IT = Rumor of 3/24 offer from Pistons

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Do you have to pay someone what their best case scenario wish is, in order to respect them? His definition of "being wanted" apparently is throwing an extra couple mil in, while remaining a starter as a King
No it means making a concerted effort to show you want him(as a sixth man or otherwise). From what we know there never even was a meeting between IT and our FO. Phoenix went out of their way to make him a pitch with all the bells and whistles, on a human level it feels good to feel wanted, and IT didn't with the Kings FO.
I think if he prioritized starting he would try to go to the Lakers because the only guy in front of him would be the remains of Steve Nash. If he goes to Phoenix as a sixth man it certainly doesn't look good on our FO. While also being aware that IT could be insurance policy for Dragic(but I see PHX wanting to keep Dragic).
That's assuming the Lakers are offering him a starting job and salary.
No he wants to be with an organization that will pay him what he's worth and wants him. He is a pro basketball player, his highest earning potential for life is 12-14 years if he's lucky, he's already spent 3 of those years making the NBA minimum. Also its pretty ironic that people want him gone because he won't accept a sixth man role, yet he may go to a team with the pre-perceived notion that he will be the sixth man. Maybe that speaks more about our organization, IT says "I want to be wanted", apparently our FO didn't want him at all because if the main hangup was not buying in to a sixth man role, him going to Phoenix dispels all of that.
You continue to have so much emotion tied up in this IT situation that you continue with your misleading posts. Our FO just offered him a 4/22 contract. Vivek just had IT do a promotional tour in India.

They wanted him, as a bench does Pho btw. Your twisting of reality gets old.
No it means making a concerted effort to show you want him(as a sixth man or otherwise). From what we know there never even was a meeting between IT and our FO. Phoenix went out of their way to make him a pitch with all the bells and whistles, on a human level it feels good to feel wanted, and IT didn't with the Kings FO.
I will agree it's the second year in a row where we seem to show little interest and excitement around our own talented FA (who want to stay). It's very clear how our front office chooses to role out the red carpet and I fear we lose on the talent end in the process.
I think if he prioritized starting he would try to go to the Lakers because the only guy in front of him would be the remains of Steve Nash. If he goes to Phoenix as a sixth man it certainly doesn't look good on our FO. While also being aware that IT could be insurance policy for Dragic(but I see PHX wanting to keep Dragic).
the difference is that phoenix appears to want isaiah thomas, while it's not clear at all that the lakers truly want anything to do with thomas. i would think they would have an interest, but most of what we've heard about possible destinations for IT have come from IT's camp. the lakers, mavericks, and suns are teams with cap room. these are the teams where IT would apparently like to end up, and they're each attractive destinations for a variety of reasons, not one of which comes with a guarantee of a starting job...
You continue to have so much emotion tied up in this IT situation that you continue with your misleading posts. Our FO just offered him a 4/22 contract. Vivek just had IT do a promotional tour in India.

They wanted him, as a bench does Pho btw. Your twisting of reality gets old.
How am I twisting reality? I'm going off of what we as the public know. What we know is that the Kings offered him a lowball contract, brought in another PG, and never had any sort of pitch/meeting with IT and his camp. What that shows is that the FO is telling IT "you can stay but only if you continue to play for us for less than you are worth, take it or leave it".
How am I twisting reality? I'm going off of what we as the public know. What we know is that the Kings offered him a lowball contract, brought in another PG, and never had any sort of pitch/meeting with IT and his camp.
But you don't know what the Phx offer is. Is it lowball? What if Phx is only offering 1M or so more?
Thats the question, my guess is it isn't a lowball offer my guess is $7-$8 million per. I guess we will find out before long.
this strikes me as unlikely, if only because phoenix would be tying up so much of their salary in their backcourt (provided their intent is to match any offer for eric bledsoe). as talented and dynamic as that backcourt would be, i can't imagine they'd overpay for a 6th man, not when the market's sorta petered out a bit for thomas' services...
Well now that the LBJ lynch pin has been pulled we will see the FA market move and I suspect the IT situation will come to resolution. I sincerely hope we get assets back for him even if they are thin, as many of us have said letting tallent walk is a luxury we can ill afford. Of course if the offers are not too high I would love to see IT back coming off the bench, but I fear that ship has sailed.
this strikes me as unlikely, if only because phoenix would be tying up so much of their salary in their backcourt (provided their intent is to match any offer for eric bledsoe). as talented and dynamic as that backcourt would be, i can't imagine they'd overpay for a 6th man, not when the market's sorta petered out a bit for thomas' services...
Well any less and the FO would look dumb not to match, but at this point it looks like the bridge between both parties is burnt to a crisp and they will just let him walk for whatever price. This looks really bad on our FO and their handling of talent(Tyreke and now IT).
So since Suns are under the CAP, does that mean in a S&T we would not have to take back equal Salary?

So that Len, Plumlee or picks could work so that we can request SOMETHING in a S&T and still not go into luxury Land?
Well now that the LBJ lynch pin has been pulled we will see the FA market move and I suspect the IT situation will come to resolution. I sincerely hope we get assets back for him even if they are thin, as many of us have said letting tallent walk is a luxury we can ill afford. Of course if the offers are not too high I would love to see IT back coming off the bench, but I fear that ship has sailed.
I keep saying this but I don't see how/why we'll get anything back for him. We're pretty close to capped out and not a real threat to match an $8/mil a year offer... meaning the only way we get something back is if the team he chooses to sign with wants to get rid of something. They're not gonna feel the need to give us something to entice us not to match the offer... there's no need to sweeten the pot as we're not matching $8/mil per. So unless they just so happen to have a player they want to get rid of and we just so happen to covet that player then no sign and trade unfortunately.
Well any less and the FO would look dumb not to match, but at this point it looks like the bridge between both parties is burnt to a crisp and they will just let him walk for whatever price. This looks really bad on our FO and their handling of talent(Tyreke and now IT).
i don't disagree with you on this point. i was adamant that the front office should trade IT before the deadline last season to avoid this exact scenario. now that they're here, i maintain that they should match any deal for thomas that tops out at about $5 million per; he's still a tradeable asset on such a deal, and while he's not likely to bring back much on his own in a future trade, he can easily be packaged with another of the front office's anticipated pieces of trade bait, like, say, jason thompson...

restricted free agency is a gift to small market franchises. it puts you in control. if you're the kings, you simply aren't going to become a winner overnight with the roster you have, and there aren't many avenues left for improvement during this particular offseason. so you have to manage your assets properly. on a reasonable deal, isaiah thomas is undeniably an asset. i wouldn't let him just walk for nothing because of the threat of paying minimally into the luxury tax...
Yeah there is no reason for them to give us assets, they can sign IT and Bledsoe no problem. If they feel we won't match their contract(which by the way the FO handled this situation is clear), there is no reason for them to come at us with a S&T because there is no chance of us matching. Again really poor from our FO.
How am I twisting reality? I'm going off of what we as the public know. What we know is that the Kings offered him a lowball contract, brought in another PG, and never had any sort of pitch/meeting with IT and his camp. What that shows is that the FO is telling IT "you can stay but only if you continue to play for us for less than you are worth, take it or leave it".
I have no doubt our FO wants him less than you may want or for less than he might be worth to others. However, that isn't what you posted.

"apparently our FO didn't want him at all"

That's what I responded to.

Players are generally worth a different amount to different teams, based on cap flexibility and the need to fill a role. It doesn't mean because one team values a player a bit more or less than another, that they "don't want the player at all". Look at the Reke situation, our FO didn't want him at 11M. Does that mean they didn't want him at all? No. They wanted him for 8M. Less than NO but still wanted him to an extent.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I'm sorry if this has already been discussed, but I just read the Slam Online Q & A with Isaiah. I got the distinct feeling he's been perturbed for a long time. I also get the feeling he still resents being drafted #60. I wish him all the luck in the world wherever he lands, but I cannot help but wonder if he'll ever get over his self-resentment over being 5'9"...
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Super Moderator Emeritus

SLAM: Shaq said down there (on the panel) that you’re coming back to Sacramento. Is that your No. 1 choice, to be back there?

IT: I just want to be wanted. I don’t know if they really want me like other teams do. Like I said, since day one I just want to be wanted. I know there’s a few teams out there that’s showing a lot of interest. I’m just waiting to see what’s the best fit for me. At the end of the day it’s a business and you’ve got to do what’s best for yourself.

SLAM: The team signed Darren Collison last week. After the season you had, how did it feel to see them go out and get another point guard when you’re sitting there?

IT: It hurt, but at the same time that’s been my story my whole life. People have doubted me, people always bring guys in who they think are going to outplay me or outwork me and that’s just not the case. I’m going to just continue working hard, continue to be me, and hopefully a real good team wants me on their team and I can go there.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Sorry, I can't help myself...

I'd like to see IT just once say that he's glad Sacramento was willing to give him a chance, even if things haven't worked out the way he liked. We drafted him with the final pick of the draft. If we hadn't, he wouldn't have gotten the chance to show what he could do.

Just my two cents, BTW.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
We're the only team that gave him a chance and yet we hate him the most.

I want to bring him back as the 6th man, I think he has talent, but the man has some serious head issues.
I keep saying this but I don't see how/why we'll get anything back for him. We're pretty close to capped out and not a real threat to match an $8/mil a year offer... meaning the only way we get something back is if the team he chooses to sign with wants to get rid of something. They're not gonna feel the need to give us something to entice us not to match the offer... there's no need to sweeten the pot as we're not matching $8/mil per. So unless they just so happen to have a player they want to get rid of and we just so happen to covet that player then no sign and trade unfortunately.
Well this also depends on if anyone else is making offers in that ballpark either to IT or to PDA. Let's say the Suns really do want IT at 8 mill, but another team, say the Lakers, are willing to take him for 8 mill and trade a resigned Hill, or even just picks for him... well there you are. In short as long as we have the right to match, and time to get under the cap we CAN still get something for IT, it may just take work rather than a simple sign and trade. If I am PDA and the Suns make and offer, I am on the phone asking them how badly they want him and calling all the other teams that have made inquires.
Talk of Suns and Deng. I am not sure what the Suns plans actually are though and how much cap space they have.
They have approx 27 million under. 5-6 for Tucker already gone. Contract for IT at 8? So they have approx 14 million, not sure how that works out to get both Deng and Bledsoe under contract. But that's a cap question and it's a little complicated with Bledsoe being a RFA.

But if they want Deng, Bledsoe, and IT, then I'd say yes, they're open to moving a contract. How much would the Kings take back? Doubt PHX offers up Plumlee or Len, maybe a Morris brother at best.
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