Seems Lakers don't need Kobe ?

Atkins is as streaky as they get. With that said he seemed to have done a great job tonight getting everyone involed and taking on the scoring load as well. Dare I say, the Lakers might play a better "team" game without the Kobe show. Then again, Minny is really struggling so I'm not sure how much of this game is really a barometer.
KingKong said:
....getting everyone involed and taking on the scoring load as well. Dare I say, the Lakers might play a better "team" game without the Kobe show.
strong conclusion. --need to prove
hoopsfan said:
Kinda like the Kings are a better "team" when Webber is injured?? ;)
Actually you're not too far off. With both teams, but moreso with the Lakers, teammates have a tendency to stand around and watch either Webb or Kobe do their thing. They might not be better teams without their superstars but I think the movement and sharing of the ball is much better. Hence I said "team game" rather than team. :)
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Career game for Atkins. It's pretty sad the Lakers needed a career game from him to win at home against the struggling Twolves without Cassell. Shows how bad this team is without Kobe.

On the bright side, Caron is showing that he's a damn fine player.
Seems like a team will find some energy somewhere and win a few games win their star goes out. If it starts stretching into weeks however, the losses begin coming and then start piling up.

Or maybe the Lakers aren't as badly coached as their fans seem to think. ;)
Variant said:
Seems like a team will find some energy somewhere and win a few games win their star goes out. If it starts stretching into weeks however, the losses begin coming and then start piling up.

Or maybe the Lakers aren't as badly coached as their fans seem to think. ;)
They're winning despite Rudy Three :D
funsc said:
another supersonics

Allen --- Atkins
Lewis--- Odom
Butler--- Daniels
Sasha <- Ridnour
Whats sad is any time a media personality questions Rudy about his love with the 3 ball he brings up the Sonic's as some sort of excuse. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to understand they have much better perimeter shooters than LA. Then again what can one expect from a guy who say's LA doesn't have enough athlete's to do much more than launch 3's.
i don't know if i would go that far...but with Atkins to me he seems kinda sketchy... i mean one night he can totally dominate and then the next he can totally stink up the place...and its not just a matter of having a bad game here and there

in some Laker forums they are saying that Kobe has finally found his "Pippen" in Caron Butler...which is pretty we shall see..who keeps on ballin once Kobe comes back


Super Moderator Emeritus
hoopsfan said:
Kinda like the Kings are a better "team" when Webber is injured?? ;)
And, as usual, when any criticism is levelled at the Lakers, this type of totally irrelevant comment will pop up.

Why, hoopsfan? Are you that insecure about discussing your team without Kobe that you have to resort to inane comments like that?

Webber may have been problematic last year. That was LAST year. This year, with very few exceptions (which I think even players who haven't had potentially career-ending surgery might also experience) Webber is awesome.

Your sour grapes are becoming redundant and ineffective. Kind of like still having the championship ring as your avatar.


Super Moderator Emeritus
KingKong said:
They might not be better teams without their superstars but I think the movement and sharing of the ball is much better. Hence I said "team game" rather than team. :)
Have you actually seen many games this year? I ask because that certainly doesn't describe how the Kings have been playing. Movement and sharing of the ball have been premiere goals for Webber this year and, for the most part, he's done an admirable job.

But, I guess there are always going to be people for whom Webber can never move the ball enough. As Kingsgurl reported in another thread, one bozo at the Portland game was screaming at Webber to "pass the ball!!!" That would have been fine, I suppose, had he been holding the ball, refusing to pass it, and NOT at the stripe preparing to shoot a free throw...

Fuzzy Math

hoopsfan said:
Kinda like the Kings are a better "team" when Webber is injured?? ;)
I'd love to say only a Laker fan like Hoopsfan would say that, but a lot of Kings fans still actually believe that. When Webb was hurt(last year) it's kinda tough to judge him too harshly(he could hardly walk), but when everyone on the Kings was healthy and Webber went down in the playoffs 2 years ago we got beat by Dallas. I thought that would put to rest the whole, "This team could go all the way if Webber wasn't on it" theory. Unfortunately I was wrong.
KingKong said:
Actually you're not too far off. With both teams, but moreso with the Lakers, teammates have a tendency to stand around and watch either Webb or Kobe do their thing. They might not be better teams without their superstars but I think the movement and sharing of the ball is much better. Hence I said "team game" rather than team. :)
Webbers back in the lineup this year and the Kings are still leading the league in assists. The Lakers are 25th by the way...
VF21 said:
Why, hoopsfan? Are you that insecure about discussing your team without Kobe that you have to resort to inane comments like that?

Your sour grapes are becoming redundant and ineffective. Kind of like still having the championship ring as your avatar.
I'm not insecure at all. I'm hoping they at least go .500 while Kobe's out. What I was refering to was that many Kings fans were saying the same thing...I never said it. (Hence the ;) )

As far as my avatar least we've got one. I'd say it's as relevent as having VF21 as your screen name. (Plus if I change will be smaller.)
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Super Moderator Emeritus
hoopsfan said:
As far as my avatar least we've got one. I'd say it's as relevent as having VF21 as your screen name. (Plus if I change will be smaller.)
My screen name will always be VF21 because that's who I am. My avatar, on the other hand - which is what we were talking about - was changed as soon as Vlade left.

You can put all the emoticons on your posts that you want but it won't change the fact that you are a Laker fan on a Kings board and you live to be able to take the occasional swipe at our team, our players, our coach, etc. unlike the other Laker fans who seem to be able to hold their manners in check and still discuss hoops with us.

You even dissed the garlic fries at Arco. You may not be willing to admit it but I think you are just genetically wired against actually saying anything good about our Kings. I think you're afraid if you did it once it might become a habit and then you'd have to admit you're really a Kings fan pretending to still be a Lakers fan.

VF21 said:
.....You even dissed the garlic fries at Arco. You may not be willing to admit it but I think you are just genetically wired against actually saying anything good about our Kings. .....

Sharp eye. :)