Season Ticket Package

So I was having a conversation with my Season Ticket Rep not too long ago, and she mentioned quietly, underneath her breath that MS and E was doing away with the souvenir ticket package this season; something about "going green" and just doing away with physical paper tickets period. I did not press the issue because I am on like my sixth rep in five years, and I thought maybe the organization was just considering it, and that later on down the line would come to their senses and do the right thing.

A couple of months later, I have not heard anything different. Don't get me wrong, I am happy to just be in the building, but I hope that we will have those souvenir tickets. To me that is one of the perks I enjoy alot as a STH. I understand that we are in a bad economy. In fact this off season I received less invitations to between season events than I can remember.

Anybody know:confused:


Homer Fan Since 1985
Hmmmm! I'm in contact with my ticket rep on a somewhat regular basis and that subject has never surfaced. I'll certainly check into it though. You've got me very curious.
I hadn't heard that either so I'll be interested to see what 6th hears. I figured they were still doing the souvenir tix because they had a hard deadline for payment.

If they got rid of the print tickets they could use the effort (and savings) to produce more collectible stuff that's immensely more easily collectible than a ticket stub. I looooooooooooooooooooove the fact that they have gone partially green (finally) and let you email and print tickets. It's the 21st century for goodness sakes, there needs to be a more efficient technology than tickets
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My rep mention that to me. She said that they were considering having the season ticket holders print out their own tickets. But they were worried that the sth would be upset about not having the souvenir tickets so I suggested they give us a password to log on to download special pictures or something. The other problem was not every one has internet access. I haven't heard anything about it since. :rolleyes:
They must not be doing it then...can't imagine they'd spring it on everybody this late in an "oh by the way...." when the mailer came in May.

If they were going to have folks print their own, that's not green at all. It just doesn't cost MSE anything. THAT they'd definitely need to rethink.

It's the 21st century for goodness sake, there should be a way to get people into ARCO without the need of paper. The airlines have done it. The Fandango peeps have done it with movie tickets (if people still go to theaters anymore at this day and age) why are the sports teams so far behind. Actually, I don't think they're that far behind. Somebody was doing some sort of testing of something that would let you enter a baseball park with your tickets on your cell phone. That's GOTTA be coming a lot closer to widespread rollout.

Yes, give STHs access to jpg files so they can print their own photos if they want them. The photos on the tickets is passe to me, especially since they started going away from having the player pictures on them for obvious reasons.
For season ticket holders, to save paper, maybe it would make sense to issue them one card for the whole season that could be scanned at the entrance. At the last home game, they could just be collected and disposed of or maybe even recycled with new programming?
E mailed my ticket rep today and here is her response....

"As I know, we will be continuing the souvenir tickets. Especially for our Season Ticket Holders that are Paid in Full before or on April 15th".
If you all would talk to your reps and confirm this, that would be cool.:)
I think that's the confirmation, if you paid in full by the 15th you are getting the souvenir tickets. If not, you are getting standard tickets with MVP stamped on them. I'm not seeing the need to innundate the staff with emails and calls at this point.

If they were going to change their practice, I suspect STH would have been told a while ago.

I hope they do however eventually get rid of paper tickets. I'd much much rather them use the money they lay out for those other ways, especially since they felt the need to cut the injured list because the league is bleeding money. I picture of a fan on my ticket is a sacrifice I'm willing to make in future years.