[Radio Alert] Monarchs Talk, May 13th 8-9pm

First installment of Monarchs Talk comes at a very bittersweet time. After 11 seasons of duty behind the microphone for us over the summer, play by play man Jim Kozimor was among the 12 Maloof Sports and Entertainment employees let go.

Jason Ross and Krista Blunk will host the hour tonight. Take advantage of it to speak your peace about the loss of Koz...and um, yeah the upcoming season blah blah blah...

If you're not into calling? Take a minute to shoot an email to your ticket rep and/or a letter to anybody who floats your boat at One Sports Parkway or hell, make a comment in the Bee blog where they gave Koz space to say goodbye.

If you appreciated him and his work, don't let Koz go silently in the night.

Where: KHTK 1140
When: 8-9pm
How: In Towners - 916-339-1140
Out of Towners - 800-920-1140
Luv13Fan and I were the only ones to call, and the only ones to mention him.

I figured after they got through the first hour of Kings Talk without so much of a peep said about Koz that they may have been instructed or at least not encouraged to say anything about what had happened. For much of Monarchs Talk it seemed like they weren't going to talk about it unless a caller brought it up either and even then early in the show, they were hesitant to say anything.

By the time I called at the end of the show, the three hosts seemed to feel freer to express their own personal feelings and what working with Koz had meant to them.

I find that COMPLETELY unacceptable. with a capital C. It would behoove MS&E to freaking acknowledge the fact that they nixed the team's play-by-play voice of the last 10 damn years. If they want to act like it didn't matter, that's certainly their perogative but that goes completely against what MS&E says they are about. Everybody and their brother understand the economic climate they're operating in and goodness knows those of us on the WNBA side of the hall, understand that the situation is a little more tenuous.

But come freaking on MS&E....own the hell up to the decision you made and that you had to make it. I'm sure they have computers in Las Vegas. Is Amick's blog REALLY going to be the last word on this? Really? Unacceptable.....

Seriously, if Gary Gerould was the one let go it would go this way on the Kings side of the hall? Seriously?!? UN-AC-CEPT-A-BLE because I know it wouldn't have!
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When I called in, I wasn't sure what the marching orders were regarding the KOZ subject.

I Spent most of the day having a Big Hissy fit about Koz. MS&E actions were bush league IMO. It was wrong and foul but I didn't want to have that come out so I opted on stating all the positive aspects of having KOZ apart of My Monarch experience.

Since Maiga was a featured guest, I made mention of some of the intangibles that she brought to the team. That she was more than an outstanding athlete with size and quickness, but that she had a steadiness and calming effect in the lockerroom that I believed this team missed.
And I did asked what they thought about about our backcourt compared to other backcourts in the league. A question that was asked to Coach Mo later on in the show. Coach Mo gaave the standard answer Chelsea feels she is in the best shape of her career, Maiga can guard 1-5 position... Blah blah blah.
Of course none of our coaches would say that "Gee our backcourt is mediocre compared to the rest of the backcourts in the league, but we really couldn't do better. Hopefully we won't get burned too badly. Or that hopefully Maiga and Kara can keep the offense moving from the 2 guard."

We also talked about having the all the players available for camp, which according to Coach Mo hadn't happen since 1997.

I know there something else I am missing. But can't remember right now.