Kings interview Del Negro, Jackson and Mitchell for Head Coach position (Yahoo News)

Given that Vogel is out of contract with Indy at the end of the season, is there anything stopping Vlade to talking to his management before his contract officially runs out or does he have to seek permission from the Pacers before he does it since Vogel is still officially under contract until after the finals I assume?


Hall of Famer
I'm having a very difficult time here. I'm really trying to fair, and as objective as possible. On one hand, I was very upset with how Karl was coaching the team. He did some things that I couldn't understand. His interview with Voisin explained some of it, even is I didn't totally agree with him, I at least understood why he did what he did to some extent. However, to paint Karl as a totally inept coach that's incapable of coaching in the NBA is something I can't go along with. To totally blame Karl for everything that happened last season is to be totally close minded.

I wanted Cousins drafted by the Kings when most on this forum didn't want him. Some of you can say differently now, but I remember those I had heated arguments with. I defended him in college, and I defended him once on the Kings. And right now, I have to admit, I'm tired of defending him. He's still my favorite player on the team, but I can't hold him blameless. Vlade shares some of the blame in this as well. Yes, I know that Vlade didn't hire Karl, but he usurped any power that Karl had when he failed to back him in November when Cousins went off in the clubhouse.

From that moment on, Karl had no power on the team. He stood embarrassed in front of the entire team after being undressed by Cousins, and didn't get the backing from Vlade. Now you can say that Karl had it coming, but do you really think that's the way to start the season. Vlade would have better off if he had fired Karl right then and there. If you not going to back your head coach, then you need to change your head coach. When Petrie wouldn't back Westphall, he got rid of him. When your the head coach, your either the boss, or you not. And if your not, you shouldn't be there. So I blame Karl, I blame Vlade, and I blame Cousins. All three contributed to the mess.

As much as I love Cousins as a player, I'm not going to get down on my knee's and worship at his altar. He needs to be treated the same way every other player on the team is treated. He says that's what he wants, so hire someone that will hold him to it. Cuz needs to learn that communication works both ways. If you have a problem, try knocking on the coaches door and having a conversation with him before cursing him out in front of god and everyone. I realize that he gets angry, but so do I, and I've found that screaming and yelling at someone rarely gets the results I want. I'd tell my son or daughter the same thing.

So I think I'm done being a part of this conversation, because frankly, I'm sick and tired of it. I'm tired of the bias on both sides. You know what, I'm 74 years old, maybe I'm just tired period. Maybe the values I grew up with aren't relevant anymore. Maybe I need to learn how to text. Hey, Jon Snow is alive, so all is well with the world...Right?
........ Hey, Jon Snow is alive, so all is well with the world...Right?
NO! I had known it was hinted, fan revolt. Saw it indicated while scrolling down Google news but refused to get confirmation. Wanted to get further in the season before I got HBO half price for awhile.

At least I don't know how ......................................... tis the life of the internet world. Got to be the last season, they're running out of main characters.
I agree, my line of thinking is as follows.

Ecstatic - Vogel, Blatt, McHale.

Optimistic - Woodson, VDN, Turner, Mitchell, Udoka, McMillan

Angry - Jackson

So I'm happy with the guys we're bringing in for interviews. Some fit better than others but I think we're going to get a solid long term coach regardless.

Agree on Ecstatic. Vogel would be number 1 for me

Optimistic - Turner, Udoka, Jackson

Disappointed - VDN, Woodson, Mitchell or McMillan
I'm having a very difficult time here. I'm really trying to fair, and as objective as possible. On one hand, I was very upset with how Karl was coaching the team. He did some things that I couldn't understand. His interview with Voisin explained some of it, even is I didn't totally agree with him, I at least understood why he did what he did to some extent. However, to paint Karl as a totally inept coach that's incapable of coaching in the NBA is something I can't go along with. To totally blame Karl for everything that happened last season is to be totally close minded.

I wanted Cousins drafted by the Kings when most on this forum didn't want him. Some of you can say differently now, but I remember those I had heated arguments with. I defended him in college, and I defended him once on the Kings. And right now, I have to admit, I'm tired of defending him. He's still my favorite player on the team, but I can't hold him blameless. Vlade shares some of the blame in this as well. Yes, I know that Vlade didn't hire Karl, but he usurped any power that Karl had when he failed to back him in November when Cousins went off in the clubhouse.

From that moment on, Karl had no power on the team. He stood embarrassed in front of the entire team after being undressed by Cousins, and didn't get the backing from Vlade. Now you can say that Karl had it coming, but do you really think that's the way to start the season. Vlade would have better off if he had fired Karl right then and there. If you not going to back your head coach, then you need to change your head coach. When Petrie wouldn't back Westphall, he got rid of him. When your the head coach, your either the boss, or you not. And if your not, you shouldn't be there. So I blame Karl, I blame Vlade, and I blame Cousins. All three contributed to the mess.

As much as I love Cousins as a player, I'm not going to get down on my knee's and worship at his altar. He needs to be treated the same way every other player on the team is treated. He says that's what he wants, so hire someone that will hold him to it. Cuz needs to learn that communication works both ways. If you have a problem, try knocking on the coaches door and having a conversation with him before cursing him out in front of god and everyone. I realize that he gets angry, but so do I, and I've found that screaming and yelling at someone rarely gets the results I want. I'd tell my son or daughter the same thing.

So I think I'm done being a part of this conversation, because frankly, I'm sick and tired of it. I'm tired of the bias on both sides. You know what, I'm 74 years old, maybe I'm just tired period. Maybe the values I grew up with aren't relevant anymore. Maybe I need to learn how to text. Hey, Jon Snow is alive, so all is well with the world...Right?
Boogie reminds me a lot of Tim Duncan in this regard. Duncan has repeatedly stated that he wants to be treated just like everyone else. Chew his butt out if he is playing poorly and give him the atta-boys when he is playing well. Even go to the extremes to set an example if you have to. Calipari is a master at this. There were many times that Boogie would have lackluster play at Kentucky or he would do that trademark walk back on offense. Cal would yank him out of the game and scream at him for about 30 seconds and then put him back in with a slap on the bottom. When DMC did what Coach asked, he would give him a hug, a fist bump, or that trademark scream of passion that Cal has. Most importantly though, when Boogie did something bad or good, it was an example for the team. Josh Harrellson, who was buried deep on that bench gave credit to DeMarcus for showing him what it is like to be a leader on the team as a big man and how to improve his game. Calipari gave an interview once where he said that one of the WORST thing a coach can do is play favorites with Boogie. DeMarcus will see it as pandering and it will hurt the team. John said to be real and treat him like family. Do not try to make an example or power-play by singling him out but at the same time, if he makes a bone-head play, call him out on it. There are guys like Rondo, Casspi, Darren, and Caron on this team that have Boogie's respect to call him out. Let them. That is part of why I am afraid a little bit to let Rondo walk. A strong high-IQ PG works well with Boogie, or at least a strong personality that does not mind calling Boogie's crap. Wall and Bledsoe both did that.

Coaching Boogie isn't rocket science but it does mean letting him be a leader on and off the court. Essentially, having a Pop and Duncan relationship is the goal.
Boogie reminds me a lot of Tim Duncan in this regard. Duncan has repeatedly stated that he wants to be treated just like everyone else. Chew his butt out if he is playing poorly and give him the atta-boys when he is playing well. Even go to the extremes to set an example if you have to. Calipari is a master at this. There were many times that Boogie would have lackluster play at Kentucky or he would do that trademark walk back on offense. Cal would yank him out of the game and scream at him for about 30 seconds and then put him back in with a slap on the bottom. When DMC did what Coach asked, he would give him a hug, a fist bump, or that trademark scream of passion that Cal has. Most importantly though, when Boogie did something bad or good, it was an example for the team. Josh Harrellson, who was buried deep on that bench gave credit to DeMarcus for showing him what it is like to be a leader on the team as a big man and how to improve his game. Calipari gave an interview once where he said that one of the WORST thing a coach can do is play favorites with Boogie. DeMarcus will see it as pandering and it will hurt the team. John said to be real and treat him like family. Do not try to make an example or power-play by singling him out but at the same time, if he makes a bone-head play, call him out on it. There are guys like Rondo, Casspi, Darren, and Caron on this team that have Boogie's respect to call him out. Let them. That is part of why I am afraid a little bit to let Rondo walk. A strong high-IQ PG works well with Boogie, or at least a strong personality that does not mind calling Boogie's crap. Wall and Bledsoe both did that.

Coaching Boogie isn't rocket science but it does mean letting him be a leader on and off the court. Essentially, having a Pop and Duncan relationship is the goal.
Spot on!


Hall of Famer
What coaches want Cousins? How about those running the national team? They must be seeing something others are missing.
Not fair. It's different when they have all stars all around him to tell him to calm down and players that are ahead of him in the line up. It's different when is the main personality you have to deal with.


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Staff member
Yes, it does matter if Cousins is difficult if that winnows the good coaching candidates because guys don't want to deal with him.

And it matters if he really does fracture or damage the locker room with his behavior or attitude.

Great players will almost always be difficult in one way or another but if the issue with Cousins is that he makes the players around him worse instead of better that's an issue.

Is that the case? I don't know. I know guys put up better numbers with Cousins in the game so the simple conclusion is no. But when your best player and all-star is prone to melting down when the going gets tough does that partially instill a losing mentality with the team. That's much harder to quantify.

But what I do know is that a Blazers team with four new starters and a roster that I felt was less talented than the Kings before the season started is in the second round of the playoffs and the Kings are in the lottery yet again.

Cousins got the PG he wanted, a 2nd scorer in Gay, an athletic, low usage shot blocking big next to him and it wasn't enough.

And that's the thing. Guys that are notoriously difficult get a pass only when they win. There are lots of other reasons the Kings have been terrible but if the reality is that without success there's much less reason to put up with the antics that most everyone has tired of, especially when Cousins doesn't see anything wrong with his actions and doesn't take responsibility. At least that's what I heard from him in Dave's interview.

I don't want Cousins traded. But it's more than a little preposterous to say that no one should care about his behavior or tantrums or excuse them away. Because right now the Kings are a lottery team with Cousins and they could be a lottery team with a higher draft pick and a collection of other draft picks and/or young players if they traded him.

Changing coaches and giving Rondo a $6 million dollar raise isn't going to make this team a contender. And if the team can't at least win more games than they lose by the deadline next season I think Cousins being difficult is going to be the primary reason he's traded.

I want the Kings to hire a coach that can work with Boogie and get the most out of him but that's far from my only criterion and not even the most important one. Because the coach Vlade picks will almost certainly be around two seasons from now. None of us can say that with certainty when it comes to Cousins.
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people here are discussing Vogel as if Indiana has made it clear he won't be coming back, did I miss something here?
His contact is up, there have been no talks about an extension and Larry Bird has been very non-comittal about bringing him back.

Even if the Pacers do want him back, I don't believe there's anything technically stopping Vlade from interviewing and hiring him right now.
Lets see a NBA Coach makes millions of dollars and the beef is that players are difficult to work with? What are you expecting the job would be as easy as leading a church choir? NBA players are privileged gifted millionaire athletes on a level with movie stars in their temperament. I mean it takes a professional jockey to handle race horses. You don't hire the guy who runs the pony ride at the local carnival to ride a race horse do you?

I expect Professional Coaches have to be part psychologist, part friend, part father figure, part lion tamer and have very large cojones to cash the checks they get. I mean check out JVG:

I didn't agree with a number of his points (there are almost ALWAYS player/coach beefs on every team, doubly so for losing teams) but I do understand his overall point. No one can pretend DeMarcus Cousins is easy to work with.
Easy, perhaps not. But John Calipari sure didn't have huge problems with him and sings his praises quite often. According to things I've read, Calipari had a more difficult time with Anthony Davis than he did with Cuz. And everyone knows that Mike Malone seemed to find easy ground with him and still talks glowingly of him today.

I don't recall any really big issues with Keith Smart or Ty Corbin either. Not saying it was cake, but it certainly wasn't anything close to Karl or Westphal.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Already interviewed:

Sam Mitchell
Mike Woodson
Vinny Del Negro
David Blatt
Kevin McHale (this sounds like it's been more phone conversation than an interview)

Slated to be interviewed:

Etorre Messina
Nate McMillan
Patrick Ewing
Jeff Hornacek
Mark Jackson
Elston Turner
Corliss Williamson

Am I missing anyone?


Hall of Famer
Already interviewed:

Sam Mitchell
Mike Woodson
Vinny Del Negro
David Blatt
Kevin McHale (this sounds like it's been more phone conversation than an interview)

Slated to be interviewed:

Etorre Messina
Nate McMillan
Patrick Ewing
Jeff Hornacek
Mark Jackson
Elston Turner
Corliss Williamson

Am I missing anyone?
surprised to see Messina here but not Udoka, and Hornacek too? yuck


Super Moderator
Staff member
surprised to see Messina here but not Udoka, and Hornacek too? yuck
I'm not sure on Udoka, the Kings were reportedly wanting to interview him too. And for that matter wasn't Boston assistant Jay Larranaga on the list? With the Celtics knocked out of the playoffs he should be able to come in if he's interested.

I can't really fault Vlade for being thorough but I definitely want to keep an eye on the job Kenny Atkinson does in Brooklyn.

Atkinson was reportedly on Divac's list to interview but Sean Marks identified him as his guy and moved quickly to sign him. There's something to be said for knowing who/what you want and going out and getting it.