Sacramento pushing Anaheim ballot measure trying to force team to spend another year

And here comes the lawyers, politics, and signature drive.

This campaign should be called “Here They Are Forced To Stay For One More Season, That Probably Won’t Happen Due to the Lockout.”

That’s probably better than “There They Go.”

But this is pretty ugly.
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Good. At least it's something. It may not end up keeping the team here but at least they aren't letting the shady backstabbing Magoofs move the team without a fight. They shouldn't be allowed to walk out on a city that's trying to build them an arena.
Good. At least it's something. It may not end up keeping the team here but at least they aren't letting the shady backstabbing Magoofs move the team without a fight. They shouldn't be allowed to walk out on a city that's trying to build them an arena.
You mean the city that has "tried" to build a new arena for some 15 years and never in its time has it built a publicly funnded or partially publicly funded arena?!
You mean the city that has "tried" to build a new arena for some 15 years and never in its time has it built a publicly funnded or partially publicly funded arena?!
Yeah let's dwell on past failures that Kevin Johnson had nothing to do with. What a progressive approach. That's the way to get something done.
I don't think some (maybe many) Kings fans realize that when (if) the BOG votes to allow Kings to relocate there is absolutely nothing at that point to keep the Maloofs (not Magoofs) from packing up and heading off immediately down to Anaheim. The only thing that would be keeping the moving vans ideling in the parking lot of Power Balance Pavillion is not having a signed deal with Samueli since Anaheim City Council is fully onboard after their vote. All of the chicken with head cut off City of Sac litigation will be looking in the rear view mirror WAY TOO LATE, BUT DON'T BLAME US attempts to try and force Kings not to stay - but to return. But it will be too late once again as the Kings/Royals will already be at their new Honda Center home.


You mean the city that has "tried" to build a new arena for some 15 years and never in its time has it built a publicly funnded or partially publicly funded arena?!
Do you have an off switch or something? Why do you want the team to leave Sac so much? The point is that we are TRYING now. It's KJs job to keep the team and he has nothing to do with anything that has happened in the last 15 years. He was still playing in the NBA when the arena issues came up. Give it a rest, we all know you want the team to leave. it's bad enough that EVERY attempt at keeping the team you try to rub it in our face with some negative crud. Give it a rest already.
Yeah let's dwell on past failures that Kevin Johnson had nothing to do with. What a progressive approach. That's the way to get something done.
Oh please! You are carrying on like a pork chop balimg Maloofs for everything, including the global warming and the crisis in Libia.

Fact is that this has been brewing for over a decade and has been ignored. The Arena was outdated the minute first brick way layed and there are been nothing done since then to get a viable plan going forward. There is a combination of things why nothing has been done and why Maloofs are looking to move. The GFC hasn't helped and has hit Sacramento's economy greatly but it has also hit the Maloofs and while at times they might have been more comfortable to take the risk, they are not now. No one can blame them for it because its their business.

The arena is not viable and hasn't been for some time. People will point how Kings are making money, sure with the lowest payroll in the league and the lowest paid coach in the league and with about half the staff than majority of other NBA teams. Then we hear things like, because the product on the floor is ****, the people are not coming to the games. Its more than that but how can you put a winning team on the floor when you are basically forced to keep your costs to a minimum in order to stay alive????

Sacramento has a number of top 5 longest sell out streaks in the league so in the past they have been more than happy to sell out Arco even though the Kings were perennial losers. So whats changed?! Economy! People can no longer afford to buy season tickets in the current economic climate thats hit them hard and the Kings in an outdated arena cannot generate enough other revenue to stay afloat. Maloofs have been hit hard financially, people and government of Sacramento have been hit hard financially and all that while we have an outdated arena that is not able to generate other income stream for the team. Thats the problem. Unless there is magically some $400million loose change drop from somewhere, this situation is like being put between a rock and a hard place.

I am sure Maloofs would rather put some $100+ million towards an arena in Sacramento than towards a move to be a tenant somewhere else but the problem is, there is no money to build this thing. Maloofs don't have it, city doesn't have it, no one wealthy enough is stepping forward offering it and despite all the best efforts its a long shot because there is no funds to get it done. SO there comes a point where this no longer can go on because of things remain as they are, the team faces contraction or being bought by someone and moved which is really no different to what is taking place now.
Oh please! You are carrying on like a pork chop balimg Maloofs for everything, including the global warming and the crisis in Libia.

Fact is that this has been brewing for over a decade and has been ignored. The Arena was outdated the minute first brick way layed and there are been nothing done since then to get a viable plan going forward. There is a combination of things why nothing has been done and why Maloofs are looking to move. The GFC hasn't helped and has hit Sacramento's economy greatly but it has also hit the Maloofs and while at times they might have been more comfortable to take the risk, they are not now. No one can blame them for it because its their business.

The arena is not viable and hasn't been for some time. People will point how Kings are making money, sure with the lowest payroll in the league and the lowest paid coach in the league and with about half the staff than majority of other NBA teams. Then we hear things like, because the product on the floor is ****, the people are not coming to the games. Its more than that but how can you put a winning team on the floor when you are basically forced to keep your costs to a minimum in order to stay alive????

Sacramento has a number of top 5 longest sell out streaks in the league so in the past they have been more than happy to sell out Arco even though the Kings were perennial losers. So whats changed?! Economy! People can no longer afford to buy season tickets in the current economic climate thats hit them hard and the Kings in an outdated arena cannot generate enough other revenue to stay afloat. Maloofs have been hit hard financially, people and government of Sacramento have been hit hard financially and all that while we have an outdated arena that is not able to generate other income stream for the team. Thats the problem. Unless there is magically some $400million loose change drop from somewhere, this situation is like being put between a rock and a hard place.

I am sure Maloofs would rather put some $100+ million towards an arena in Sacramento than towards a move to be a tenant somewhere else but the problem is, there is no money to build this thing. Maloofs don't have it, city doesn't have it, no one wealthy enough is stepping forward offering it and despite all the best efforts its a long shot because there is no funds to get it done. SO there comes a point where this no longer can go on because of things remain as they are, the team faces contraction or being bought by someone and moved which is really no different to what is taking place now.
Stating the facts is "blaming The Maloofs for everything"? Are you kidding me? What are you, Grant Napear 2.0? Not a single thing you mentioned there has **** to do with NOW. Something could get done NOW if the Maloofs would cooperate.
Stating the facts is "blaming The Maloofs for everything"? Are you kidding me? What are you, Grant Napear 2.0? Not a single thing you mentioned there has **** to do with NOW. Something could get done NOW if the Maloofs would cooperate.

Has nothing to do with here and now?

Funding a problem for the arena? Still in issue
Maloofs don't have the money to throw around like they once did? Absolutely!
Sacramento still feeling the effects of GFC?! You bet!
Arco still obsolete? Absolutely!
Obsolete arena and one of the lowest attendance rates in the NBA impacting on the product on the floor? Absolutely!

So in other words, everything I have said is still an issue at this time and in some respects even a bigger issue than say 5 years ago when Maloofs had the money to throw around. Its unfortunate that the set of circumstances has conspired to get us to this point where no party is comfortable financially. The absolute best things for the Kings, Maloofs and Sacramento is to be able to build a modern arena in Sacramento. The Kings would be primary tennant with a significantly improved income stream. The arena would generate more job and hence money for Sacramento. The people of Sacramento keep their team and support them in the new arena which generates enough money for the team to put a winning product on the floor by spending money.

The issue with the arena has ALWAYS been the funding and if anything, now its even more of a long shot because the GFC has hit both parties hard to the point that neither can afford to spend $100s of millions.

Has nothing to do with here and now?

Funding a problem for the arena? Still in issue
Maloofs don't have the money to throw around like they once did? Absolutely!
Sacramento still feeling the effects of GFC?! You bet!
Arco still obsolete? Absolutely!
Obsolete arena and one of the lowest attendance rates in the NBA impacting on the product on the floor? Absolutely!

So in other words, everything I have said is still an issue at this time and in some respects even a bigger issue than say 5 years ago when Maloofs had the money to throw around. Its unfortunate that the set of circumstances has conspired to get us to this point where no party is comfortable financially. The absolute best things for the Kings, Maloofs and Sacramento is to be able to build a modern arena in Sacramento. The Kings would be primary tennant with a significantly improved income stream. The arena would generate more job and hence money for Sacramento. The people of Sacramento keep their team and support them in the new arena which generates enough money for the team to put a winning product on the floor by spending money.

The issue with the arena has ALWAYS been the funding and if anything, now its even more of a long shot because the GFC has hit both parties hard to the point that neither can afford to spend $100s of millions.
Right. There's a funding problem now. And the only way to eliminate that problem is to have folks at the top dedicated to finding a solution. We have that, more than ever before. They can't do it alone though. They need the Maloofs cooperation and help. The Maloofs have given none. They seem to have adopted the same defeatist attitude that you have that it will never work because it didn't work in the past. That's a quitter's mentality.


Hall of Famer
Rookie-no offense, but you're highjacking one thread after another with out offering anything different. Pretty sure the whole forum knows how you feel at this point.
Rookie-no offense, but you're highjacking one thread after another with out offering anything different. Pretty sure the whole forum knows how you feel at this point.
Someone stating their opinion/feelings is "high jacking a thread"? Are you for real? I may be mistaken, but to the best of my knowledge, no one has a gun to their head to reply to my posts.


Hall of Famer
Why don't the people who are having a private fight take it to PMs?

I don't think the arena has much of a chance unless someone shows me where the money is coming from. KJ has great intentions. At some point you need money.
The arena is not viable and hasn't been for some time. People will point how Kings are making money, sure with the lowest payroll in the league and the lowest paid coach in the league and with about half the staff than majority of other NBA teams. Then we hear things like, because the product on the floor is ****, the people are not coming to the games. Its more than that but how can you put a winning team on the floor when you are basically forced to keep your costs to a minimum in order to stay alive????

So true.
No one who owns a pro sport team gets into it to make money. That's laughably absurd. Anyone who thinks its for making profits I definitely do not want giving me investment advice. They own their sports franchise as a status symbol and glorious play thing hobby. Virtually all pro sports teams lose money, always have, always will. Even the ones that make money generally only turn a little chi-ching profit, not like its some main source of income supporting the empire. You never make a killing except when you sell, especially if you hold the investment long enough.
Exactly. If I were bashing Sacramento rather than The Magoofs, there'd be no problem. God forbid anyone besmirch the precious Magoofs.
Sure enough any thread that gives a shred of hope this person from the other side of the map has to come in and pee on it. I agree man. There are a couple people who want to come into any thread and really rub our faces in this. I have no idea what made this person so angry at everything. Used to value this persons posts but now it's just a bunch of "haha you're losing you team, and since I will be a fan wherever they are then I don't care that they move".
I think the logic in that statement you quoted is flawed. No bad team turns a profit. You don't put a bad product of the floor and then cut costs to the bare minimum to turn a profit. you put a good product on the floor and the profits will take care of themselves.
Horribly, horribly, untrue.

Sterling has consistnetly put a low payroll out on the floor and consistently made a profit. Guess where he makes it? SoCal.

Further, your statement could not be further from the truth as far as businesses go. The product will not take care of themselves. Putting quality out alone does not do it. For the sake of your family, do not start a business or run a business.
Horribly, horribly, untrue.
Well of you gainsay it, I guess that makes it so, chief.

Sterling has consistnetly put a low payroll out on the floor and consistently made a profit. Guess where he makes it? SoCal.
Orly? Do you have proof of that, or are you just talking out of your ***? Because from what the NBA attendance records say, The Clippers were in the bottom third in attendance during the few years before they got Griffin.

So where’s your proof that he was turning consistent profits in spite of low attendance? Are you his accountant?
Further, your statement could not be further from the truth as far as businesses go. The product will not take care of themselves. Putting quality out alone does not do it. For the sake of your family, do not start a business or run a business.
Oh so you’re an expert on how to run a business too, I see. Too bad you aren’t an expert of reading comprehension and strawamn arguments. If you were, perhaps you’d have realized that I never claimed that quality alone does it. But it would certainly do for the Kings here in Sacramento. Perhaps you aren't familiar with the team prior to 2007 though so you wouldn't know that.

For the sake of myself and everyone who reads this forum, stop being a dunce.
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I bolded the important parts to make things easier for you. I'm sure you'll rush to offer an apology and admit you were wrong. So drink a warm glass of STFU and remember: on the Internet, bluster and snark ALWAYS FTW.....

The Clippers have posted more than $9 million in operating profits the past five seasons despite fielding one of the worst teams in the league.
What financially troubled NBA? Not in Donald Sterling’s world. He bought the team in 1981 for $13 million, it’s now worth $297 million and he’s still turning a healthy profit every year.
I know you'll have some awesomely snarky comeback, so fire away owned one. It's ok, it's just the inter web. No one can see you.
Oops. I forgot you need a link. That way it's not just me advancing my cause by making loud and smartass comments.
Yeah...and for awhile back in the late 80's/early-mid 90's he was pocketing about $15 million profit a year all while fielding a team of scrubs like Tom Garrick, Lanchaster Gordon and Matt Fish. While we poke fun at Mr. Sterling, he's made quite a hefty profit in being the 'slumlord' of LA basketball...but...he's smart in doing so!
Oops. I forgot you need a link. That way it's not just me advancing my cause by making loud and smartass comments.
Not sure which side you're on, as both of them were being kind of snarky. But just because Sterling makes a profit in LA with bad teams, I don't think that means the fans should expect that just because we play in a small market we deserve a bad team or anything so the owners can make a profit. IIRC I read something from Forbes that in 06 the Kings were the 9th highest grossing team in the NBA at like 109 million dollars. I know Rookie's facts or questions or whatever regarding DOnald Sterling may be wrong, but his point about Sac remains valid IMO. A team can turn a profit by puting a decent team on the court, and just by fielding a playoff team they were the 9th highest grossing team in the NBA. I'm not saying that a new arena isn't needed because a team can turn a profit, because it definitely is and always has been. And I think while some of the fault is on the city(primarily Heather Fargo/Steve Cohn etc.) some of the blame lies at the Maloofs feet too. For example, they are taking a mediocre deal in Anaheim and making all sorts of concessions, and if they were willing to make that many concessions in 2006 or even just a few concessions we might have an arena by now and Q&R might have passed. The city hasn't really had a chance to get an arena done since then, because Stern was pushing that Cal Expo fan that unfortunately we all know now was doomed to fail.
I bolded the important parts to make things easier for you. I'm sure you'll rush to offer an apology and admit you were wrong. So drink a warm glass of STFU and remember: on the Internet, bluster and snark ALWAYS FTW.....

I know you'll have some awesomely snarky comeback, so fire away owned one. It's ok, it's just the inter web. No one can see you.
Owned. But what else is new. Well played Dave.;)


Hall of Famer
Stating the facts is "blaming The Maloofs for everything"? Are you kidding me? What are you, Grant Napear 2.0? Not a single thing you mentioned there has **** to do with NOW.
Tell that to the boy that cried wolf. Tell that to an ex-con, that has trouble getting a job or wants to buy a gun. To think that what has happened in the past has nothing to do with the future is pure ignorance. Whats that old saying? He who forgets history is bound to repeat it. By the way, you just went on my ignore list, so don't waste your time responding to this post.