The goal of the Bee’s Leading Off is to: (1) put no thought into it; (2) throw out a completely half baked idea; (3) that doesn’t contain any logic; (4) can be shot down 57 ways; (5) makes people upset; (6) generates feedback. That is really what they are going for. And you folks let them do it.
It’s the equivalent of going up to a little kid and saying, “I bet you think spinach tastes better than ice cream!” The proper response to somebody so obviously trying start a dumb debate is to leave it alone.
As much as Bill Bradley does a poor job with this, his substitute teachers make him look like Frank Deford
It’s the equivalent of going up to a little kid and saying, “I bet you think spinach tastes better than ice cream!” The proper response to somebody so obviously trying start a dumb debate is to leave it alone.
As much as Bill Bradley does a poor job with this, his substitute teachers make him look like Frank Deford