The ULTIMATE Kings prediction game REVISITED

Trying to put this down is annoying, this will be probably the fourth or fifth time I'll try but I'm sticking with it.

PG: Mike Bibby
SG: Raja Bell
SF: Shane Battier
PF: Kevin Garnett
C: Greg Ostertag

Bench: Bobby Jackson, Kevin Martin, Brian Skinner, Kenny Thomas, Matt Barnes, Donyell Marshall, Joey Graham.

BTW, The offseason was driving me crazy until I saw this. It has made it kind of fun. Thanks for the entertainment or distraction or whatever you want to call it.
Here is mine...

Mike Bibby
Maurice Evans
Kenny Thomas
Kevin Garnett
Samuel Dalembert

Bobby Jackson
Mat Barnes
Corliss Williamson
Darius Songailia
Greg Ostertag

Eddie House
Brian Skinner

Brings in defense,size, and a better team.

It was either someone on this board posted it or it was an article, but it said that every elite team that contends for a championship must have a good inside and outside player. You can name the duo for every team that made it to their conference finals. Nash-Stoudamire, Ginobli-Duncan, Wade-Oneal and Billups-Wallace.

It would bring that to our team and I really like the idea of Bibby and Garnett together much better than webber. On the pick and roll Webber would roll to the outside and shoot a jumpshot most of the time. And on the other hand Garnett goes strong to the basket for a much higher percentage shot.

Edit: Added the last two paragraphs.
Like just about everyone else, I have made and re-made my lineup projection about 100 times and the longer I wait to post my lineup the more confused I get.

Mike Bibby
Bonzi Wells
Brad Miller
Peja Stojakovich

Matt Barnes
Mo Evans
Bobby Jackson
Shane Battier
Greg Ostertag
Kevin Martin
Wayne Simien
PG- Mike Bibby
SG- Mike Dunleavy Jr
SF- Peja Stojakovic
PF- Brad Miller
C- Dan Gadzuric

C- Johan Petro/ Greg Ostertag
PF-Troy Murphy
SF-Raja Bell
SG-Maurice Evans, Kevin Martin
PG-Nate Robinson
:D Would be a solid team..
PG - Mike Bibby
SG – Maurice Evans
SF – Peja Stojakovic
PF – Antoine Walker
C – Brad Miller

Bench: Bobby Jackson, Kevin Martin, Corliss Williamson, Kenny Thomas, Brian Skinner, Jarret Jack, Greg Ostertag.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Alright, I guess I'll throw my hat in the ring.

PG - Mike Bibby
SG - Marko Jaric
SF - Peja Stojakovic
PF - Stromille Swift
C - Brad Miller

Bench - Maurice Evans, Kevin Martin, Corliss Williamson, Greg Ostertag, Eric Williams (from Toronto not Wake Forest), Jason Maxiell, Ike Diogu
PF - Tyson Chandler
SF - Peja Stojakovic
C- Brad Miller
SG - Ron Artest
PG - Mike Bibby

Bobby Jackson
Brian Skinner
Greg Ostertagg
Maurice Evans
Darius Songaila
Raja Bell
Kevin Martin
Ok, heres mine:

PG - Mike Bibby
SG - Marko Jaric
SF - Peja Stojakovic
PF - Andrew Bogut
C - Brad Miller

Bench: Darko Millic - C, Darius Songalia -PF , Matt Barnes -SF, Kevin Martin -SG, Roko Ukic* - PG, Brian Skinner -PF, Greg Ostertag -C

*A European guy I read about in an Insider Article, compared him to Manu but he's a PG
PG - Mike Bibby
SG - Maurice Evans
SF - Peja Stojakovic
PF - Shareef Abdur-Rahim
C - Brad Miller

Bobby Jackson, Kenny Thomas, Eddie House, Kevin Martin, Matt Barnes, Brian Skinner, Greg Ostertag
PG - Mike Bibby
SG - Mo Evans
SF - Peja Stojakavic
PF - Kenny Thomas
C - Brad Miller

Bench: Bobby Jackson, Wayne Simien, Kevin Martin, Greg Ostertag, Corliss W, Brian Skinner, Matt Barnes
PF-Tyson Chandler
C-Brad Miller

Bench: Jackson, Wayne Simien, Kevin Martin, Matt Barnes, O-Tag, Doug Christie, Eddie House

PG - Mike Bibby
SG - Marko Jaric
SF - Predrag Stojakovic
PF - Elton Brand
C - Brad Miller

The Bench Mob: Bobby Jackson, Kevin Martin, Maurice Evans, Darko Milicic, Dejan Bodiroga, Greg Ostertag, Erazem Lorbek.
Here's mine.

PG: Mike Bibby
SG:Marice Evans
SF:paul Pierce
PF:Nene Hilario
C: Brad Miller

Bench: Bobby Jackson, Kevin Martin, Matt Barnes, Kenny Thomas,Wayne Simien, Greg Ostertag, Brian Skinner

I'm not drooling over this but I think it makes us better. Here's hoping I win. :)


Super Moderator Emeritus
I just pruned the thread, eliminating all the discussion and non-prediction stuff.

So how have you done so far?

Remember, do NOT change your original post. Let's just see where people stand as of this moment.
I guess I'm ineligible since I didn't join the board in time for this prediction game, but here was prediction in my first post from 7/3/05:

"Here's your team. Four all-stars in the starting five and Bobby, Thomas and Evans off the bench:

Starting five -
Mike Bibby
Bonzi Wells
Peja Stojakovic
Shareef Abdur-Rahim
Brad Miller

Bench -
Bobby Jackson
Kenny Thomas
Maurice Evans
Kevin Martin
Francisco Garcia
Brian Skinner
Greg Ostertag"
nbrans said:
I guess I'm ineligible since I didn't join the board in time for this prediction game, but here was prediction in my first post from 7/3/05:

"Here's your team. Four all-stars in the starting five and Bobby, Thomas and Evans off the bench:

Starting five -
Mike Bibby
Bonzi Wells
Peja Stojakovic
Shareef Abdur-Rahim
Brad Miller

Bench -
Bobby Jackson
Kenny Thomas
Maurice Evans
Kevin Martin
Francisco Garcia
Brian Skinner
Greg Ostertag"
Holy schnikens. Good job, Petrie!
nbrans said:
I guess I'm ineligible since I didn't join the board in time for this prediction game, but here was prediction in my first post from 7/3/05:

"Here's your team. Four all-stars in the starting five and Bobby, Thomas and Evans off the bench:

Starting five -
Mike Bibby
Bonzi Wells
Peja Stojakovic
Shareef Abdur-Rahim
Brad Miller

Bench -
Bobby Jackson
Kenny Thomas
Maurice Evans
Kevin Martin
Francisco Garcia
Brian Skinner
Greg Ostertag"
A link to the post:

Well done. For better or worse, your starting lineup was spot on.
sono said:
holy crap lol, ... nbrans what's GP's next move?
Thanks! But er, that prediction was luck so your guess is as good as mine as to what is happening next. Hopefully something to improve the defense.
nbrans said:
I guess I'm ineligible since I didn't join the board in time for this prediction game, but here was prediction in my first post from 7/3/05:

"Here's your team. Four all-stars in the starting five and Bobby, Thomas and Evans off the bench:

Starting five -
Mike Bibby
Bonzi Wells
Peja Stojakovic
Shareef Abdur-Rahim
Brad Miller

Bench -
Bobby Jackson
Kenny Thomas
Maurice Evans
Kevin Martin
Francisco Garcia
Brian Skinner
Greg Ostertag"
Holly crap!!!!!

And I thought I did well predicting that Bonzi will be our starting SG.

Well done.