SPM is Looking for Interns

Dear Friends,

SportsPageMagazine.com is in the process of getting a major overhaul. We're very excited about the changes that we will be implementing, but we also know that we will be busier than ever, so we are currently looking for interns.

If you have some free time on your hands, and you are comfortable with some basic computer work, we can offer you some real experience in sports media.

An SPM intern might be asked to help with any of the following tasks (depending on skill and comfort): media releases, promotion, new media, proofreading, photoshop, photo editing, and other website-related tasks.

This offer is open to any interested party who has the necessary time available -- you could be a college student, in between jobs, a retiree -- the only thing that matters to us is that you understand the importance of getting the details right and that you can commit a reasonable number of hours per week.

So here is your chance to get the news first and to join a steadily growing publication.

Please email me, Mike D'Avino, at interns@sportspagemagazine.com for more information.

Many thanks,

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