Props to the Hawks

I know its a long season and they have a long way to go, but damn if the Hawks haven't done a good job to start the season. Some good wins against good teams too. Looks like that Celtics series has carried over to this season. Joe Johnson has been a beast. Good for them.


Disgruntled Kings Fan
Watching the Hawks vs Celtics game and the ****ing Celtics TV analysts are whining and being crazy unprofessional, screaming and going OH WOW CLEAN AS CAN BE 5 POINTS OFF NONSENSICAL CALLS

can't watch that crap
That was a great game. And without Josh Smith and Zaza. Had me on the edge of my seat the entire second half.

I hated how PP was crying about fouls while Joe was on the other side getting hit more than him without a freakin call.
I don't like the Celtics. They're a dirty team if you ask me. The Hawks really put up a good fight, and I don't think Charles Barkley's prediction of them not making the playoffs is gonna come true
To lose by one point on the second night of a back to back game, have a discrepancy of fouls in the 4th quarter, many players with foul trouble and Zaza's out the second half while doing all you can against Paul Pierce in the end....

Not bad being 6-1.

I definitely give props to the Hawks for doing the best they could and falling .5 short.
I was hoping I could catch this game..I was hoping the Hawks could beat the Celtics...btw. How's Mike Bibby doing? I haven't seen him play since we traded him.