[Game] Game 8: Sacramento Kings @ Dallas Mavericks, 11/11/14 5:30 PST 8:30 EST

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Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
Dallas is a veteran team - they didn't fold.
There's a big-assed difference between "not folding" and "winning a game you were trailing by twenty-six."

"Not folding" is getting back to within single digits, maybe even tying the game. Coming all the way back to take a double-digit lead goes way beyond "not folding." There's some choking involved in that exchange.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Dallas has totally gotten into the Kings heads right now. Veteran teams can do that. It's not any one person's fault. It's the team collective IQ that has taken a sudden and dramatic dump.
I have to think that the Rudy/Cuz iso plays are the offensive gameplan. There is no backup plan in place to get looks for third options and low-usage guys like JT.
There's a big-assed difference between "not folding" and "winning a game you were trailing by twenty-six."

"Not folding" is getting back to within single digits, maybe even tying the game. Coming all the way back to take a double-digit lead goes way beyond "not folding." There's some choking involved in that exchange.
I am so on the same page as you tonight


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
I don't think our players are selfish, I think they're trying too hard to make something happen. Dallas took over this game and it's deflating. Especially with the crowd going crazy. But you know what? I still think we can win this if we keep attacking the paint. Cousins is unstoppable when he's clicking and I think he's got enough bottled up frustration tonight to tear Dallas apart if we give him a chance.
Cousins has played 22 minutes so far. That call in the 1st was beyond bad (JT fouled and Boogie was two feet from the nearest Mav). There is definitely a pattern of him getting bad foul calls- maybe refs are testing him? It's bad