, swearing at people, threatening reporters, etc.) and I certainly will not miss that aspect.
3) Trading Demarcus (the player, not the "person") really didn't bother me as much as I thought it would (no, seriously) because he wasn't a player I could connect with. I don't share his type of personality/viewpoints and so I could never really see things the way he saw them. Having said that, what does bother is our return on him. It's a joke. We got hosed/fleeced/ripped off/abused..... all of the above. When you trade a superstar, at minimum, you ought to be getting a player that has the potential to be a superstar himself or you best be getting 2-3 first round picks. If you don't have that in a trade, you stare down your counterpart until he blinks, and reap your rewards. We quite clearly blinked first and apparently kept our eyes shut during the trade agreement, because only someone that's blind would sign off on this trade.
4) It is true that we didn't win with Cousins as an organization. 7 years in and no better than a 30 something win season. Clearly, this was not all of his fault, but we also had to endure quite a lot of growing pains with him. It's an experiment that Vlade clearly felt had failed and it was time to move on.
5) After reading up on some of what Vlade said today, it is apparent that something must have happened behind the scenes, or that Cousins had done something repeatedly that would cause Vlade to no longer tolerate his behavior. Who knows what it was....
6) I, unlike others, am not nearly as offended by Vlade saying Cousins wouldn't be traded and then traded him anyway. What was he supposed to do? He can't say he's open to it because of all of the issues that would cause and would naturally result in teams lowballing us (which happened anyway because of Vlade's incompetence). When you say someone is unavailable, that's when the best offers are supposed to be coming in, but it never happened. We settled for the first deal that came our way that was somewhat in the realm of possible and took it. If Vlade waited until Thursday, some team would have blinked for sure and we could have had our choice.