[Game] Kings-Hornets Summer League - 7/13/14 - 3 pm PDT


Hall of Famer
Yes, it's a majority of our roster, but:

1. I don't expect all of these players together on the floor at once. Maybe Ray/Ben or Nik/Ray or even Nik/Ben, but if we trot out Ray/Nik/Ben/DWill/Acy with any regularity, then we are, as they say, "forked".

2. I'm not too terribly worried about team offense during SL. It's a combination of guys looking to show off to make a team or guys brought in with the purpose of refining a skill. That said, individual play can totally set off a red flag for me, if a player is looking "not ready" then I worry, because you are playing against scrubs.
Doesn't Malone usually play at least three subs when he takes out the starters? It seems to me that you're going to be seeing at least three of these guys on the floor at the same time. And if Malone is forced to have either Gay or Cousins on the floor at all times, it takes considerable flexibility out of the equation. Also, it means that there will be reduced minutes for when both Gay and Cousins are on the floor at the same time. Gay, in particular, doesn't thrive in those situations.


Hall of Famer
You guys can't read. The subject matter of the post was far broader than IT. Read it again.
No...my response was to that post ripping VF21 because she was ripping into another post on someone whining about IT being gone in a game thread. Follow your own advice and read the whole thread.


Hall of Famer
I think it's interesting when no one says much about Ben's good game. Maybe we are assuming he can't have two good games in a row. We all know the next game will stink.