First installment of Monarchs Talk comes at a very bittersweet time. After 11 seasons of duty behind the microphone for us over the summer, play by play man Jim Kozimor was among the 12 Maloof Sports and Entertainment employees let go.
Jason Ross and Krista Blunk will host the hour tonight. Take advantage of it to speak your peace about the loss of Koz...and um, yeah the upcoming season blah blah blah...
If you're not into calling? Take a minute to shoot an email to your ticket rep and/or a letter to anybody who floats your boat at One Sports Parkway or hell, make a comment in the Bee blog where they gave Koz space to say goodbye.
If you appreciated him and his work, don't let Koz go silently in the night.
Where: KHTK 1140
When: 8-9pm
How: In Towners - 916-339-1140
Out of Towners - 800-920-1140
Jason Ross and Krista Blunk will host the hour tonight. Take advantage of it to speak your peace about the loss of Koz...and um, yeah the upcoming season blah blah blah...
If you're not into calling? Take a minute to shoot an email to your ticket rep and/or a letter to anybody who floats your boat at One Sports Parkway or hell, make a comment in the Bee blog where they gave Koz space to say goodbye.
If you appreciated him and his work, don't let Koz go silently in the night.
Where: KHTK 1140
When: 8-9pm
How: In Towners - 916-339-1140
Out of Towners - 800-920-1140