Interest in AK47?

Yes, you can. You put yourself into the public spotlight, then people can say things about you that they think might possibly be true without concrete proof.

You're trying to tell me you never once called Kobe a rapist when he was accused? Even though it turned out that he was innocent the whole time? (Despite, you know, the whole adultery part)

Come on. I was joking around, but the fact is, yeah, he's probably a criminal. Not saying AK47 is one, because he's just taking money to play, but i'll bet my left nut that there's back-door dealings there.

And it's not because the guy's Russian (Although that doesn't help, because the country's government is more crooked than the letter S), but because he's infinitely rich.
First of all, you are saying that Andrei is a criminal because apparently he agreed to take money under the table.

and... it is not because MP is Russian but because he is very rich. Oh, Pleez. 80+% white people in the South voted against Obama because they did not like his ideas. The fact that Obama is black has nothing to do with it. Aha.
So, Prokhorov is a criminal (you know that, I do not) and Kirilenko became one too 1 hour ago by taking "under the table money". The Internet is so good. You can say whatever you want without any proof, accuse people, crap their names and be cool.
“Can you please tell me, is it possible to earn a billion honestly?” an elderly man asked, echoing the sentiment, common in Russia, that the oligarchs earned their fortunes through deceit and government connections.
“I think you can,” Prokhorov replied, his face radiating self-regard. “At the very least, I haven’t broken any laws.”
When asked recently on national television whether he had ever participated in corrupt dealings, Prokhorov shrugged and replied, “Yes, of course I participated in them. What, don’t I live in this country?”
Get off your high horse. Prokhorov has admitted to doing corrupt deals before. Now we have a scenario where Kirilenko is getting neither the security of a long term contract nor a lot of money. Nor is he playing for one of the favorites to win a title. It looks fishy, it sounds fishy, and the man involved in one end is no stranger to shady deals. So you'll forgive us for being highly skeptical everything is on the up and up
I don't feel good about this.. I mean, we had a clear financial advantage over the other teams in the hunt for him unlike in our other pursuits and still struck out. I didn't want to believe that we were cursed in regards to acquiring free agents like a lot of the other posters do but it is getting to me
I don't feel good about this.. I mean, we had a clear financial advantage over the other teams in the hunt for him unlike in our other pursuits and still struck out. I didn't want to believe that we were cursed in regards to acquiring free agents like a lot of the other posters do but it is getting to me
How on earth would you think a 33 year old forward of AK's skills would choose to play for a rebuilding team when he can go to a contender and win? The guy would probably choose to play in Russia over going to Sac. Get real.
Get off your high horse. Prokhorov has admitted to doing corrupt deals before. Now we have a scenario where Kirilenko is getting neither the security of a long term contract nor a lot of money. Nor is he playing for one of the favorites to win a title. It looks fishy, it sounds fishy, and the man involved in one end is no stranger to shady deals. So you'll forgive us for being highly skeptical everything is on the up and up
The Nets are one of the favorites to win a title even without Kirilenko. And no, I wont forgive you.

And other teams are angry that Brooklyn became stronger and they could not get him for that money? Strange. I expected them to send Hallmark postcards to the Nets.
How on earth would you think a 33 year old forward of AK's skills would choose to play for a rebuilding team when he can go to a contender and win? The guy would probably choose to play in Russia over going to Sac. Get real.
I know that this sentiment would be popular among most outsiders looking in, but I'm a fanatic/homer and see it different. I see it as we are a SF (only position of lack really), and a few years of maturity away from being respectable under a new quality regime and that AK would see that future promise instead of I guess what we have been/are.
Although was Minnesota supposed to be a contending team?
I know that this sentiment would be popular among most outsiders looking in, but I'm a fanatic/homer and see it different. I see it as we are a SF (only position of lack really), and a few years of maturity away from being respectable under a new quality regime and that AK would see that future promise instead of I guess what we have been/are.
Although was Minnesota supposed to be a contending team?
AK wanted to play for Adelman. Kirilenko was a big fan of Sacramento Kings in our golden era. And also he wanted to help his friend Alex Shved to settle in America.


The Game Thread Dude
I know that this sentiment would be popular among most outsiders looking in, but I'm a fanatic/homer and see it different. I see it as we are a SF (only position of lack really), and a few years of maturity away from being respectable under a new quality regime and that AK would see that future promise instead of I guess what we have been/are.
Although was Minnesota supposed to be a contending team?
He and B-Roy were supposed to be the pieces to put them over the hump. Then everyone got injured/ Khan happened.
The Nets are one of the favorites to win a title even without Kirilenko. And no, I wont forgive you.

And other teams are angry that Brooklyn became stronger and they could not get him for that money? Strange. I expected them to send Hallmark postcards to the Nets.
Sorry, the term "you'll forgive me" was just a phrase I shouldn't have thrown in. I'm not actually looking for any forgiveness from you, especially since you think anyone suspicious of this deal is trying to paint Russians as criminals and implying we are racist. There was no need to go there at all.

If Kirilenko really was just wanting to play for the Nets because he loves being near Russian people and doesn't care about money, then he would have done that last season. But instead he went to Minnesota for $9M a year instead of the Nets because all they could offer was the MLE. But fine he wanted to play for Adelman for a single year (but only a single year, not two or he wouldn't have opted out) and wanted to play with Shved (again, only for one year). But if he still wanted to go to New Jersey, he wouldn't have bothered to try getting a S&T set up with the Spurs at the start of the off-season. Instead he's taking a mini-MLE deal from a team destined for a second round exit (no one seriously thinks the Nets are a contender unless they find a fountain of youth for their starting line-up)
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I'm actually pretty happy we didn't get him. He would have made this team a playoff contender (7 or 8 seed max one round and done)... but he's 32, and would have faded fast. As we've seen, we don't draw free agents here, we're about to have to max Boogie which will prevent another max contract anyways, and we just traded away the only #2 caliber talent we have. Since you need 2 star level talents to win in the league, and this is the deepest draft in star potential players in a decade, we absolutely need to suck this year if we want to be more than mediocre anytime soon. I think our current roster is one of the worst in the league, so that should allow us to keep our pick, barring renewed Arco enthusiasm making this team a tough road win (a definite possibility). For me, the moment we traded Reke, we were committed to being a lottery team for until we could land a second star to play with Cousins.
I'm not actually looking for any forgiveness from you, especially since you think anyone suspicious of this deal is trying to paint Russians as criminals and implying we are racist. There was no need to go there at all.
You are not actually? Wow. Ok then :D

Steve Brown took a big pay cut to join the Rockets because he was out of options and decided to join a good team in his home state. Will I hear numerous insulting under the table comments? Honestly, I do not think so.
Sorry, the term "you'll forgive me" was just a phrase I shouldn't have thrown in. I'm not actually looking for any forgiveness from you, especially since you think anyone suspicious of this deal is trying to paint Russians as criminals and implying we are racist. There was no need to go there at all.
You indulged in lazy stereotypes and where called out for it. Compounding the issue is your inability to see the error of your ways, and your insistence on using selective 'logic' to argue some lame case. If you wish to be suspicious of a free agency acquisition that is far from unprecedented, fine. Just don't get upset when one calls you silly.
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"Andrei, 3.1 million, you sign with Nets." "Mr. Prokhorov, it's not enough." "I'll put your children on the line so they can convince you."

Asked about his new contract Kirilenko responded, "Just glad family okay"

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
Zach Lowe
AK 47 deal already drawing confused and angry whispers from other teams.

Sounds like other owners are thinking the same thing The Internet is.
(link) Apparently Woj has two GMs and one NBA owner on record crying foul. It appears that Kirilenko's bottom line with other teams was 3/$24M before signing with the Nets.
Well, on to option...D?
Option Daye?

From an experience/talent standpoint Salmons is still the best option, but I'd rather the Kings to start developing younger talent since Salmons will be gone within a year. If the Kings are intrigued by a high draft pick next season, then Luc + Outlaw would be my choice. ;)


Hall of Famer
Option Daye?

From an experience/talent standpoint Salmons is still the best option, but I'd rather the Kings to start developing younger talent since Salmons will be gone within a year. If the Kings are intrigued by a high draft pick next season, then Luc + Outlaw would be my choice. ;)
If Luc is healthy, I really think he's a better player at the 3 than Salmons. His defense and rebounding at 3 makes up for him being not the offensive player that Salmons is. Salmons should really be a 2.
If Luc is healthy, I really think he's a better player at the 3 than Salmons. His defense and rebounding at 3 makes up for him being not the offensive player that Salmons is. Salmons should really be a 2.
I tend to agree. I don't see Luc's lack of offense as a major problem, especially when he will usually be playing with 4 other players who can score. To me, the biggest thing to consider is does he stop the offense? That was the problem with JJ last year. His defense was solid (not as good as Luc's), but he became a ball stopper on offense. Good defensive role players take the open shots that they have to take to keep the defense honest, and keep the ball moving the rest of the time. From what I have seen and remember of Luc, that is the type of player that he is.
I tend to agree. I don't see Luc's lack of offense as a major problem, especially when he will usually be playing with 4 other players who can score. To me, the biggest thing to consider is does he stop the offense? That was the problem with JJ last year. His defense was solid (not as good as Luc's), but he became a ball stopper on offense. Good defensive role players take the open shots that they have to take to keep the defense honest, and keep the ball moving the rest of the time. From what I have seen and remember of Luc, that is the type of player that he is.
Yep. I believe he's that type of player. Not only a great defensive talent, but also plays within himself and the system.