I don't have a problem with reasonable conversations, but when you make extreme statements about a player. I know its popular to bash Jimmer, and many will jump on the bandwagon with you. I'm not for bashing anyone not named Maloof. Jimmer has talent, but in some other areas, he's lacking. I think we can all agree on that. So the discussion is about what you can get for him. Its been reported that the Kings aren't shopping Jimmer, but that there are teams calling them about Jimmer. If true, then apparently someone is interested in Jimmer.
Now for all I know, they may be offering nothing more than a case of beanie weenies. If I'm the Kings, and its my intent to move him, then I give him a lot of minutes in preseason games, and try to put him in a position to look as good as he can. Hell, maybe he'll even surprise us. I hate to keep pointing out that Jimmer isn't the first player to come into the league and struggle his first few years. Steve Nash was terrible his first two years in the league, and didn't really break out till his 5th year. Not saying that Jimmer is the second coming of Nash, just pointing out that sometimes it takes players longer than we might think to succeed.