The 2013 NBA Finals: (1) Miami Heat vs (2) San Antonio Spurs

Who will be NBA Champions?

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not even another year. if Rondo, Rose, Granger werent out this season they wouldnt have even made the Finals this year.......
This is nonsense! Boston couldn't have done it this year. We don't know how well Granger and George can play with each other so that's all wishful thinking. Rose, I'll give you, but even then I still think Miami would have been too much for a team that relies heavily on one playmaker.
well, congrats Miami. kinda weird to have Wade and James hitting jumpers, Battier be unconscious, Chalmers doing his toddler reaching for the cookie jar thing and still have the game as close as it was. hats off to the Spurs, too, brillaintly fought, especially by Leonard, who might have been the Spurs best player this series. in his second year. with enormous potential. doing the exact stuff the Kings would need. Petrie, Westphal and the Maloofs can all collectively go to hell, btw.
Yep, watching Leonard emerge as a semi-star in such an epic way was really a pain to watch, even if with two years of Smart instead of Pop under his belt right now he would probably be a shorter James Johnson.
I think that if 2013 Evans were on the Spurs instead of 2013 Ginobili, that the Spurs are champions. And they probably win it in five. But for 2014 and beyond, it's harder to say whether he'd still be as valuable.
I think that if Indy have Reke instead of Lance LBJ is calling his wedding, and may not marry the next few years.
Yep, watching Leonard emerge as a semi-star in such an epic way was really a pain to watch, even if with two years of Smart instead of Pop under his belt right now he would probably be a shorter James Johnson.
really have trouble believing that. Leonard strikes me as to smart and as having to good a work ethic to be held down even by someone like Smart. he also reputedly had already worked a lot on his jumper coming out of college, meaning he'd probably already be better than any SF we have now. nevermind that there wouldn't have been much of an alternative, even if Petrie still signs Outlaw.
That was a great series. I'm glad I had the chance to watch it.

I was rooting for the Heat, and LeBron especially, so the outcome made it even better. But either way it was a great series to watch.
really have trouble believing that. Leonard strikes me as to smart and as having to good a work ethic to be held down even by someone like Smart. he also reputedly had already worked a lot on his jumper coming out of college, meaning he'd probably already be better than any SF we have now. nevermind that there wouldn't have been much of an alternative, even if Petrie still signs Outlaw.
I was joking with the JJ comparison. Of course Leonard would be our best SF by several miles, my point is merely that San Antonio was the best possible destination for him to develop his game. Improved jumper and defensive effort aside I really have trouble envisioning him with such good offensive awareness and efficiency (no off the dribble chucking, quick to exploit mismatches down low, no hero drives in the paint with multiple defenders protecting the rim etc.) at only 21 while also being a part of Smart's "do whatever you want" offensive system.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
really have trouble believing that. Leonard strikes me as to smart and as having to good a work ethic to be held down even by someone like Smart.
Do you realize that this post is, essentially, a complete repudiation of Tyreke Evans, Jimmer Fredette and Jason Thompson? And, for that matter, Stephen Curry, too?
I was joking with the JJ comparison. Of course Leonard would be our best SF by several miles, my point is merely that San Antonio was the best possible destination for him to develop his game. Improved jumper and defensive effort aside I really have trouble envisioning him with such good offensive awareness and efficiency (no off the dribble chucking, quick to exploit mismatches down low, no hero drives in the paint with multiple defenders protecting the rim etc.) at only 21 while also being a part of Smart's "do whatever you want" offensive system.
yeah, clearly you're right with saying he's developed as well as he could under Pop and his staff, I just think he'd be that much worse under Smart for the sole reason that Smart wouldn't have had any real options outside of Leonard at the SF.

Do you realize that this post is, essentially, a complete repudiation of Tyreke Evans, Jimmer Fredette and Jason Thompson? And, for that matter, Stephen Curry, too?
well, not really. Thompson pretty much is what he is, he has actually fared better under Smart than most others. Evans, Fredette, Thornton and Thomas all stood in each other's way and even had someone like Brooks thrown in their way, too. this wouldn't have happened with Leonard, because of a lack of alternatives.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
to what are you comparing them, exactly? his 09-10 numbers?
You do understand that Thompson played in the league for three years before was coached by Keith Smart, don't you? The first three were significantly better than the last two, even with Westphal trying to make him a small forward.
Well, to be fair, even if the numbers don't show it in the last two years he made the transition from "maddeningly inconsistent player very prone to make stupid mistakes" to "steadiest guy on the team only slightly prone to make stupid mistakes".
You do understand that Thompson played in the league for three years before was coached by Keith Smart, don't you? The first three were significantly better than the last two, even with Westphal trying to make him a small forward.
yes, I do, it's why I'm asking, because the numbers don't strike me as fundamentally worse. especially the per36 numbers. he's also had career best PER numbers the last two seasons. it just strikes me as odd that you'd pick him as an example of a player doing much worse under Smart when he was probably one of the few players on this team that actually had a good season last year.
yeah, clearly you're right with saying he's developed as well as he could under Pop and his staff, I just think he'd be that much worse under Smart for the sole reason that Smart wouldn't have had any real options outside of Leonard at the SF.

well, not really. Thompson pretty much is what he is, he has actually fared better under Smart than most others. Evans, Fredette, Thornton and Thomas all stood in each other's way and even had someone like Brooks thrown in their way, too. this wouldn't have happened with Leonard, because of a lack of alternatives.
I don't know? Do you really think Smart would have played Leonard with Salmons on the team?:eek:
I don't know? Do you really think Smart would have played Leonard with Salmons on the team?:eek:
wouldn't have been on the team. his arrival depended on the pick being traded. also, yeah, he very well might have. it's not that I disagree with playing Salmons over Outlaw or JJ. but who knows, it's all hypothetical anyway.
I hate Lebron. More than I hate Kobe.
I certainly have way more respect for Kobe than LeBron.
who doesn't. its not even close when it comes to those 2
Alright... I couldn't stand it any more.


I mean, I understand not wanting the Heat to win and being against the idea of superstars conspiring to join together via free agency for a super team. That makes some sense to me.

But what has LeBron done to deserve the loss of your respect that Kobe hasn't?
Alright... I couldn't stand it any more.


I mean, I understand not wanting the Heat to win and being against the idea of superstars conspiring to join together via free agency for a super team. That makes some sense to me.

But what has LeBron done to deserve the loss of your respect that Kobe hasn't?
Kobe has not gone on national TV and taken a pee on his previous team and their fans and announce his desire to sign with another team.

LeBron has.
I'm starting to think that people have more forgiveness for Mike Vick running a dog fighting rink and Ray Lewis being connected(allegedly) to a homicide than they have for Lebron leaving a basketball team and, stupidly, running a live, national television program to announce his departure. The hate is unparalleled.
Kobe has not gone on national TV and taken a pee on his previous team and their fans and announce his desire to sign with another team.

LeBron has.
Well, yeah. I know what LeBron did. The question is why that's worse than all the crap Kobe has pulled in his career?

So the guy who waits until his contract is up and chooses which team he'd like to play for deserves less respect than the guy who has made a public trade request because he doesn't think his team has given him enough help? The same guy whose behavior led to Phil Jackson and Shaquille O'Neal leaving his team? And that's just off-court basketball related stuff. Are you even considering on-court or all the way off-court stuff?

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
I'm starting to think that people have more forgiveness for Mike Vick running a dog fighting rink and Ray Lewis being connected(allegedly) to a homicide than they have for Lebron leaving a basketball team and, stupidly, running a live, national television program to announce his departure. The hate is unparalleled.
I'm not feeling this argument on any level: at least uolj presents a relevant argument (i.e., made an argument with an actual NBA player). Contrary to popular opinion, everybody doesn't give a **** about football and, even among those of you who do, clearly not all of you feel the need to equivocate their behavior. Or, to put it like Michael Wilbon did last week on Kornheiser's radio show, "don't use football metrics to measure how [you] consume basketball." Even if I did like football, how felt or didn't feel about football players would have no bearing on how I felt about basketball players, regardless of whom did what.

EDIT - Also, it's "ring," not "rink." He didn't take the dogs skating.
I'm not feeling this argument on any level: at least uolj presents a relevant argument (i.e., made an argument with an actual NBA player). Contrary to popular opinion, everybody doesn't give a **** about football and, even among those of you who do, clearly not all of you feel the need to equivocate their behavior. Or, to put it like Michael Wilbon did last week on Kornheiser's radio show, "don't use football metrics to measure how [you] consume basketball." Even if I did like football, how felt or didn't feel about football players would have no bearing on how I felt about basketball players, regardless of whom did what.

EDIT - Also, it's "ring," not "rink." He didn't take the dogs skating.
Wait, who's comparing sports, me or you?

I'm talking about athletes. I don't care that you don't like football because football has nothing to do with this. It's called a comparison. Ever heard of it? You've always been a smart-a$$, and to be quite honest, I don't have the patience to deal with your s*** right now.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
Wait, who's comparing sports, me or you?

I'm talking about athletes. I don't care that you don't like football because football has nothing to do with this. It's called a comparison. Ever heard of it? You've always been a smart-a$$, and to be quite honest, I don't have the patience to deal with your s*** right now.
Well, you're half-right: it's called a non-equivalent comparison. Or, alternatively, a poor comparison. How one feels about Michael Vick or Ray Lewis should have nothing to do with how one feels about LeBron James, is the point. There's a perfectly reasonable world outside your little bubble where somebody can think that Ray Lewis belongs in jail, and still think that Kobe Bryant is more deserving or respect than LeBron James, or is that a concept too difficult for you to grasp?

Don't give me that "who's comparing sports" nonsense; if you didn't want to defend your decision to introduce football players into the conversation, then you shouldn't have brought them up. They have nothing to do with this.
What the hell is the difference?? Then why compare Kobe to Lebron in terms of their character? What, because they're both basketball players it's ok? Get a grip, man. You called me on some ticky tack bull****.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
The difference is apples to apples versus apples to bananas. If you respect Kobe more than LeBron, which TyFreak Evans claims he does, what do Michael Vick and Ray Lewis have to do with it? In the first place, why would you think that comparing LeBron to a guy who was convicted of a crime, served his sentence, and was released would be a fair comparison and, in the second place, why would you even assume that he doesn't hate Michael Vick or Ray Lewis? One does not preclude the other.

Why would you think that Michael Vick and Ray Lewis' names belong in a Kobe/LeBron conversation? What relevance could they possibly have? Why didn't you bring up Pete Rose and Ty Cobb, while you were at it?
Because Lebron(an "athlete") is being crucified for opting to join another team-something no one has ever done(shocking, right?)- while other athletes who have done crimes or been accused of crimes don't receive the same treatment(right now) as Lebron does. And what Lebron did, was nothing. Get that thought your thick skull.
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