DISCLAIMER: first things first, this is a thread for totally selfish wish fulfillment. If you want to talk about your selfless desires to make the world a better place, go start your own thread. 
I mean it: forget about any of the 'big ticket' items (world peace, cure for cancer, feed the hungry, etc.), or things that can't physically happen (like bringing a loved one back from the dead), and focus on material possessions: suppose Daddy Warbucks offered to get you anything you want for Christmas, except for straight cash, with a value of up to a million dollars. What would you ask for?
I mean it: forget about any of the 'big ticket' items (world peace, cure for cancer, feed the hungry, etc.), or things that can't physically happen (like bringing a loved one back from the dead), and focus on material possessions: suppose Daddy Warbucks offered to get you anything you want for Christmas, except for straight cash, with a value of up to a million dollars. What would you ask for?
- Whatever it is, you can't exchange it, or sell it. The only exception to the 'can't sell it' rule is real estate, but you'd be required to hold the property for no less than ten years.
- You can ask for more than one thing, but whatever dollar differential there is between what you ask for and the million is forfeit: you don't get to 'keep the change.'
- All transactions are final; if you think of something else, after the fact, you're ass out.
- While asking for straight cash is not allowed, asking, "Hey, Daddy Warbucks, how about paying off my house/student loans/bookie/hospital bills?" is acceptable. Asking him to pay off anyone else's bills, however, is not.