

Super Moderator Emeritus
I can't remember the last time I watched the Niners win in overtime, even if it was pre-season!


Some VERY nice defenisve work!


VF21 said:
I can't remember the last time I watched the Niners win in overtime, even if it was pre-season!


Some VERY nice defenisve work!


actually, the only two times the Niners won any games last year were the overtime wins against the Cardinals.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Hmmmmm. Funny. I seem to have forgotten all about last season...

In fact, in VF21World I seem to be focusing on years when guys named Montana and then Young were the QB. It's a lot more fun that way.



im telling you.... our defense is HOTT!!!!!! and the rookie derrick johnson is gonna be a stud.... in 3 preseason games he has 3 picks 1 fumble recovery and is showing some promising stuff...... not to mention a 80 some yard interception returned for a touchdown!

on the other hand our 1st round pick from last year(rashuan woods) is about to be cut..... when we first got him i thought the boy was gonna be a beast.... i sure was wrong!

and wasnt it great watching alex smith lead a scoring drive for the win? even though hicks did most of the work im sure it boosted his confidence.....
ya 49ers rocked in that game, and ya watching smith do a couple good passes in that td drive was nice, because im still not convinced about him being worth the 1st pick
I didn't get to see it, but I'm glad we won. Of to a great start, already won as many games as we did all last season (I'm trying to forget it too!) and we've only played 3. I like what I'm hearing about us so far.
Fillmoe said:
im telling you.... our defense is HOTT!!!!!! and the rookie derrick johnson is gonna be a stud.... in 3 preseason games he has 3 picks 1 fumble recovery and is showing some promising stuff...... not to mention a 80 some yard interception returned for a touchdown!

on the other hand our 1st round pick from last year(rashuan woods) is about to be cut..... when we first got him i thought the boy was gonna be a beast.... i sure was wrong!

and wasnt it great watching alex smith lead a scoring drive for the win? even though hicks did most of the work im sure it boosted his confidence.....
we are not going cut woods, thats going to be 2.5 million on the salary cap

derrick johnson is likely the sleeper of the draft
ya i see, i just like football in general and i watch every 49er game i can, i would be caring more about the colts games except my favorite player is injured but im still upset that they havent won a game.
The niners defense is going to help them win some games this year. Our problem is our offensive line. If we had an offensive line to protect our QB's we'd actually be a bit of a threat. The O line has gotten better, but it will be at least one more season or two, before it might growin into a good O-line. ALthought, I hope they prove me wrong = D


Super Moderator Emeritus
I think the offensive line is going to dedicate their season to Thomas Herrion. If that's not a motivating factor, I don't know what would be. I would love to see them do very well, just to honor the young man who so wanted to play for the 49ers.


Was this game on local telivision for u guys up in sac?

I can't wait for the season to start so I can go to sports bars and watch them play.

Anybody from LA go to sports bars and watch the games?


Super Moderator Emeritus
kings52/23 said:
each week the game has been on cbs
Not exactly.

The game has been broadcast LOCALLY on the CBS affiliate. That's why ONEZERO didn't see it. The CBS affiliate in LA didn't carry it.

P.S. And about your signature? Pickett isn't going to get the starting job because he's simply not that good.
loopymitch said:

not nationally it hasn't and according to the schedule I won't see them all season:(
Yeah I hear ya. During the preseason I at least get to watch the niners since I have the NFL Network and am in Sactown. About to go back up to college in another state where I will be lucky to find a niners game on. Same goes for the Kings since the national media fell out of love with them.


Ah man. My cousins a diehard football fan and a diehard packers fan. Anyways, he told me that the niners were really close to grabbing defensive tackle corey simon. But I just read on espn that he is close to signing with the colts. What a burn.


You two, stop your bickering.......................................AND BOW DOWN TO THE BOLTS!.


52-25 in the superbowl. Nuff' said sannity. Haha. Its all good. I like the chargers. I was @ the chargers/packers game back in december '03.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Okay, that's enough!

This is a thread about the NINERS. The San Francisco 49ers. Period.

If you people want to root for other teams, start your own bleeping thread.

:D ;)
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I am a Raiders Fan and here is a joke from me to you 49ers fans :D :

A kid's parents are getting divorced and they are all going to the Court to find out where the kid will stay with. So the Juror askes the kids, where he wants to live.

Juror: Do you want to live with your mom?
Kid: No, no, she beats me up, and dont i want to live with her, please!
Juor: OK
Juror: You want to live with your father?
Kid: No, no, he beats me up too and please dont make me live with him! Please!
Juror: OK
Juror: Where you want to live then?
Kid: I want to live with the 49ers because they don't beat anyone!!


Dont hurt me 49er fans.....:p