NCAA Football

anyone except me and loopymitch excited about college football?

I'm a Cal fan (dad went), so I'm trying to be optomistic and say we're gonna beat USC again. Anyone agree?

Feel free to post whichever school you root for and any speculation on the season. I'll do so myself eventually.
GO BEARS!!!! ROLL ON YOU BEARS!!!! (Both Parents went there)

Beat USC again? We should've won last year. ST screwed us.

If we can find a Quarterback (we did pick up a kid from a community college) and with Lynch I think we will come in 2nd in our conference but USC is just too good.

In the end its all about our defense.



Don't really got a favorite team, but I do like both usc and ucla. I've always pretty much liked miami also. Usc is gonna be a monster again with leinart coming back and they still have lightning and thunder in bush and white. Cal will need to find a quarterback with rodgers on the packers now. I guess cal really likes quarterbacks that transfer from junior colleges cause I believe rodgers was a junior college transfer as well.
Go Bears! (like Bibby Is Clutch, both parents went there and I used to go to the games every season as a kid)

I would like to root for my alma mater, but I don't really wanna see what Utah State does in football this year. They might set a new record for futility. Basketball, on the other hand, is something I can get excited about. ;)
Yeah, Tedford likes Joseph Ayoob, a JuCo transfer, a lot. Some, including Tedford, say he isn't on quite the level Rodgers was on when Aaron came from Chico State, but still. Another awesome sign is that Tedford says the starting gig is up for grabs between Ayoob and a redshirt freshman, Nate Longshore. I'm really happy about that, because unless he jumps early, we'll have him for the next 4 seasons. *does happy dance* So if he is already at a starter-quality level, it's fun to imagine where he will be in the future.

Marshawn Lynch has been talked about in every article on Cal for the upcoming season, but people still seem to underestimate him, IMO. He refuses to go down on most plays, and I think he is capable of the same as Adrian Peterson, even though Lynch was ranked behind Peterson coming into college according to a lot of scouting services.

He is explosive...and #24...reminscent of Bobby J :D. lol

But anyways, Cal's D is gonna be a huge point this year, after we lost 8 starters. McClesky is coming back though. I really see this as a lesser year than last year, but we were numero dos last year as far as overall defense goes, so a downgrade was pretty obvious.

Overall, I really do see a good posibility of Cal running the table this year. We've had USC's number all of the last three years, winning once and coming very close the other two (anyone watching the game last year knows we dominated the whole game).

I'm very excited about this coming season, and even more excited about the year after, when Leinart is gone (and possibly Bush along with him) and Lynch is even better.



hoopsfan said:
How can that be?? There's gotta be a rule about that or something. ;) it goes against the laws of nature.
Well, tell that to the lakers/kings fan we have on this board... Hahahaha.
It's kind of difficult to get excited for PAC10 football. There's USC, you can maybe make an argument for Cal for that one upset, after that there is nobody at all.

I think the most excitement will be in the SEC, ACC, Big10 and Big12 South (in that order)

FSU vs. Miami next up...

Poor Vf, been in the forest too long;)
Obviously I'm a diehard Bulldog and even though we lost our 2 top players, we're still in better shape then Auburn. Why we're only ranked 13 in the preseason is beyond me but they do that just about every year and thankfully we usually prove them wrong. I really don't see anybody beating USC, they're just too good especially with Leinart back.
The hardest conference is the SEC, we usually have 3 teams at least in the top 10 and 4 or 5 in the top 20. This is the best time of year, there's nothing like between the hedges in the fall and hopefully I'll get to at least one game this year.
red and black rules


Super Moderator Emeritus
BobbyJ_for3! said:
*pats VF on the back*

its ok, we all understand.

I predict a 7-4 season. Maybe next year VF.

My support of the Miami Hurricanes is long-standing and deep-rooted. It doesn't depend on their winning, although it's naturally a lot more fun to root for a winning team than a losing one.

Basically, how can you NOT root for a team that has a force of nature as its mascot?

VF21 said:
My support of the Miami Hurricanes is long-standing and deep-rooted. It doesn't depend on their winning, although it's naturally a lot more fun to root for a winning team than a losing one.

Basically, how can you NOT root for a team that has a force of nature as its mascot?

Oh, I know winning isn't what matters. Not like I would know, but I think the Kings until 98 weren't exactly the example of winning.

Love them throughout, not when they are good. No fair weather. I'm right there with you.

I was just saying I was sorry they arn't very good this year.

And about the mascot...honestly, I swim team is the Wave. How can a Dolphin or a Shark swim team beat a WAVE!!! :D
VF21 said:
My support of the Miami Hurricanes is long-standing and deep-rooted. It doesn't depend on their winning, although it's naturally a lot more fun to root for a winning team than a losing one.

Basically, how can you NOT root for a team that has a force of nature as its mascot?

I hate to be nik-picky VF, but Miami's mascot is actually Sebastian the Ibis. Their nickname is the hurricanes.

By the way, my Nole's will finally stomp the Canes this Monday night


Super Moderator Emeritus
JonBoy418 said:
I hate to be nik-picky VF, but Miami's mascot is actually Sebastian the Ibis. Their nickname is the hurricanes.

By the way, my Nole's will finally stomp the Canes this Monday night
That's okay. You can be nit-picky. ;) Especially since you're right. I should have said "as its namesake" and not "as its mascot"...


Homer Fan Since 1985
Hey, JonBoy118, I am a Noles fan, as well. My nephew went there and our whole family got behind Florida State several years ago.

I went to University of San Francisco. I never did get behind their sports programs.
Less than 48 hours to go till our first game which is a tough one against Boise St. Getting very excited.
I think I'm actually going to one or two of them this year which will be great as it's been more than a couple of years since the last one I attended which is when I was in school.
loopymitch said:
Damn So.Car. won. Words cannot express how much I dislike Spurrier from his Fl. days.
Now see, I cannot tell you how torn I am about this. I am going to have MAJOR issues. I grew up an hour north of Columbia. When it came to football, you had to be a Carolina or Clemson fan. I would get kicked out of my family if I cheered for Clemson, so Carolina was my only option. I CANNOT ABIDE SPURRIER. I can't stand the Gators. So what am I supoosed to do? I HAVE to root for Carolina if I want to remain a part of my family, but i CANNOT cheer for Spurrier!! What's a girl to do???

By the way, LSU is going to take care of business this year!!!
chelle said:
Now see, I cannot tell you how torn I am about this. I am going to have MAJOR issues. I grew up an hour north of Columbia. When it came to football, you had to be a Carolina or Clemson fan. I would get kicked out of my family if I cheered for Clemson, so Carolina was my only option. I CANNOT ABIDE SPURRIER. I can't stand the Gators. So what am I supoosed to do? I HAVE to root for Carolina if I want to remain a part of my family, but i CANNOT cheer for Spurrier!! What's a girl to do???

By the way, LSU is going to take care of business this year!!!

You're lucky , you don't have to play us or that would be one in the loss column.:) Maybe we can meet in the SEC championship game.
If you do decide to root for Carolina then you're losing on the 10th.
Simple solution, chelle, become a Dawg.;)
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Tha's ALMOST as bad as being a Gator!! I'll stick with the Tigers to be standing at the end! Of course, I do have to hang with the Gamecocks when they play. Old habits die hard and some of us just seem to seek out heartache.
chelle said:
Tha's ALMOST as bad as being a Gator!!:mad: I'll stick with the Tigers to be standing at the end! Of course, I do have to hang with the Gamecocks when they play. Old habits die hard and some of us just seem to seek out heartache.

Nothing is as bad as being a gator, except maybe a yellow jacket.
Just be ready for some of that heartache in 8 days!:)
You're right, nothing is as bad as being a Gator!! Heartache for Carolina losing (always sad if not uncommon) or heartache because Spurrier won? Either way, I lose. Kind of stinks!!