[Game] Kings v. Blazers 11/08/13 Game Thread


Hall of Famer
Premature post-mortem for the game as I am off to east coast bedtime.

This Cousins kid is pretty good.
Thornton continues to Salmons it up this season.
IT had his first Thornton game of the season.
Patterson managed to not look like a complete turd until the 4th quarter when he just couldn't stop LMA at all.
I don't think McLemore touched the ball once on the floor.
I saw once where he passed it around to the next guy. Never looked for a shot that I know of.
Sorry, I just though the point to sport was playing your hardest and trying to win. I'm kind if a simple guy. Quitting is not for me.
Win now and destroy the trade value of an $8 mil albatross contract? And its not even like Jimmer will guarantee you more wins! The point is not to asbsolutely win as many games as you can, it's to build a champoinship team. You're talking like this is recess time basketball, probably because you're thinking overall resembles a 5th grader.
Win now and destroy the trade value of an $8 mil albatross contract? And its not even like Jimmer will guarantee you more wins! The point is not to asbsolutely win as many games as you can, it's to build a champoinship team. You're talking like this is recess time basketball, probably because you're thinking overall resembles a 5th grader.
To be fair, Thornton is pretty much destroying that value anyway. Maloofery at its finest there.
GV and IT could have had 10 Ast a piece tonight, if we get our wings to make some wide open shots. Thought they did a great job at finding shooters and looking to get others involved. Unfortunately, the "others" were a combined 11-32 (Ppat, Outlaw, Thornton, Salmons).
Horrible showing. However, it certainly does not help playing with IT. IT is about IT and that next contract.
I thought IT was actually trying to run an offense through the first three quarters. He made some bad passes and his teammates refused to finish stuff, but I didn't have too many complaints about selfishness from him in this game.


I think we might be the least talented team in the NBA I don't think there is another team with this many scrubs and so little potential outside maybe 2 players. I'm not sure if you replace Cousins with LeBron James or Durrant this is a playoff team. Our veteran players have all maxed out and got very little ability and at best are average starters or shouldn't be in the NBA.
Within all the bad there are a couple of positives:
1 we had 5 players in double digits
2 Between our 2 PGs we had 13 assists (considering that GV could have had another 5 or so at least)
So we lost a relatively tight game with 3 of our 5 starters playing way bellow their potential, whiteout Landry and with Ben having a terrible night.
If you think about it, If GV keeps passing the way he has, the other 3 starters apart form cousins actually make some shots in the first half of the game, and Ben helps the second unit, we should be a half decent team.

Is that too much to wish for?


Win now and destroy the trade value of an $8 mil albatross contract? And its not even like Jimmer will guarantee you more wins! The point is not to asbsolutely win as many games as you can, it's to build a champoinship team. You're talking like this is recess time basketball, probably because you're thinking overall resembles a 5th grader.
MT playing is what's destroying his trade value. If he sat, there could be some mystery. The cat is out of the bag. I'd rather compete and play to win than live on the hopes of losing and thinking that will help you improve somehow. There are no draft guarantees. There is only one champion, but it's a heck of a lot more fun to be in the running than to dwell on the bottom with zero hope. Try making the playoffs once before you talk about championships.
Desk chairs, Titanic, some rearrangement required.

Other than Cousins and IT, how do you set up a winning squad with this personnel?
Winning .. I don't know about winning, but these lineups aren't balanced. We can't defend. We got outrebounded 47-31. We CAN create a better version of this team, I think.

I've said it before a million times at this point. I'd start IT. Aside from what I think he brings on the court I think he brings a certain mentality that we need to start a game. He isn't a great defender, but I think he is an upgrade over Vasquez.

I still honestly think Thornton and Ben is a wash. I'd be ok with either guy. My heart wants Ben, but I think Thornton is capable of pulling out of this major slump. This also gives Vasquez time with Ben on the bench unit.

I'd start Outlaw at SF for a few reasons. At this point I think he's a better defender than Salmons. He is a better rebounder which we sorely need. And while he does tend to take a few too many bad shots, at least he doesn't handle the ball like Salmons does. Salmons takes bad shots AND he eats up shot clock time. Outlaw is also the better spot up shooter. Just stick him in the corner until a better option comes around.

I'd also start Jason Thompson because Patterson isn't giving us any offense right now. JT is vastly superior rebounder, and an overall better defender. He also scores the ball without using up possessions, meaning a lot of his points come off of tip ins and offensive rebounds.

These ideas largely come from the same place. Right now we are starting all of our offensive options at each position. We are sacrificing defense at every opportunity. Well guess what? the offense isn't very good, so they clearly aren't giving us an advantage on that end. Might as well swap them out for the defenders, and our second best scorer (IT).

That's just me. I watch a lot of basketball, but I'm nobody.


Hall of Famer
I think we might be the least talented team in the NBA I don't think there is another team with this many scrubs and so little potential outside maybe 2 players. I'm not sure if you replace Cousins with LeBron James or Durrant this is a playoff team. Our veteran players have all maxed out and got very little ability and at best are average starters or shouldn't be in the NBA.
THIS is a good point.
Can't fault the effort in the second half there. Wish they came to play that hard on defense for the entire game. Not really sure what was going on with Ben tonight, just kept getting fouls called and not one play run for him for a shot. Isaiah was struggling also, Portland guards kept crowding him and playing him close all game long. Thornton kept building brick houses. I wonder what happened to his shot...he wasn't this bad of a shooter when we got him. Sigh.
I think we might be the least talented team in the NBA I don't think there is another team with this many scrubs and so little potential outside maybe 2 players. I'm not sure if you replace Cousins with LeBron James or Durrant this is a playoff team. Our veteran players have all maxed out and got very little ability and at best are average starters or shouldn't be in the NBA.
The Phoenix Suns have the least amount of talent on their roster just as much as the Kings do. All the Suns have going for them moving forward is Bledsoe and Markieff. However, they do have four first round draft picks...they might be done rebuilding before we are.