One Pick Away From Greatness

'17 Josh Jackson #4 ----- De'Aaron Fox #5
'11 Adam Hanga #59 ----- Isaiah Thomas #60
'10 Wesley Johnson #4 ----- DeMarcus Cousins #5

I get it...We nailed the three picks that you just threw out there. That still doesn't make up for the fact that we could have had a team consisting of Dame, Klay, and Luka. And maybe even DeMarcus. Now, can anyone out there provide an argument AGAINST that being a legitimate playoff team???

Capt. Factorial

ceterum censeo delendum esse Argentum
Staff member
I get it...We nailed the three picks that you just threw out there.
I mean, the thing to "get" here is that there's a tremendous tendency for people to overemphasize things that we (or any other team) got wrong while underemphasizing things that we (or any other team) got right. Drafting is hard. As I pointed out just earlier today, it can be argued that only 1 in every 15 draft picks is the "right" pick, yet we mercilessly abuse ourselves for the 14 of 15 times we don't nail it perfectly as if we're the only team that screws things up.

It does grate me that our fans tend to hold the team to unrealistic standards with respect to the draft. Sorry, but that's the way I'm built. Why do we have to be so incessantly negative when we have successes too? And why do we have to throw this out there the day after the draft, when we should be coming together behind the guy we picked and hoping for a bright future?
I mean, the thing to "get" here is that there's a tremendous tendency for people to overemphasize things that we (or any other team) got wrong while underemphasizing things that we (or any other team) got right. Drafting is hard. As I pointed out just earlier today, it can be argued that only 1 in every 15 draft picks is the "right" pick, yet we mercilessly abuse ourselves for the 14 of 15 times we don't nail it perfectly as if we're the only team that screws things up.

It does grate me that our fans tend to hold the team to unrealistic standards with respect to the draft. Sorry, but that's the way I'm built. Why do we have to be so incessantly negative when we have successes too? And why do we have to throw this out there the day after the draft, when we should be coming together behind the guy we picked and hoping for a bright future?
Just to be clear, I am 100% behind Keegan Murray, and am hopeful that he becomes an integral part of our "bright future".

I am not trying to be negative at all, but when the media constantly berates your franchise for missing out on what has become all star level talent and, at times, hall of fame level talent, you can't really escape that narrative. It sucks. It stings. And while some of us do want to continue to support the team moving forward, and are trying to do just that, that doesn't eliminate us from reflecting back and asking ourselves "What if?"
One other point I want to make, and it's one that I hope some (if not all) on this board have been able to conclude since I've joined, and more so over the past few days when I've been a bit more active posting leading up to the draft....


I think Monte is going to flip the narrative that has been haunting this team for the longest time. The one that focuses on our draft day mistakes. I don't think Monte is one to easily get sucked into making a pick that doesn't fit, or trading a pick if he feels there is some value in that pick.

The only issue is that we have an owner who wants his fingerprints all over those decisions, and that, I think, is going to eventually hurt this team more than anything.
Just to be clear, I am 100% behind Keegan Murray, and am hopeful that he becomes an integral part of our "bright future".

I am not trying to be negative at all, but when the media constantly berates your franchise for missing out on what has become all star level talent and, at times, hall of fame level talent, you can't really escape that narrative. It sucks. It stings. And while some of us do want to continue to support the team moving forward, and are trying to do just that, that doesn't eliminate us from reflecting back and asking ourselves "What if?"
What if? You change any one of those picks, everything else that happened after would be on a time line that no longer exists. For better or worse. Do you really want to test the theory that it couldn't be worse?
I get it...We nailed the three picks that you just threw out there. That still doesn't make up for the fact that we could have had a team consisting of Dame, Klay, and Luka. And maybe even DeMarcus. Now, can anyone out there provide an argument AGAINST that being a legitimate playoff team???
Cuz, klay for sure maybe dame, but no way they are in a position Luka if those 3 are already on the team.
I mean, the thing to "get" here is that there's a tremendous tendency for people to overemphasize things that we (or any other team) got wrong while underemphasizing things that we (or any other team) got right. Drafting is hard. As I pointed out just earlier today, it can be argued that only 1 in every 15 draft picks is the "right" pick, yet we mercilessly abuse ourselves for the 14 of 15 times we don't nail it perfectly as if we're the only team that screws things up.

It does grate me that our fans tend to hold the team to unrealistic standards with respect to the draft. Sorry, but that's the way I'm built. Why do we have to be so incessantly negative when we have successes too? And why do we have to throw this out there the day after the draft, when we should be coming together behind the guy we picked and hoping for a bright future?
Thank you for this post. It’s getting a bit ridiculous now, as if nearly every franchise in this league doesn’t have some blunders we can list. Warriors included (and their list is longer than ours).
If you draft Dame Lillard and are in position to draft Luka years later, then your franchise has likely still a disaster all that time. That’s not how the draft works, guys. There’s no way we could have had all of these guys at one time.
OR your franchise may have also gotten unlucky, and an injury to a key player or two could have very well doomed your season. Just like the Spurs back when they drafted Tim Duncan. No way he lands up in San Antonio had Robinson been healthy the season before.

But, yes, you are right, with a healthy roster, the chance of constructing such a roster would not have been possible with the later picks.
OK, I get the pushback on this post, and maybe the timing wasn't right. I don't want this to explode into something bigger than it already has become.

As was pointed out in an earlier post, maybe the timing wasn't right, seeing that we're one day removed from the draft; I get that. I respect that.

I apologize for starting the conversation; Can we close this post and "lock it up" somewhere so no one can ever see this ever again????


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Those are three of the worst picks in franchise history. And two of them were by 2 time Executive of the Year Geoff Petrie! Which just speaks to what @Capt. Factorial was saying. Even the best get it wrong a lot of the time. And it's not always about the player, sometimes it's also about the team environment they're joining and whether the development staff are doing their jobs.
Those are three of the worst picks in franchise history. And two of them were by 2 time Executive of the Year Geoff Petrie! Which just speaks to what @Capt. Factorial was saying. Even the best get it wrong a lot of the time. And it's not always about the player, sometimes it's also about the team environment they're joining and whether the development staff are doing their jobs.
This is spot on. Had we drafted any of these players or someone like Giannis or Kawhi would they have developed into the players they are while playing in this dysfunctional organization? Impossible to say, but likely not.
That still doesn't make up for the fact that we could have had a team consisting of Dame, Klay, and Luka. And maybe even DeMarcus.
#77 was drafted 6 years after Dame and Klay. Had they landed those two players, along with having DeMarcus, there wasn’t much of a realistic chance they’d have been top 3 in 2018 to get him.

So, no, the KINGS couldn’t have had a team consisting of those three via the draft.

They undoubtedly could have had Steph Curry in 2009 then DeMarcus in 2010 though. And likely the opportunity to add Klay Thompson or Kawhi Leonard or even Jimmy Butler in 2011.

That was much more of a real possibility all things considered.

Or had things still transpired as they did through 2011, they could have realistically drafted Dame in 2012 then Giannis in 2013 then Nikola Jokic in 2014.

In hindsight I believe most of us would prefer either of those latter two core of players.
Thank you for this post. It’s getting a bit ridiculous now, as if nearly every franchise in this league doesn’t have some blunders we can list. Warriors included (and their list is longer than ours).
how many of those franchises haven’t made the playoffs in 15 years? There’s a reason we get bashed more than most. It’s because we’ve sucked more than most.