^Interesting. Kiddo is wanting to go to another show soon but nothing on the Pac NW was in the calendar. Maybe a Sac show would be near a Portland and Seattle tour. Would be nice if in October.
Pretty torn on the brand split. The last one was what got me to quit watching for a few years - but there is so much good talent right now being held down I think it's a good thing? Then again good talent suffers poor booking, and vice versa. We joked about Reigns but the prob isn't that he sucks, it was the monster face type booking he got. Maybe the suspension will knock him down a few pegs but I'd rather see Seth than Dean with the strap right now. Love Ambrose but the whole lunatic thing is really inhibiting his moveset and his matches outside of the asylum match aren't really doing much for me. It'd be cool if one of the brands in the split took a pg-13+ swing, but I doubt that would happen.