R.I.P. Maurice Sendak (author of Where the Wild Things Are)

following the untimely death of MCA, a paragon of my adolescence, comes news that Maurice Sendak, a paragon of my childhood, has passed, as well...

Maurice Sendak, children's author, dies at 83


it is strange to watch these important figures of my youth fade before my eyes...

i suppose this means i'm getting older...

but i don't think Mr. Sendak would want me to think that way...

so i shall do my best to remember what it means to be a wild thing...

without the imagination of mr. sendak as my earliest guide, and without a few teachers willing to embrace my pursuit of the creative, i might not be who i am today...

its staggering to be reminded of how much influence one silly, lovely person can have on culture (and the kids) at large...

bring da rumpus!!

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Well, hopefully he just went to where the wild things are. RIP Mr. Sendak.

He didn't grace my childhood, but I certainly read "Where the Wild Things Are" to my son. :)