Sacramento Kings scrimmage tonight 12/15/11

I'll be curious to get the takes of those who were able to watch in person.
I thought Thomas came out with a lot of energy tonight.
Marcus looked great.
I felt that Whiteside did a good job rebounding and protecting the rim, though his FT shooting was pretty horrible. It also looked as if he wasn't able to cleanly catch a couple of interior passes, but it was hard to tell if the fumbles were on him, or just poor passes.
Donte shot the ball well, and if he is able to be consistant from the outside, he could get some playing time this season. (Especially if we don't land AK)
I also felt that Jimmer shot the ball well.
Honeycutt was active on the defensive end, but appeared to turn the ball over quite a bit on the offensive side.
Hickson was a virtual no-show out there, I was hoping to see more from him tonight.

It was just nice to see the team in action tonight.

I am a bit dismayed that 4 of our 5 starters weren't able to compete tonight. They've got a week-and-a-half to get healed up, and hopefully Hayes will be Ok.
With no vet PG on this team, we could be seeing a lot of Isiah and Jimmer everytime Reke goes down. Good for the rooks to be exposed early but not really ideal if we're looking for a playoff spot.
Yeah I know it's only a scrimmage with only a few days of practice under their belts. I was really looking forward to seeing Chuck Hayes but he just had a test that they say revealed an abnormality and will require further testing. Bummer! Whiteside’s put on bulk but he missed so many free throws I lost count. Jason Thompson also put on bulk and he looked pretty good out there scoring more than 10 points. Marcus Thornton look like he's in great shape and was scoring from all over the floor. Donte Greene had a nice touch. It took quite a while but Jimmer finally hit a three, he's got tools but he still rookie and needs a lot of work. Cisco started out on fire in a couple of threes then disappeared. All in all it's better than I expected after a few days of practice. Nice to see John Gavin Maloof at the game and I really like the black T-shirts with a logo “Big things are coming”.
we shouldve tooken one of the better guards in the draft idk somthing bout jimmer makes me think he wont be ready to play in the nba hes just so slow on d imagine if he was guarding chris paul or anyother legit pg i mean isah thomas was shakin and bakin him other then that isah looked good donte was lookin good cisco was makin hi sots thorton was playing good as always and demarcus dancing was excellent.the guy from sandiego st had a nice shot and some good moves maybe he has a chancehoneycut has nice hops had the dunk of the night for me and i think jj hickson will fit in just well and hell be a fan favorite perty quick lets see how our seaon goes kings all day
Wellllll..., what to take from tonight. Been watching this team for a lot of years and seen a lot of these fan scrimmages. :) All I can really say is compared to the other ones, these guys looked exactly like a bunch of guys who haven't practiced together enough and are tired from still being in off season shape. A whole lot of shots off the front of the rim and missed dunks. Having 4 starters out for all but 2 minutes, and then having to split the rest of the guys into two teams meant there was probably no time the entire night where 5 guys who played at the same time on the same team tonight will actually be on the floor at the same time during the regular season. lol

Some random observations in random order as I think of stuff:

Long single line to get into the arena that took a long time to get in.

All the best seats were reserved for season ticket holders, and all the free stuff pretty much was thrown into those areas.

Woefully unprepared concessions ran out of hot dogs. :)

Ok, now that the silly stuff is out of the way, here is the scrimmage stuff:

Everyone wanted Jimmer to be shooting White Chocolate style 3's all night, but to his credit he played under control and tried to get his teammates involved bouncing passes off their lead-lined hands most of the night. He made a couple long last second threes that were fun, but he was best driving in to around 8 to 10 feet and putting up soft controlled squared up little jumpers. He did OK for his first night in front of the fans.

Whiteside is good for one thing... being long and tall and frustrating guys like Hickson whose entire offense is based on trying to get close to the basket. His hands might have well been taped shut because he could catch nothing all night, and he should never ever ever EVER be taking a pass from Jimmer to shoot a 15 footer when Jimmer was open as well. lol

Thomas was fun to watch and can help the team. Seemed comfortable out there.

Thornton looked fairly good as well.

I can't remember seeing a single post-up play the entire night. Not one! If our two starting bigs are both out for any significant time we better get better than the running game we showed tonight.

I actually got a little bored with the fellows during the end. They looked tired, and in their defense the way this was set up with 4 games to 20 points the guys were out on the floor for lonnnnggg stretches at a time.

At one point I remember thinking Garcia looked like the best guy on the floor. Then I remember thinking, "man, are we in trouble if Garcia is the best guy on the floor."

Place had half emptied by the start of the third scrimmage.

So I guess we shouldn't take too much from this. Just fun to see some Kings hoops again.
Some observations

This team is much more talented this year going into training camp. Much more athletic and explosive, with guys like Hickson, Honeycutt, Thomas, and Whiteside who can really get up. Anyone see that nasty move and dunk by Honeycutt at the end of the night?

Whiteside: Offensively awkward. was fumbling ball alot, and getting it swiped when he did have the ball. Needs to learn a quick hook shot, instead of bringing the ball down, setting his feet, and then go up for the dunk. Nevertheless, extremely long and athletic. Natural shotblocker.

Thompson: hit 3 long range shots in a row. Looks like improved shooting range. This wil get him some minutes.

Jimmer: Other players definitely respected his shot, as they were all playing up on him and the bigs would stay with him on screens. Didn't have the best shooting night. Seemed to have trouble creating his own shot, but that's not what we brought him in here for.

Thornton: looks great out there. Hitting shots, and had some nice moves. The best player on the floor tonight.

Greene: Seems more mature and controlled this year. Looking forward to see his progress.

Thomas: super fast, and can penetrate with ease into the lane. He'll be a good change of pace from Jimmer.

Honeycutt: this guy is athletic. had a nasty move/dunk at the end of the night that I say would be the highlight of the night. Hoping he develops into our next Doug Christie. he certainly has the athleticism to be a great defender. Needs to work on his jumpshot and putting ball on the floor to create.
I was impressed by the rookies. Jimmer was pretty much as advertised and have seen him play enough that I wasn't surprised by what he did. Thomas I thought was just a steal for a #60 pick. He's not just super quick, he got the ball to people off his penetrating and was digging in defensively. Always seemed to be around the ball at both ends of the court. His shot was better than I had expected. He will be a great PG off the bench for high octane change of pace. Put him with some athletic big men who have good hands and you'll see nightly highlight reels served up by him. Honeycutt is very active on defense and I saw some flashes of great drives and finishes on offense. He needs to get a lot stronger and develop a perimeter game before he can see any sort of regular PT.
I was the most impressed by Thomas. He looks like an absolute play maker. He should be able to punish an opposing teams 2nd unit. Based off of what i saw if im the coach Thomas is seeing more minutes than Jimmer.
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