What's Geoff Petrie been up to?


The Game Thread Dude
Nice interview with him from the Portland Tribune. While I wasn't exactly a fan of the last seven or eight years of his regime, he still seemed like a heck of a nice guy so it's good to see him adjusting to life post-Maloof.


Also, he confirms the obvious:
“We just didn’t have any (resources), really,” Petrie says. “Most of the trades we made were to make money, and we did a lot of that. We were still trying to do things in terms of talent, too, but the economics were always at at the forefront.”
Not trying to say he was immune from any criticism, but its sad to know that he had his hands tied for the last several years. He had many successful teams with both Portland and Sacramento.
Thanks for the link to this well written article. Petrie and Adelman were right at the brink of a Championship twice. Foiled by the dynasties that were Phil Jackson's Bulls and Lakers.

Perhaps there will be a third chapter to this saga involving the Knicks? As Petrie stated to close the article, "“I don’t know,” he says. “That would all depend. I’m waiting to see where life takes me.”
Thanks, Tetsujin, I really enjoyed your post and the article. I was a fan of his from beginning until the end. And would have loved to see him get the chance to run the team with the new money. Glad to see him enjoy some free time. Seems like you have to get fired to enjoy that.
He should have quit as soon as it became a money grab he would have saved his reputation around the league. I can only speak for myself but if i know I'm good at what i do and my employer is not only underpaying me AND not letting me do my job I'm jumping ship even if that means waiting for another opportunity to present itself.

Drafting Jimmer/Salmons trade
T-rob > T. Douglas/Patterson/whats his face
Chuck Hayes signing
Garcia's Contract
Hawes for Dally only to let him walk (see chuck hayes)
Tried his best to overpay Bonzi Wells
Mike Bibby for remind me again…
Peja for Ron Artest who then was traded for Donte Greene & a pick that became Casspi who was later traded for Hickson that for some unexplainable reason he felt compelled to throw in A First ROUNDER! Protected or not still terrible, by the way Hickson sucked and walked.
Kevin Martin became Landry who then became Thornton LOL
Bids against himself in JT & throws in a trade kicker
Webber for nothing not even really saved cash.

I'll Give him credit for IT but thats the last any credit I will give him.
Good or bad, I'd rather have Petrie doing it than anyone else. I'm sorry I can't critsize him for anything. Just shows you how different us Kings fans can be.


The Game Thread Dude
He should have quit as soon as it became a money grab he would have saved his reputation around the league. I can only speak for myself but if i know I'm good at what i do and my employer is not only underpaying me AND not letting me do my job I'm jumping ship even if that means waiting for another opportunity to present itself.

Drafting Jimmer/Salmons trade
T-rob > T. Douglas/Patterson/whats his face
Chuck Hayes signing
Garcia's Contract
Hawes for Dally only to let him walk (see chuck hayes)
Tried his best to overpay Bonzi Wells
Mike Bibby for remind me again…
Peja for Ron Artest who then was traded for Donte Greene & a pick that became Casspi who was later traded for Hickson that for some unexplainable reason he felt compelled to throw in A First ROUNDER! Protected or not still terrible, by the way Hickson sucked and walked.
Kevin Martin became Landry who then became Thornton LOL
Bids against himself in JT & throws in a trade kicker
Webber for nothing not even really saved cash.

I'll Give him credit for IT but thats the last any credit I will give him.
Puzzling that you would even include that because Peja for RonRon was clearly a Maloof move from the start
I don't know if he could handle the pressure as GM of the Knicks, if given the chance. I mean, he basically knows Portland like the back of his hand, and was employed in this lovely city for damn near 20 years.
Plus, seeing him in his on-air interviews always told me that he is uncomfortable with the "bright lights" on him. Basically, he likes the back burner. Stand-up guy, and I wish him well, but I just don't think NYC is for him
In retrospect, you can always say he should have resigned to protect his reputation and possibly gotten on with someone else for more money. But Geoff has always struck me as not particularly interested in jumping around from team to team. I think he valued his life here with his wife, and may not have wanted to leave the west coast. So if that was a priority, he would have left millions on the table, just for a shot at POSSIBLY getting another job the didn't require a complete change of scenery. He also could not have known just how bad the money grubbing was going to get. I think he probably just said "Well I gave it a good shot, I know in my heart we were champions, I'll just ride this out and do the best I can and make another 5 mil or so." In any case, the dude is quite set financially. With luck (and a Princeton education), for several generations. He seems to be good with that. And yes, very classy guy.
Why do you say that?
It's true it was clear if you read between the lines after that deal was made, never the less that brings me back to my point of not being able to do his job and being the the lowest paid GM in the league to boot. Of course GP's loyalty was to his family and if his intent was to retire after it makes sense BUT IT WASN'T if you remember he lobbied for his job even volunteered his services during the draft and fired some shots at the new management when they showed him the door.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Geoff always struck me as a loyal guy in many respects. Loyal to Adelman certainly. Loyal to the Maloofs who employed him too. And I think he had a fair amount of loyalty for Peja who he had to persuade to leave Greece and whose growth I think he had a lot of pride in.

Not only that, I DO think he liked the slower pace of Sacramento/Loomis and just wasn't at a point in his career or life where he wanted to try his hand with a new team. And because of that he was stuck. Didn't want to quit, didn't want to move so he just played out the string.

I hammered him (and of course the Maloofs) for the moves over the last few seasons, but overall I will really look back on Petrie's tenure fondly. And from the two brief encounters I had with him I can say that I had a positive impression of him as a person too.


Hall of Famer
Geoff always struck me as a loyal guy in many respects. Loyal to Adelman certainly. Loyal to the Maloofs who employed him too. And I think he had a fair amount of loyalty for Peja who he had to persuade to leave Greece and whose growth I think he had a lot of pride in.

Not only that, I DO think he liked the slower pace of Sacramento/Loomis and just wasn't at a point in his career or life where he wanted to try his hand with a new team. And because of that he was stuck. Didn't want to quit, didn't want to move so he just played out the string.

I hammered him (and of course the Maloofs) for the moves over the last few seasons, but overall I will really look back on Petrie's tenure fondly. And from the two brief encounters I had with him I can say that I had a positive impression of him as a person too.
By chance, I had seats right next to him at the Sacramento Capitals games. Classy guy. I resisted the temptation to talk basketball with him. But the impression I got from him was that the wasn't planning on going anywhere. He loved his life in Loomis with his wife and dogs. Someone mentioned that he seemed to look uncomfortable on TV doing interviews. Well, he's exactly the same in person in a relaxed atmosphere. I think Petrie is a thoughtful guy, and takes the time to think before he speaks. He's also a very private person that keeps things close to the vest.

If you look at the moves he made early in his stay in sacramento, and then compare them with the moves he made toward the end of his stay, its as though he's two different people. So to me, it was apparent that he had his hands tied. Petrie is the kind of person that won't throw blame at others, regardless of the circumstances. I always find it amusing when someone says he should have just walked away from a million dollar salary. Yeah sure! I'm positive that all of us would put our high moral values above money. Easy to say when its not your money your walking away from.
By chance, I had seats right next to him at the Sacramento Capitals games. Classy guy. I resisted the temptation to talk basketball with him. But the impression I got from him was that the wasn't planning on going anywhere. He loved his life in Loomis with his wife and dogs. Someone mentioned that he seemed to look uncomfortable on TV doing interviews. Well, he's exactly the same in person in a relaxed atmosphere. I think Petrie is a thoughtful guy, and takes the time to think before he speaks. He's also a very private person that keeps things close to the vest.

If you look at the moves he made early in his stay in sacramento, and then compare them with the moves he made toward the end of his stay, its as though he's two different people. So to me, it was apparent that he had his hands tied. Petrie is the kind of person that won't throw blame at others, regardless of the circumstances. I always find it amusing when someone says he should have just walked away from a million dollar salary. Yeah sure! I'm positive that all of us would put our high moral values above money. Easy to say when its not your money your walking away from.
Thanks for the stories. And I couldn't have said it better myself. In fact I didn't.
He came into my work a few times, while he was here and came through my checkout line at Costco. Super nice guy. His wife was always a joy as well, whenever she came in. The Petrie's ROCK!!
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Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
The time has come the walrus said to speak of many things, Petrie among them. He was kind of like the poor oysters in the Louis Carrol poem, being led to the final fry by the M boys. He was a class act always and did the best he could under the circumstances. Wish him well.
Okay, I'm curious... Why bring this thread back up after 6 months?
I wonder, too. I started reading at the top and didn't pay attention to the dates. I got to the post I made and tried my best to hit the "Like" button and it wasn't there. After another few minutes I noticed the dates and laughed out loud. Like PDA but miss Petrie.
He drafted our best player and our last ROY. Analytics be damned.
I understand Vivek wanting fresh blood, but it's a damn shame that Geoff got kicked to the curb before they had time to change the locks at STA.

Vivek had a great basketball mind with deep knowledge of the team offering to help the transition and he gave him the cold shoulder. Curious at least if Geoff could have provided some stability in the first year, especially now in retrospect that we see the train wreck that was the front office hirings of that fateful summer...