[Game] Kings v. Warriors - 12/1/13 - 3 p.m. (PST)


Super Moderator Emeritus
Sure hope Tetsujin made it to Japan okay and that he's well on his way to getting his Internet set up so he can resume his duties here at KF. ;)

Today's game is being carried on News10. I'm hoping a lot of the energy from Friday night carries over to today, especially since Sunday matinees can be really and truly dead...

I'll leave the analysis and banter to others.



Don't Make Me Use The Bat
This is the trap game for Boogie. Has struggled all preseason/first game this season vs., Bogut, who BTW seems to be angling to take his declining skills toward being a thug. Coming from me that's only half an insult, as I think a good thug is a significant vector for winning. Case in point: Bogut gets under Cousins' skin. He's a difficult guy to beat anyway, but he gets under his skin and damages his calm. The closest we saw to old Boogie this season was in the game vs. Golden State. So this is a trap game for Boogie. If he is going to have a bad game, this would be it. I wish we had our own thug to go sick on Bogut, start something, and distract him from going after DeMarcus, but alas we have a bunch of nice softspoken boys straight from the burbs. So Boogie is going to have to handle this himself, learn from what has been happening, and keep his calm. Still wouldn't mind seeing Malone have a little guard or two set a backscreen on Bogut and chuck him in the kidneys though.

As another aside, for some odd reason David Lee has also done well against Boogie on defense. There is no explanation for that as he can't guard anybody else, but it is what it is. Hope we have spent a little more time than normal trying to think of innovative ways to get Boogie the ball in difficult places for the Warriors to stop. Last time they seemed to have the edge in the coaching situation, knowing Malone's plays rather than him knowing theirs.
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I've noticed the same thing about Bogut, Brick ... wondering now if the Warriors FO regrets handing him that extension so early. Hopefully Cuz' games against the Clippers will better prepare him for Bogut's antics.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I wish we had our own thug to go sick on Bogut, start something, and distract him from going after DeMarcus, but alas we have a bunch of nice softspoken boys straight from the burbs...
For some totally random reason (other than I've got a head cold and my brain's not working too well), I envisioned Jimmer going all Maddog on Bogut, immediately and forever earning the respect (and fear) of the rest of the NBA.


Hall of Famer
Ray McCallum please. Another positive about the trade is seeing how DW plays/develops. Always gives another angle when watching the Kings. Most of us are beyond tired of watching MT and Salmons and Hayes......some are tired of watching JT. DW gives us another fresh angle to watch....gives us hope that he can be something closer to his potential. I'd like to see him hit some outside shots. I'd also like to see more Los and DW rebounds, lead the FB and feed BM for dunks.


Hall of Famer
For some totally random reason (other than I've got a head cold and my brain's not working too well), I envisioned Jimmer going all Maddog on Bogut, immediately and forever earning the respect (and fear) of the rest of the NBA.
Can I have whatever you are taking for that cold?
Ray McCallum please. Another positive about the trade is seeing how DW plays/develops. Always gives another angle when watching the Kings. Most of us are beyond tired of watching MT and Salmons and Hayes......some are tired of watching JT. DW gives us another fresh angle to watch....gives us hope that he can be something closer to his potential. I'd like to see him hit some outside shots. I'd also like to see more Los and DW rebounds, lead the FB and feed BM for dunks.
Since you always ask for ray, whose minutes (GV or IT) do you propose he takes?


this is the most spry bogut has looked in 4 years. not sure what games u guys r watching. hes getting up for alley oops and playing great d. as of monday he was leading the league in ppp allowed in the paint. hes been the most healthy warrior this year ironically.
Derrick kind of got a pass last game drawing Dudley, so lets see how that defense is at the 3 starting tonight
Yeah Barnes has been playing well and he may be matched up against Klay at times, so this will be a much tougher test for him. I do wonder if they'll throw in post up plays for him at some point.


I've noticed the same thing about Bogut, Brick ... wondering now if the Warriors FO regrets handing him that extension so early. Hopefully Cuz' games against the Clippers will better prepare him for Bogut's antics.
why would they regret it? they got injury discount and hes been 100% healthy this year. 3 of their 4 centers have missed significant time. bogut has been the lone healthy and most impactful big on the team. bogut hasn't looked this good since 2009. that 12 mil a year is a freaking bargain.
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Yeah Barnes has been playing well and he may be matched up against Klay at times, so this will be a much tougher test for him. I do wonder if they'll throw in post up plays for him at some point.
barnes is not as good a defender as dudley. klay is a great defender but williams has significant weight on him so i doubt they will match up much.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I'd take away the MT and Jimmer minutes and pair him with IT or Ben.....just to get him on the court.
Wouldn't it be better to put him into situations where he will learn and develop instead of just throwing him onto the court?


Super Moderator Emeritus
u know im on the tank wagon. a warriors win and kings with a better shot at parker wud be fantastic.
Yeah, whatever. Sorry, but I ain't buying what you're trying to sell. You'd love to see the Warriors end their losing streak. You can dress it up any way you like, but at least be honest. The Kings are gonna win the occasional game. I'm truly hoping today is one of those times, as are most Kings fans.


lol no need to buy anything u dont want to.

i want the warriors to beat everyone obviously. and my stance regarding the tank is apparent. ive made a hundred posts advocating tanking.

not selling anything.


The Game Thread Dude
Sure hope Tetsujin made it to Japan okay and that he's well on his way to getting his Internet set up so he can resume his duties here at KF. ;)

Today's game is being carried on News10. I'm hoping a lot of the energy from Friday night carries over to today, especially since Sunday matinees can be really and truly dead...

I'll leave the analysis and banter to others.

Still moving from place to place for training. I won't have stable internet access until at least the end of next week.


Hall of Famer
Wouldn't it be better to put him into situations where he will learn and develop instead of just throwing him onto the court?
Those would be meaningful minutes, have to start somewhere. Those 10-12 minutes can be PG minutes when he's paired with IT and Ben.


Hall of Famer
I'm going to be watching how the Warriors defend Williams. In the last game, the Clipps guarded him tightly, allowing for his cuts and dunks at the basket. I'm wondering if the Warriors are going to give him the outside shot, go under on all screens, and cheat to the paint.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
I'm going to be watching how the Warriors defend Williams. In the last game, the Clipps guarded him tightly, allowing for his cuts and dunks at the basket. I'm wondering if the Warriors are going to give him the outside shot, go under on all screens, and cheat to the paint.
A well-prepared team would do exactly that. This will be an interesting test for him. He's going to be getting open looks tonight. Even if the release is still broken, he needs to shoot those with confidence. You can correct the mechanics later in practice but being afraid to shoot when you're open is a lot harder to fix.
Today I want to see Boogie dominate the paint against these guys, more minutes for McLemore and Williams (they are a very fun combo to watch). and less riding the 5 bench player lineup late into the 4th.