Reign, if you core Ticha, you have to protect her. You also have to core DeMya to add her to your list of protected. Neither Ticha nor DeMya are currently under contract with the Monarchs. Nor are Yo, Rebekkah or Nicole for that matter, but I think there are special circumstances that would allow you to protect Brunson and Powell, but not any of your unrestricted.
It appears you can core two this year, and only one player in 2009 and if we core DeMya now, we could still core her in 2009 since theoretically Whiz should have his younger players locked in to long term deals. He signed Kara for 3yrs, so hopefully he can get Brunson and Powell signed for multi-year deals as well and at least put off the decision for a while since nobody else will be a UFA for a while but DeMya.