NBA Cup Court Leak?

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member

It looks like there may be a leak of the NBA Cup court for the Kings this year.

If this is accurate, I'm a plus on the gray (the harsh colors of some of the courts last year made viewing rough during some games), but maybe a minus on the design. There's a bit too much going on. The concentric circles? OK. The crown-herringbone design? OK. Both? A bit much.

It looks like there may be a leak of the NBA Cup court for the Kings this year.

If this is accurate, I'm a plus on the gray (the harsh colors of some of the courts last year made viewing rough during some games), but maybe a minus on the design. There's a bit too much going on. The concentric circles? OK. The crown-herringbone design? OK. Both? A bit much.
Yeah, it's a little bit busy.
I actually think it looks kinda cool. But what do I know.

At the end of the day, it's just a hardwood court for playing the game of basketball. As long as it isn't super distracting, I couldn't care less what it looks like.
I actually think it looks kinda cool. But what do I know.

At the end of the day, it's just a hardwood court for playing the game of basketball. As long as it isn't super distracting, I couldn't care less what it looks like.
Yeah, it's not terrible. We have to see what it looks like on camera. Lines sometimes don't play games on video. I would hope they did screen tests just to make sure.