There may be another charity with a similar concept, but if they are doing Movember, well, I mean cheating on a charity? It's the clippers, is that surprising?
Rules of Movember
1) Start Clean
Head starts are not allowed for this cause. Participants are asked to have a clean shaven face on Nov. 1.
2) Don’t Forget To Brush
Participants, or “Mo Bros” as the Movember cause likes to call them, are asked to grow and groom their mustache.
3) No Cheating
Movember is all about the ‘stache, so goatees and beards don’t count. Also, no fake mustaches, please.
4) Talk About It
People are probably going to notice the mo you grow. It’s a great conversation piece and way to talk about raising awareness for prostate and testicular cancer and men’s mental health.
5) Stay Classy
“Each Mo Bro must conduct himself like a true gentleman…”