Telemachus Prediction Game 2016-17: (Prediction-) Game Over!! See You in a New Thread Next Season


Hall of Famer
Monthly Race

We have a new leader!
@[SIZE=6][B]Glenn[/B][/SIZE] took the first place again for March, over @[SIZE=1][B]Telemachus[/B][/SIZE].
The race is very tight between those 2 leaders (13 points apart), and both of them have already scored more points in March than anyone has ever scored before in one month
(and we are still 2 games shy of month's end!)

@New Era, @bubulina and @SLAB are the only ones who could still upset the monthly leaders theoretically in those last 2 games.

March Leaderboard:

# KingsFan (Pts)
1. @[SIZE=6]Glenn[/SIZE] (617)
2. @[SIZE=1]Telemachus[/SIZE] (604)
3. @New Era (520)
4. @bubulina (444)
5. @SLAB (441)
6. @Tomcat (414)
7. @Ron (391)
8. @LoungeLizard (280)
9. @VF21 (262)
10. @origkds (222)
11. @King Baller (148)
12. @Chupacabra (60)
13. @Tetsujin (55)
14. @jpsls (53)
15. @chief bromden (50)
16. @The Hammer (44)
17. @Spike (40)
18. @gunks (10)
Normally I am not one to rub it in but I figure I better take the shot when I'm open. :D I'm not sure I can tolerate the excitement.
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A 30-point blowout L...


7 predictors saw the L coming, but none of them predicted anything close to that large (30pts) margin. (No points for margin prediction were given tonight. To anyone!)

@bubulina was only 1pt off about Jazz score, and got 50, to claim a 5th daily win.

@Ron was 2pts off on Kings score and got 46

The rest (@Telemachus, @SLAB, @LoungeLizard, @New Era, @Glenn) all got bare 40's for the L prediction, to share 3rd place

Daily Winners:
# KingsFan ........................ Daily Wins
1. @LoungeLizard ................ 9
2. @Tomcat .......................... 6
--- @Telemachus ................... 6
4. @alonshin ....................... 5
--- @chief bromden ............... 5
--- @CVKingsfan ................... 5
--- @Ron ............................... 5
--- @SLAB ............................. 5
--- @bubulina ....................... 5
10. @lwc ............................... 4
--- @Tetsujin ....................... 4
--- @gil renard ................... 4
--- @New Era ........................ 4
14. @KingsFanSince85 ........... 3
--- @origkds ........................ 3
16. @VF21 ............................. 2
--- @km23 ............................. 2
--- @Glenn ........................... 2
--- @King Baller .................. 2
20. @sono ............................. 1
--- @Blob ............................. 1
--- @Russell Pimphustler ..... 1
--- @Suicide King ................ 1
--- @gunks ........................... 1
--- @Chupacabra ................... 1
--- @ockingsfan ................... 1

March Leaderboard - see post below.

Season Leaderboard:

Averages Per Prediction:

KingsFan.......... Games…........ Ave. per
............................. predicted...... prediction
@Glenn ...................... 20…..……. 42.10
@New Era ................. 21…..……. 41.90
@lwc ........................... 20…..……. 34.20
@KingsFanSince85 .. 46…..……. 33.65
@SLAB ........................ 55…..……. 32.35
@alonshin .................. 54…..……. 32.06
@gil renard ............... 31…..……. 31.26
@km23 ....................... 32…..……. 30.19
@King Baller ............ 13…..……. 29.46
@Telemachus ........... 75…..……. 29.04
@bubulina ................ 52…..……. 28.21
@chief bromden ..... 41…..……. 28.10
@LoungeLizard ....... 70…..……. 28.07
@Ron .......................... 74…..……. 28.05
@Tetsujin .................. 57…..……. 27.81
@Tomcat ................... 56…..……. 27.36
@CVKingsfan ........... 56…..……. 25.50
@The Hammer ........ 20…..……. 24.60
@origkds ................... 57…..……. 23.89
@Spike ....................... 26…..……. 22.73
@VF21 ........................ 72…..……. 22.10
@ockingsfan ............... 8…..……. 21.88
@Suicide King .......... 35…..……. 20.86
@Russell Pimphustler .... 15…..……. 19.33
@gunks ....................... 21…..……. 19.19
@sono ........................... 9…..……. 17.89
@peacelate .................. 8…..……. 17.75

1/10 of all predictions (7 of 75)
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Next we meet with NOP for the first time since THE TRADE!
(Not in front of home crowd though)

A lot of proving to do on both sides...

Think you know how it will end?

A fan has got to do
what a fan ha
s got to do...
Predictions are ON for game #76:
On the road vs the Pelicans, Friday 3/31, 5pm

Last game in March!!

March 2017 Race (Still going)

# Predictor (Pts)
1. @Glenn (657)
2. @Telemachus (644)
3. @New Era (560)
4. @bubulina (494)
5. @SLAB (481)
6. @Ron (437)
7. @Tomcat (414)
8. @LoungeLizard (320)
9. @VF21 (262)
10. @origkds (222)
11. @King Baller (148)
12. @Chupacabra (60)
13. @Tetsujin (55)
14. @jpsls (53)
15. @chief bromden (50)
16. @The Hammer (44)
17. @Spike (40)
18. @gunks (10)

Bla bla... (look here: View attachment 5791 )

Prediction Rules
Yada yada... (look here: View attachment 6251 )

List of predictors:
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Super Moderator Emeritus
Not even I, the ultimate optimist, can predict a win for the Kings in New Orleans. We're gonna get demolished.

Kings 104
DMC 135 (by himself)
Not even I, the ultimate optimist, can predict a win for the Kings in New Orleans. We're gonna get demolished.

Kings 104
DMC 135 (by himself)
I am genuingly shocked.

An L-ptediction from you!? :eek:
That's an earth-shaking, unbelievable first!

I bet it took guts to overcome this inner threashold...
(I'm not kidding)
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Well, that was expected, right?


Lowest participation ever (7 KFs).


6 of those 7 correctly predicted the L, including an unbelievable L-prediction from @VF21, that left @origkds as the only one of all 47 players who posted only Kings W preditions.

@LoungeLizard came 1 point away from the exact NOP score and marked his impressive 10th (!!!) win of the season.

Daily Winners:

# KingsFan ..................... Daily Wins
1. @LoungeLizard ................ 10
2. @Tomcat .......................... 6
--- @Telemachus ................... 6
4. @alonshin ....................... 5
--- @chief bromden ............... 5
--- @CVKingsfan ................... 5
--- @Ron ............................... 5
--- @SLAB ............................. 5
--- @bubulina ....................... 5
10. @lwc ............................... 4
--- @Tetsujin ....................... 4
--- @gil renard ................... 4
--- @New Era ........................ 4
14. @KingsFanSince85 ........... 3
--- @origkds ........................ 3
16. @VF21 ............................. 2
--- @km23 ............................. 2
--- @Glenn ........................... 2
--- @King Baller .................. 2
20. @sono ............................. 1
--- @Blob ............................. 1
--- @Russell Pimphustler ..... 1
--- @Suicide King ................ 1
--- @gunks ........................... 1
--- @Chupacabra ................... 1
--- @ockingsfan ................... 1


The March Race is Won:


Not many shifts in ranking.
Only @Glenn, passing @New Era to take 16th place
(both are new players who missed the 1st half of the season)

Full Season Leaderboard:

Average Per Prediction:
*Only for KFs who predicted at least 25% of the games (19 of 76)

KingsFan............. Games.... Ave. per
............................... predicted... predic.
@Glenn ........................... 21…..……. 42.19
@New Era ........................ 21…..……. 41.90
@lwc ............................... 20…..……. 34.20
@KingsFanSince85 ........... 46…..……. 33.65
@SLAB ............................. 55…..……. 32.35
@alonshin ....................... 54…..……. 32.06
@gil renard ................... 31…..……. 31.26
@km23 ............................. 32…..……. 30.19
@Telemachus ................... 76…..……. 29.22
@bubulina ....................... 53…..……. 28.51
@LoungeLizard ................ 71…..……. 28.38
@Ron ............................... 75…..……. 28.21
@chief bromden ............... 41…..……. 28.10
@Tetsujin ....................... 57…..……. 27.81
@Tomcat .......................... 56…..……. 27.36
@CVKingsfan ................... 56…..……. 25.50
@The Hammer ................... 20…..……. 24.60
@origkds ........................ 58…..……. 23.48
@Spike ........................... 26…..……. 22.73
@VF21 ............................. 73…..……. 22.44
@Suicide King ................ 35…..……. 20.86
@gunks ........................... 21…..……. 19.19

1/4 of all predictions (19 of 76)
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Don't miss it!
Another game tonight!

And this time it's Omri Casspi that we're going to meet. :D

(Not as intimidating as DMC, I know)

Think you know how it will end?

A fan has got to do
what a fan ha
s got to do...
Predictions are ON for game #77:
On the road vs the Timberwolves, Saturday 4/1, 5pm

First game of April!!

Bla bla... ( View attachment 5791 )

Prediction Rules
Yada yada... ( View attachment 6251 )

List of predictors:

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Hall of Famer
Kings 100
Wolves 109

I'm waiting for a comment from Telemachus as not only did I catch this wunderkind in March, I passed him going away. :) I didn't even resort to any dirty tricks as Ron can attest.