I cannot stand teams that don't give effort. I pay STH price for this? Ugh.
"Effort" is not that simple. It's not black and white. You have to have a
co-ordinated team effort. You have to have leadership, and a coherent system, and guys buying in, otherwise there is no payoff to effort... it's all just hodge podge running around, and that's just not what leads to wins anyway, and guys know it, so they see no point in killing themselves for a leaderless mess.
What this team looks like now is what a total ****ing nerd thinks he sees when he sees a team winning. There is no appreciation for the subtleties, the feel, the human element, the brotherhood, the camaraderie... you cannot dehumanize your players into data points, I'm sorry. This smacks of someone who has never actually played team sports at a competitive level.
The team looks as dry and static as a ****ing computer motherboard about on the fritz. There is no heart... because the heart has been gutted by the firing of Malone. I hope this comes back to haunt vivek big time.
Winning, with this approach, doesn't even feel right now. Vivek has massively pissed off the basketball gods. Did you hear how the Heat announcers were talking about the Malone thing? EVERYBODY sees what a hatchet job this has been. An absolute farce. I can't even root for the Kings anymore because I can't root for Vivek/PDA/whatever quad headed monster is trying to run this thing. I've never had the feeling of wanting my Kings to lose... but I'm having a hard time wishing for success for Vivek and this little project he's running. It's a very strange feeling.